Note: Use the Table of Contents present at the bottom of the channel, or in the pinned comments, to quickly navigate through this channel and find the information you are looking for.
Some general notes:
⬥ The game runs on an internal tick system: 1t (tick) = 0.6s (seconds).
⬥ The minimum time between abilities is called the global cooldown: 1 gcd = 3t = 1.8s.
⬥ Auto attacks will only give adrenaline if they hit (splash = no adrenaline gain).
• Debuff spells like Vuln or Enfeeble
or Smoke Cloud
do not given adrenaline.
⬥ Some useful sheets and resources are given below.
Note: If you have any difficulties in using the tools or understanding what the information means, you can always ask in #pvm-help.
This section covers auto attacks and spells, basics, thresholds, ultimate abilities and special attacks for Ranged.



Special Attacks

in #bot-commands

in #bot-commands