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Dragonkin Laboratory (Magic Advanced)

General Notes

⬥ It's recommended to set your anti-spam delay for your surgemobile to 1 via the Lectern at Anachronia

⬥ You can surgemobile or bdmobile a tick before each gate unlocks to save a tick on every entry

LotD Luck of the Dwarves will not improve the number of energies dropped, nor the drop rate for any codex

incitefear and exsanguinate can be juggled continuously through the run to maximise dps but master speed runs can be attained purely camping incitefear

⬥ When using magmatempesttarget defensive 2H autos are assumed, as per #Magic DPM Advice

⬥ The AoE centre of large mobs such as the dragons is the south-west tile - this is important when choosing which dragon to gchain

⬥ Celestial dragons should be stunned to prevent healing either using auto icebarrage or stuns such as asphyx

⬥ For a detailed description of each mob in the dungeon, please reference #ed2-basic

⬥ You should be using a dragon cluster slayer task to maximise DPS

⬥ Due to RNG, you may find that there are low-health stragglers, even if rotations are followed precisely - simply finish these with strong fillers (gconc/dbreath/wm)

fsoa should be camped except for gconc (use dual-wield) and gchain (which sometimes requires caroming4, as called out in rotations)

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions


4 Laboratory Slimes

kalgscrollbdmobile down stairs (west) → tc corruptblast → (tc) far-east slime + combcaroming4 gchain → (fsoa) omnipowerigneoustsunami

3 Red Dragons

surgemobile + bdmobile south/west (stand at bottom of stairs hugging the east wall to lure and place your sun) → target south Red Dragon + tuskasenfeeble + gconcdbreathgsunshine → target northern dragon + gchainwmgconcdbreathasphyxtuskassurgemobile up stairs + bdmobile to gate

gsunshine location:

4 Red Dragons

surgemobile south → target middle dragon + walk north-west back into your sunshinecaroming4 gchain + dragonslayeromnipowerigneous → target north dragon + dbreathgconc → target west dragon + auto → target dragon by gate + wm + surgemobile to gate

Note: do not stand behind the pillar when using gchaincaroming as your line of sight will be blocked and one of them will not be hit.

4 Lava Golems

surgemobile to end of bridge + magmatempesttarget the middle golem → caroming4 gchaindeto(3t)→ icebarrage deto dbreath ‎ ‎→ clear 2 golems nearest gate with gconc/autos

2 Laboratory Slimes 1 Celestial Dragon

bdmobile + surgemobile to dragon/gate → walk to corner + (tc) dragon + corruptblastenfeeble + magmatempesttarget floor in between dragon and slimes → caroming4 gchainomnipowerigneousimpact → (tc) rear slime + tsunamidbreathtuskas

3 Celestial Dragons

surgemobile to far west + gsunshine + kalgscroll → (tc) south dragon + caroming4 gchainfsoa spec → autocast exsanguinate + dbreathimpact ‎ ‎→ wm → (tc) north dragon + asphyx → (tc) middle dragon + omnipowerigneousdeep

1 Celestial Dragon

bdmobile diagonally across stairs + surgemobile south + (tc) dragon next to gate + corruptblast → walk back into sunshine + gconceofspeceofspec

1 Celestial Dragon

bdmobile + (tc) closest dragon → dbreath + autocast incitefeargconctuskasimpactgconcwm

Astellarn, the First Celestial

Example Rotation

Note: walk out of black wyrmhole where required

smokecloud + vulnbombdbreathkalgscroll + omnipowerigneousingen + desolation + jasdragonbanearrow + sgb + specaffliction + graspingpouchblue + gconctuskascorruptblastgconcdbreath → (tc) pulsar + gchaingconcgsunshinedivertgchaintsunamienfeeble + fsoa specdragonslayer + gconc → ‎ ‎wmomnipowerigneous → fillers

Post-Astellarn to pre-Verak Lith

2 Celestial Dragons

(soa spec still active) bdmobile + surgemobile into room → autocast exsanguinate + gchainasphyxmagmatempesttarget in between dragons → ‎ ‎(tc) middle dragon + dbreath → (tc) front dragon + impact → (tc) middle dragon + run to gate + gconcwm → run down stairs

2 Lava Strykewyrms

bdmobile + surgemobile diagonally across room to wyrms → (tc) auto → deto(3t) → bloodbarrage deto dbreath + autocast incitefeargconc → sfsoa + tuskas → fillers

Note: use accel after they die to get to the next gate.

