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Telos: Necromancy


This guide assumes very strong understanding of everything found in #telos-basic and #Stuns & Mechanics Overview. The rotations listed below are ideally used at 1000%+ enrage. However, they will generally work at a lower enrage as well, and it is encouraged to learn these rotations as early as possible to build good habits and muscle memory. The mahj set-up is for the fastest kills, while the equilibriumaura set-up is more budget-oriented.

Telos earnings
An average kill at 2449% enrage is worth coins 8,336,437 in uniques. This assumes an estimated orb price of coins 46,531,333. Grandmaster players can get up to 18.7 kph, earning coins 155,891,369/hr.

Notable Enrage Checkpoints and Changes (999+)

1000% P4 one rock will fall, P5 multiple rocks will fall, immortality no longer works P5, and Telos will freedom stuns and binds with a 16 tick cooldown

2000% "So you think you can guard?" Achievement, aka Silver Warden

2700% Tendrils damage required caps at 30,000

3300% The first prayer drain on P3 will smite you from full unless Telos touches the beam.

4000% Hard enrage cap; "True Warden" achievement, aka Gold Warden

Presets and Relics

wardenlegs90 switch with clearheaded and turtling4 for p4 volcanic golems and p5 cade. Helps to have zemouregalsnexus and malletops perk for extra cade duration.

⬥ Rune pouches for smokecloud veng sbslunars disrupt prismofrestoration

kwuarmsticks, spiritsticks, and lantasticks incense sticks used at bank.

mahj preset:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• ripperpouch with ripperscroll (set to 1) or reaverpouch with reaverscroll (set to 5) are to be used.

equilibriumaura preset:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• pocket slot can be underworldgrimoire4/ scriptureofamascut > armabook > scriptureofwen

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• reaverpouch + reaverscroll autofire rate set to 8.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• hellhoundpouch for safer pushing

Equilibrium Rotation equilibriumaura


⬥ Prebuilding stacks at wars is required for consistently surviving phase 2 at higher enrages (2000%+).

⬥ Optional: to reduce P1-2 RNG up to 4k you can staffoflight eofspec at adrenaline crystal.

Dummy at War's Retreat: threadsoffatesoulsaptouchofdeath (should end on 4 necrosis 3 residualsoul) → enter instance.

conjurearmylifetransfercommandghostsplitsoulinvokedeath → (wait 2t) surgecommandskeleton

Phase 1

(tc) + bloat + vulnbombdeathskulls + adrenrenewalomniguard specsoulsapnecroautotouchofdeathsoulsapnecroauto + surge

Phase 2

livingdeathtouchofdeathcommandskeletonfingerofdeathnecroauto → (tendrils) volleyofsoulsdivertsoulsapdeathskullstouchofdeathsoulsapcommandskeletonfingerofdeathsoulsapnecroauto

Phase 3

bloatsplitsoulsoulsapdeathskullscommandzombie + dive redbeamcommandskeletonfingerofdeathsoulsaptouchofdeath

Phase 4

⬥ For information on how to use sticky bombs stickybomb in phase 4 for minions effectively please see #Melee Telos

⬥ Equip your clearheaded 4 clearheaded and turtling turtling4 switch

clearheaded anti used here requires taking the fonts slow, or it won't be off cd for font 2.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Alternatively, use freedom before volleyofsouls in font 1.

⬥ ( soulsap ) in font 1 is optional, and should only be needed if you're at 4/5 stacks due to phasing p2/3 faster.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• touchofdeath in font 1 is also optional, and may be skipped if needed. fingerofdeath will cost 20% adrenaline which can be improvised around.

⬥ Use adrenrenewal at the end of font 3 if needed, to reach 100% adrenaline for p4 start.

50% adren: omniguard specdeathguard90 eofspectouchofdeathconjurearmy + dive to font

<50% adren: soulstrikesoulstrikedeathguard70 specsoulsaptouchofdeathconjurearmy + dive to font

Font 1

res / divertprepclearheaded anticonjurearmy → ( soulsap / necroauto ) → commandghosttouchofdeathvolleyofsoulsfingerofdeath + surge + dive

Font 2

resreflectprepclearheaded antithreadsoffatesoulsapvolleyofsoulsdeathguard90 eofspecsoulsap + surge + dive

Font 3


Phase 5

⬥ For more information on timing & moving efficiently throughout p5, read: #P5 Movement & Timing

invokedeath + surgereflect → (tc) + nat + vitality + rod + vulnbomb → (anti if redgolem ) deathskullslivingdeathdeathskullsturtling4 cadesplitsoulfingerofdeathfingerofdeath until dead

T95 Mahjarrat Rotation mahj


⬥ Prebuilding stacks at wars is recommended as it allows you to achieve a more consistent phase 1 and 2.

