Basic Guide: Telos
This guide is made with the idea of getting started at Telos, and does not cover meta strategies, for that refer to #Magic Telos (no FSoA) or #FSOA Magic Telos, or if using other styles visit #Melee Telos and #Ranged Telos (no BOLG) / #BOLG Ranged Telos.
Presets and Relics
Enrage Mechanics
⬥ 50%: Virus is added on P2 and P3
⬥ 100%: Phase 5
⬥ 150%: Telos will freedom stuns and binds with a 50 tick cooldown
⬥ 200%: Telos HP caps at 600,000 on P1-4
⬥ 250%: Telos will freedom stuns and binds with a 31 tick cooldown, and P5 will be stun-immunes after freedom for 10 ticks
⬥ 300%: Telos HP caps at 200,000 on P5
⬥ 500%: P4 font HP caps at 10,000
⬥ 1000%: P4 a rock will fall, P5 multiple rocks will fall, immortality no longer works P5, and Telos will freedom stuns and binds with a 16 tick cooldown
⬥ The higher the enrage the stronger the damage Telos and golems deal.
Attack Pattern
This image shows the order of special attacks for each phase. The summary section below only explains newly-encountered ones.
Mechanics Summary
Stunning Guide
Mage has access to 3 different stun abilities:
⬥ Stuns for 1 GCD (3ticks/1.8s)
⬥ Stuns for 1 GCD + 2 ticks (5ticks/3s)
⬥ Stuns for the first 3 hits. (5ticks/3s)
• Chain these abilities however you see fit when stunning Telos.
• If not 4-ticking with mage, ideally leave for last.
Basic Rotations
Note: Telos at the start of each phase.
Phase 1
⬥ towards Telos →
⬥ Aim to fit:
• +
⬥ Use +
to break Tendrils.
Phase 2
⬥ Utilise + walked
⬥ Utilise stuns;
⬥ +
Phase 3
⬥ Aim to start with ~85%+ adrenaline.
• → basics (utilise
• Get in beam → →
before drain mechanic.
⬥ Start with high adrenaline → build to 100% → enter beam →
Phase 4
To deal with Telos's SMP, ideally phase him into a font with 2 or 3 auto-attacks remaining before the next special.
⬥ Make use of
⬥ Make sure to
before first font.
Font 1
⬥ Target and kill red golem while charging font.
• Utilise
⬥ Finish killing golems while dealing with Telos's special attacks.
⬥ Phase Telos into next font, utilise stuns.
Font 2
⬥ Target and kill red golem while charging font.
• Utilise
⬥ Finish killing golems while dealing with Telos's special attacks.
⬥ Phase Telos into next font, utilise stuns.
Font 3
⬥ Stick to the wall of the middle of the room and wait for the golems to reach you.
⬥ Target the farthest golem → →
• See example here:
⬥ Charge font
• Utilise +
⬥ Phase Telos into phase 5.
Phase 5
Note: for more information on timing & moving efficiently throughout P5, read: #P5 Movement & Timing
⬥ Always start by making your way to left beam.
⬥ You will be under heavy damage so spamming food after is expected.
⬥ Always start with +
as your first two abilities.
⬥ Use while stunning Telos.
Side Beams
⬥ Enter second tile of the green beam.
⬥ → (
if red golems) →
→ (3hit)
⬥ +
⬥ Walk melee distance to Telos → ( if red golems) → (tc) middle golems →
⬥ and clear virus when it comes out.
• Utilise /
Back Beam
⬥ Use +
before reaching beam.
⬥ Enter fourth tile of the green beam.
⬥ → (
if red golems) →
→ (2hit)
⬥ +
⬥ ( if red golems) → (tc) middle golems →
⬥ +
before virus.
⬥ and clear virus when it comes out.
• Utilise /
Example Kills
Full kill: