Kerapac, the Bound - Solo Magic
This guide assumes you are already familiar with the basic mechanics of Kerapac which can be seen here #kerapac-hm-basic and own BIS gear in Magic.
It is highly recommended to have a Nodon dragonkin slayer task as the helmet boost does work. You may also use the Premier Artefact
to have a 10% chance to not decrease the slayer task count with each kill.
These rotations cater to a max mage setup. Due to the randomness of critical strikes affecting your rotation when under
and the mechanic of
, it is difficult to have a definitive rotation which means that improvisation will be necessary.
can be used instead of
as you will not be having any hitchance issues during the fight and it lowers Kerapac's magic level and applies a 1-minute accuracy debuff making it less likely for him to hit you. It also does the same damage and has the same adrenaline cost along with a cheap cost to purchase.
Presets and Relics
Additional Considerations/Info
⬥ An can be used alongside an
for phases 1 through 3, switching to
only for special attacks and for phase 4. This should be around a 1% damage increase in exchange for extra effort.
• Ensure you use the Leech Magic and Leech Magic Strength curses when using until P4, where you switch to
⬥ may also be used in exchange for an inventory slot and time gathering them although be wary when using them on echoes as they can sometimes run too far thus making them disappear, they will also continue attacking echoes even after death disallowing you to use another until you move far enough away.
⬥ Headhunter's thrill bracelets may be used as a switch to prolong slayer tasks. The Trophy-Taker's perk also does the same.
Phase 1
⬥ IMPORTANT: The following rotations have not been updated to account for changes on 5 June 2023.
⬥ Use on floor the tick after
's voiceline appears in chat box. If playing with audio, this is the tick after he says
⬥ It's assumed that is equipped as much as possible while its spec is active. For more information, type
in #bot-commands
(Autocast )
→ Stand under +
(move out from underneath) →
→ (2H)
→ basic /
(move from the jump) →
→ basic /
from the second jump) →
→ Improvise with basics or
depending on hp.
Sunshine Cooldown Issues on P1 → P2 Transition
If pushing faster times, cooldown will be an issue as it delays your ability to use
early in P2. If this scenario is encountered, using
early is the solution.
⬥ Option A - more time in P1 sun, slower warp
Use the above rotation, and simply swap and
⬥ Option B - less time in P1 sun, faster warp
the tick after
spawns on the balcony →
floor → (tc)
→ continue as per above
Phase 2
Depending on where Kerapac phased during P1 you’ll have to somewhat loosely use one of these rotations:
⬥ Before/After jump 1:
(as he raises staff) →
→ Walk under +
→ 4 hit
end) →
4 hit
(switch to
) →
→ (Move from the jump) → Filler ability →
→ Improvise
⬥ After jump 2:
→ 2 hit
→ Walk under +
end) →
→ (switch to
) →
→ 3 hit
+ move from jump →
Filler ability →
→ Improvise
⬥ After jump 3:
→ Walk under +
→ (go back to
spot + switch to
→ 2 hit
+ move from jump →
→ Improvise
Phase 3
→ 1t after warp
/ filler basic (if not phased into p3) →
→ Improvise
(Try to use and
before the 2nd hit after shatter to avoid cooldown issues during p4, refer to the video below if you're struggling)
Phase 4
⬥ Echo 1
between two echoes →
(if needed, use on 2nd echo if unneeded)
⬥ Echo 2
(if tsunami is on cooldown then use it once off cooldown/skip) →
⬥ Echo 3
to third echo →
between echo and Kerapac →
(if needed, the echo dies by the
quite often so use on kerapac if so)
⬥ Kerapac
(skip till here if 60%+ adren) →
→ (
→ Improvise
(Try to save for the next kill)
Example Kills 15 KPH (Magic)