⬥ Optional: to reduce P1-2 RNG up to 4k you can staffoflight eofspec at adrenaline crystal.

⬥ if invokelordofbones is not owned, skip in prebuild and use rod or asr instead of reaverring P1 to P4

Dummy at War's Retreat: soulsapthreadsoffatetouchofdeathsoulsap (should end on 4 necrosis 4 residualsoul)

conjurearmy + (sbslunars)veng + (sbslunars)disruptlifetransfercommandghost + cinderbanesinvokedeath → ‎ ‎invokelordofboneslivingdeath + adrenrenewal → (wait 2 ticks) → surgecommandskeleton / limitless devo

Phase 1

ingen praeswand + (tc) + smokecloud + vulnbomb + omniguardtouchofdeathdeathskullsomniguard specnecroautofingerofdeathnecroautofingerofdeathsoulsapnecroautotouchofdeathanti or deathguard70 eofspec if not phased

Phase 2

⬥ This phase's rotation varies slightly depending how many autos Telos still has remaining before tendrils.

⬥ Optionally (At higher enrages / long streaks):

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• ‎ ‎res/divert telos' 3rd auto after tendrils

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• ‎ ‎ ‎Use devo for onslaught hits.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• ‎ ‎ ‎Ensure ending with 85%+ adrenaline for safer Phase 3.

2 autos:

splitsoulbloatnecroautocommandskeleton → wait 1t + volleyofsoulstouchofdeathfingerofdeathsoulsapnecroautonecroauto

1 auto:

splitsoulbloat → ‎ ‎commandskeletonvolleyofsoulsfingerofdeathtouchofdeathfingerofdeathsoulsapnecroautonecroauto

0 autos:

splitsoulbloat → ‎ ‎volleyofsoulscommandskeletontouchofdeathfingerofdeathsoulsapnecroautonecroauto soulsapnecroauto

Phase 3

⬥ Replace first soulsap by debil if prioritising safety.

divert should catch a smite or nuke if not phased*

Phase 3 rotation:

bloat + vulnbombtouchofdeathsoulsapcommandskeletondeathskulls + dive red beam → soulsapcommandzombiefingerofdeath + 2t surge to jump spot → soulsapnecroauto (phased) → divert

Phase 4

⬥ For information on how to use sticky bombs stickybomb in phase 4 for minions effectively please see #Melee Telos

⬥ Font 2: commandskeleton only if soulsap is 1t before or on-tick for You dare to defy me? voiceline.

⬥ Font 3: if no invokelordofbones can invokedeath here instead of during prebuild.

bloattouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspecsoulsap + dive font 1

Font 1

divertreflectprepfreedomsoulsap + stickybomb golems → touchofdeath + move away → telos + volleyofsoulsomniguard specconjurearmy + dive surge font 2

Font 2

necroautocommandghostanticlearheadedres/divert + stickybomb golems → threadsoffatesoulsap + move away → commandskeleton → (target + vulnbomb telos → volleyofsoulsdeathguard70 eofspecdive + surge font 3

Font 3

preptouchofdeathdevodivertfreedom (equip rod) → invokelordofbonesbloodsiphon → (wait for instakill message) fingerofdeath → (tc) golem necroauto + (sbslunars)disrupt

Phase 5

⬥ For more information on timing & moving efficiently throughout p5, read: #P5 Movement & Timing

⬥ For safety reflect can be used in p5 between invokedeath and splitsoul

⬥ For backbeam you can stickybomb the corner (see video @24:00).

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• if redgolem this also works, or replace touchofdeath by anticlearheaded instead.

⬥ For speeds: can equip reaverring after cade, and can surge+dive to red beam after fingerofdeath for a slightly faster p5.

Side Beam

invokedeath → (wait 2t) → surgesplitsouldive into green beam + nat + vitality → (anticlearheaded if redgolem →) deathskullslivingdeathdeathskullscadefingerofdeathfingerofdeathdeathguard70 eofspecomniguard'spec

Back Beam

invokedeath → (wait 2t) → surgesplitsoul → diagonal dive + commandzombie + stickybomb corner → touchofdeath → ‎ ‎nat + vitalitydeathskullslivingdeathdeathskullscadefingerofdeathdeathguard70 eofspecomniguard'spec

Example kills

equilibriumaura rotation:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Equilibrium Necro Telos 4k

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Equilibrium Necro Telos 2449%

mahj rotation:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Necro Telos example kills

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Necro Telos P5 backbeam + red golem example