4 Black Dragons

accel + bdmobile + surgemobile to black dragons → (tc) rear dragon + corruptblastcombbdmobile near to gate + (tc) rear dragon gchainomnipowerigneousdbreathgconc → sfsoa + tuskasmagmatempesttargetgchainwmgconc

6 Black Dragons

surgemobile + bdmobile to opposite side of dragon cluster → gchaincorruptblast → walk in middle of cluster/2 dragons by gate + gsunshine → (tc) gate dragon + dbreathgconctsunami → (tc) opposite side dragon + gchaincaroming + dragonslayeromnipowerigneousfsoa spec → (tc) gate dragon + dbreathwm → ‎ ‎gchaineofspec

4 Lava Strykewyrms

bdmobile + surgemobilekalgscroll + (tc) middle wyrm + asphyxdbreath + surgemobilemagmatempesttarget in middle + (tc) wyrm closest to gate → gchainomnipowerigneous → (tc) wyrm with highest LP + wm → (tc) wyrm with highest LP + gconceofspec

4 Black Dragons

run to middle of room + (tc) dragon + gchaindeto(3t) → bloodbarrage deto dbreath → (tc) rear dragon + gconccorruptblast → run towards gate + (tc) gate dragon + asphyxwm → (tc) rear dragon + gchaindbreathgconctuskas → fillers

Verak Lith

Example Rotation

Note: tank bombs during fight to avoid dps loss

bdmobile + surgemobileaccel + bdmobile to Verak

smokecloudomnipowerigneous + vulnbomb → ‎ ‎ingen + desolation + jasdragonbanearrow + sgb + specaffliction + graspingpouchblue + dbreathgconctuskasdommine (x2 on same tick) → corruptblast + auto → gconcgchain → autocast exsanguinate + sunshine → (tc) spire + dbreathgconc → (tc) boss + auto → adrenrenewal + ‎ ‎tsunami

kalgscrollfsoa specgconcwmomnipowerigneousgconceofspecenfeeble + eofspecgconcsmoketendrils + excalgconcwmasphyxdbreath → (tc) spire + gconccorruptblastdesolation + jasdragonbanearrow + sgb + specaffliction + graspingpouchblue + autocast incitefear + gconcomnipowerigneousvuln → auto → dbreathgconcwmcorruptblastcombtuskas


bdmobile + surgemobile across bridge → chest (teleport) → option 4

Post-Verak Lith to pre-Black Stone Dragons

3 Dragonstone dragons 1 Onyx dragon

surgemobile + bdmobilesurgemobile to the 4 bdmobile + surgemobile across bridge to middle of far cluster → (tc) closest + comb → (tc) middle dragonstone + gchaincaromingtsunami + autocast exsanguinatefsoa speccorruptblastmagmatempesttarget middle of cluster → (tc) rear dragon + dbreath → (tc) side dragon + gchain + kalgscrollmeta → auto + gconctuskasdbreathwmeofspec

2 Dragonstone dragons

surgemobile up stairs + bdmobile into attack range → (tc) dragon next to gate + gchaindbreathmagmatempesttargetdeto(3t) → bloodbarrage deto corruptblastgchainwm + run to gate → gconcdbreath

1 Hydrix dragon

surgemobile + bdmobile → (tc) 2nd hydrix + omnipowerigneoustuskas + dommine (x2 on same tick) + walk dragon into them → gconcdbreathasphyxwrackandruinsurgemobile + bdmobile to steps

Note: if off cooldown, use accel + bdmobile to reach the final gate.

2 Dragonstone dragons

Note: aim to finish room on 100% adren with 6+ exsanguinate stacks and 5+ incitefear stacks

surgemobile up steps → (tc) dragonstone dragon on opposite side to the boss gate + corruptblastgchaindbreathdeto(3t)→ bloodbarrage deto → autocast exsanguinate + gconctuskasgchainwmgconccorruptblastdbreath

Black Stone Dragon


Note: this is not a flight-skip rotation, and puts bsd at sub-200k LP before flight

Phase 1 (opening rotation)

autocast incitefear + kalgscroll + surgemobile + bdmobile + surgemobilesmokecloud + vulnbombgsunshinegconc + adrenrenewaltsunami → camp exsanguinate + fsoa spec + dragonslayergconcdbreathlimitless + wmsmoketendrils

Phase 2 (hands)

deflectmage + magmatempesttarget ground by hand 1 → (tc) hand 1 + vulnbombomnipowerigneousgconcenfeeble + eofspec → (tc) hand 2 + wmgconceofspecbdmobile to middle of hand 2 & 3 → eofspec + asphyxgconc → (tc) hand 3 + vulnbomb + corruptblastsurgemobile + enfeeblegconctuskasomnipowerigneouswmgconcdbreath + autocast incitefear → (tc) hand 4 + corruptblast + run over hand and deploy dommine (x2 on same tick) → gconc + vulnbomb → walk to sunshine spot for next phase + dbreathtuskas

Phase 3 (pre-flight)

gsunshine → (if any hands left, fillers to clear) → (tc) bsdtsunami + autocast exsanguinatedbreathfsoa specgconcdragonslayer + tuskasenfeeble + omnipowerigneousgconcwmeofspecsmoketendrilsgconceofspecingen + desolation + jasdragonbanearrow + sgb specaffliction + graspingpouchblue + gconceofspeceofspeccombcorruptblast

Phase 4 (during flight)

Build to 100% adren then nat

Ensure bsd has smokecloud applied

On last 2-3 flights, use tsunamifsoa spec → build adren

Phase 5 (post-flight)

corruptblastmetadragonslayersmoketendrilsgconcomnipowerigneousdbreathgconctuskas → → ingen + desolation + jasdragonbanearrow + sgb spec

Example Runs

All example runs are done off task.

⬥ After FSOA fsoa nerf

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• 11:58

⬥ Before FSOA fsoa nerf

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• 13:40 [No FSOA fsoa]

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• 12:45

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• 10:19 [Flightskip]