This channel explains in detail perk choices and placements.
For a full list of perk combos and their positions on gear, check out #perks.
Entry Level Weapon Perks
Flanking 4

⬥ When a target is not facing you, this perk multiplies the damage of:
• Impact
, Backhand
, Soul Strike
, and Binding Shot
by 2.6x.
• Deep Impact
, Forceful Backhand
, and Tight Bindings
by 1.6x.
⬥ Removes the stun effect from the above mentioned abilities.
⬥ Relatively inexpensive perk with strong benefits, but requires a switch.
⬥ For more information on the angles from which Flanking
works, see #mechanics.

Planted Feet

⬥ Increases the duration of Sunshine
and Death's Swiftness
• From 30s (50 ticks) to 37.8s (63 ticks).
⬥ Usually used as one of the following:
on a main hand weapon to preserve Aftershock stacks.
• On a defender, optionally as a combo with a perk like Caroming 4
• See

and !defender
⬥ Becomes obsolete once you unlock Greater Sunshine / Death's Swiftness
Advanced Weapon Perks
Precise 6 Aftershock 1

⬥ Precise 6
on main hand to maximise damage while using
• Flanking
/ Defender
/ Shield
⬥ Aftershock 1
on main hand to prevent losing stacks when using a switch.
⬥ On 2H Weapons, different combos can be used instead such as:
, or
if using another Aftershock combo (expensive).

Aftershock 4 Eruptive 2

⬥ Along with Precise 6 Aftershock 1
, is a:
• ~9.6% DPM boost over no weapon perks.
⬥ This is effectively the same as having:
• Precise 6
, Eruptive 2
, and Aftershock 4
⬥ Cheaper to get than Precise 6 + Eruptive 2
in one gizmo.

Caroming 4 Eruptive 2

⬥ Hits 1 additional monster per rank of Caroming
• Synergistic with Greater Ricochet
and Greater Chain
⬥ For Ranged
setups with
• Can be camped alongside Precise 6 Aftershock 1
⬥ For Magic
setups with
• Can be combo-ed as a Planted Feet + Caroming 4
• Or just used on its own as a switch.

Eruptive 4 Ruthless 3

⬥ Along with Precise 6 Aftershock 1
, is a:
• ~8.3% DPM boost over no wep perks before accounting for Ruthless
⬥ Can be good at places where Ruthless
is effective, such as slayer.
⬥ Relatively cheap to obtain.

Lunging 4 X

⬥ Increases max hit of the following abilities by +80% on stationary targets:
• Dismember
, Fragmentation Shot
, and Combust
⬥ Reduces the damage multiplier of walking these abilities from 2x to 1.5x.
⬥ Generally only used with melee as you cannot walk Dismember
are better if walked without lunging.

Entry Level Armour Perks
Biting 3 + Impatient 4 (body armour)

⬥ Biting 3
gives a 6% chance of forcing a crit each hit.
• ~3.8% damage increase on average (varies with other boosts).
• Refer to this calculator to see effects of individual ranks.
⬥ Impatient 4
has a 36% chance to grant 3% more adren per basic ability.
• On average this results in an increase of ~1% adrenaline per basic ability.
• Stacks with Fury of the Small
⬥ Very cheap to obtain once Ancient Gizmos
are unlocked.

These perks are on separate gizmos.
Crackling 4 (leg armour)

⬥ Crackling 4
deals 200% ability damage every 60 seconds.
⬥ Can easily be combo-ed with an auxiliary perk
• Cheaper than some other combos involving perks like
⬥ Pairing with Enhanced Devoted
on legs can make armour switches cheaper, as legs tend to cost less than bodies.

Enhanced Devoted 4 (leg armour)

⬥ Enhanced Devoted 4
has a 18% chance per hit on you of activating a 3 second version of the Devotion
⬥ The effectiveness of this depends on the attack speed of a boss.
⬥ Assuming the correct overhead prayers, this works out to approximately:
• 18% damage reduction against targets that attack less than once every 2.4s (4t).
• 30.5% against targets that attack once every 2.4s (4t).
⬥ Takes priority over the normal Devoted
• However the normal
perk can activate during the time
is active.
• This calculator can be used to see exact differences in perk ranks.

Turtling 4

⬥ Turtling 4
increases the duration and cooldown of Barricade
by 40%.
⬥ This allows for Barricade
to last for 13.8s (23 ticks)
• 17.4s (29 ticks) with the T2 Malletops perk

Advanced Armour Perks
Biting 4 X

⬥ Biting 4
gives a 8% chance of forcing a crit each hit.
• ~5% damage increase on average (varies with other boosts).
• Refer to this calculator to see effects of individual ranks.
⬥ Can be combo-ed with an auxiliary perk but is generally expensive:
, etc

Relentless 5 Crackling 4

⬥ Relentless 5
gives a 5% chance to not consume adrenaline when using an ability that requires adrenaline.
⬥ Crackling 4
deals 200% ability damage every 60 seconds.
⬥ As
is expensive, and
is a perk useful in all situations putting both on your body armour allows you to use different augmented legs with different perk setups.

Impatient 4 Devoted 4

⬥ When not using Enhanced Devoted
, it is preferred to combo Impatient with Devoted.
• However it can be comboed with many auxiliary perks situationally.
has a 12% chance per hit on you of activating a 3 second version of the Devotion
⬥ Damage reduction if praying correctly:
• 12% against targets that attack less than once every 2.4s (4t).
• 21.4% against targets that attack once every 2.4s (4t).

Invigorating 4 X

⬥ Invigorating 4
gives 20% increased adrenaline from auto attacks.
⬥ Can easily be combo-ed with an auxillary perk.
⬥ Most impactful for Magic
and Necromancy

Lucky 6 X

⬥ Lucky 6
gives a 3% chance of reducing a hit to 1 damage.
• Works on all damage except hard typeless, such as Araxxor's cleave.
⬥ This can be good for some end-game ranged setups utilising the ECB
since Lucky
will work even when Soulsplit
is active, unlike Devoted
/ Enhanced Devoted
⬥ Can be paired with an auxillary perk like Absorbative
or Hoarding, etc.