Twin Furies
The Twin Furies are located in the Heart of Gielinor, the duo consists of Nymora (left) and Avaryss (right). Entering the encounter requires 40 (or 20, with enough reputation) kill count, and 80 (boostable) Ranged . This encounter is unique in that both NPC’s share the same health pool of 200k. This means that an AoE attack will essentially do double damage if it hits both twins.
⬥ The setups and rotations in this guide feature best in slot gear. Learners may find it more helpful to refer to video guides on Youtube after learning the mechanics which can be found below.
• Learning Twin Furies with Melee
The Fight
⬥ You must continually move out of Avaryss' path (≥2 steps perpendicular).
⬥ It is possible to wrongly Target Cycle onto Avaryss. Manually click on Nymora if this happens.
⬥ While hits show, they don't deal damage. Therefore,
is not used.
Melee Strategy
Presets and Relics
This rotation aims to consistently hit 9-13s killtimes:
→ crystal to 100% adren → enter instance →
+ (tc)
→ (move out of charge)
Necromancy NM Twins 
⬥ To save a few ticks, you may summon your conjures on the move, do so any time after getting 100% adrenaline at Wars Retreat.
⬥ You may equip to dismiss and renew your conjures.
⬥ Darkness is optional to reduce damage taken.
⬥ You must continually move out of Avaryss' path. This rotation aims to finish the fight before both are attackable again.
Preset and Relics
⬥ Can use or
⬥ Gear can be upgraded as available
• would be better, but isn't required.
⬥ This rotation requires . If you don't have one, remove
from the rotation and use
where possible.
⬥ This rotation consistently hits 20-30 second kills. It requires teleporting to Wars Retreat between kills for adrenaline.
⬥ If using T95 gear you should be consistently hitting 15-second kills - you may wish to incorporate
after the T90 special.
Outside instance
⬥ →
+ right-click 'rejoin'
• Alternatively, you may skip
Inside instance
+ right-click 'quick enter' →
to north wall and walk a few tiles to the middle →
Main fight
(tc) + +
(move out of Avaryss' path) →
→ improvise until dead → loot →
Example Kills
AFK Strategy
A full guide on how to AFK Twin Furies is available here: #AFK Twin Furies