Upgrade Order & Ability Bars
This channel lists the general natural combat style progression template for new players to follow devised by the RuneScape Discord Mentors in collaboration with PVME. From levels 1 - 50, where an item is marked P2P, this means it is a members item.
Last Revised: 13 April 2024
Levels 1 - 20 
⬥ 1 Caitlin's staff
• Free from the quest Blood Pact and provides unlimited
⬥ 5 Mindspike
• Free and can be obtained from Gudrik in Port Sarim
• Unlimited supply of
in the element the player chooses
⬥ 10 Imp horn wand, Imphide book
⬥ 20 Spider wand, Spider orb
⬥ 1 Pathfinder armour
• This armour is free and can be obtained from Gudrik in Port Sarim.
⬥ 20 Spider silk robes
⬥ Amulet of Magic
⬥ Spellstorm drape - Best in Slot cape for F2P
⬥ Silverhawk boots (non-ironman & P2P) can be freely claimed from the Marketplace and give a small damage boost.
• The boots can be upgraded at lvl 20, 40, 50 and 60 respectively.
Ability bars levels 1 - 20 
⬥ Use the lesser abilities as placeholders. These will update automatically as you unlock the full ability.
Bar at 1 :
⬥ At level 2 add
to Spot 1 on your bar
⬥ At level 3 add
to Spot 3 on your bar
At level 20 your bar will look like the bar below:
Monsters to kill 1 - 20 
⬥ Ghostly Troll Thrower in City of Um cave.
⬥ Monsters in Lumbridge Catacombs. Requires Blood Pact quest.
Levels 20 - 50 
⬥ 30 Air/Water/Earth/Fire battlestaff (P2P only) or Batwing wand & Batwing book
• Former provides unlimited supply of /
⬥ 40 Mystic Air/Water/Earth/Fire staff (P2P only) or Splitbark wand & Splitbark orb
⬥ 50 Ancient staff (P2P only) or Iban's staff (P2P only) or Mystic wand & Mystic orb
• Ancient Staff requires completion of the quest Desert Treasure
• Iban's Staff requires completion of the quest Underground Pass
⬥ 30 Batwing robes
⬥ 40 Lunar equipment > Splitbark armour
• Lunar equipment requires completion of the quest Lunar Diplomacy
⬥ 50 Skeletal armour (P2P) > Mystic equipment (F2P)
• Skeletal armour requires completion of the quest The Fremennik Trials to be worn.
⬥ Obsidian cape (P2P) or Cape of legends (P2P)
• Latter requires completion of the quest Legends Quest
⬥ Amulet of glory (P2P)
⬥ Explorer's ring 3 (F2P) or Ring of Wealth (P2P)
• Former requires completion of the medium Lumbridge achievements
⬥ Silverhawk boots (non-ironman & P2P)
• The boots can be upgraded at lvl 20, 40, 50, and 60 respectively.
Ability bars levels 20 - 50 
Bar at 20 :
⬥ At level 37 you will unlock
⬥ At level 45 add
to Spot 9 on your bar
At level 45 your bar will look like the bar below:
Monsters to kill 20 - 50 
⬥ Ghostly Troll Thrower in City of Um cave.
⬥ 30+: Dragith Nurn. Requires Blood Pact quest ( works!).
Levels 50 - 70 
⬥ 60 Guthix staff
or Grifolic wand & Grifolic orb
• bought from the Mage Arena - whilst there, unlock the special attack
⬥ 70 Crystal staff or Crystal wand & Crystal orb
• Both require 50 and completion of the quest Roving Elves
⬥ 65 Superior Skeletal armour - made using Skeletal armour and Fremennik equipment patches
• Whilst Superior Skeletal armour degrades, degradation takes a very long time - don't let this put you off!
⬥ 70 Subjugation robe armour
• This an expensive but worthwhile upgrade - it is okay to use Superior Skeletal armour until this becomes affordable
⬥ Salve amulet(e) if fighting undead.
⬥ Ring of Fortune
⬥ One of the God books
• Requires completion of the quest Horror from the Deep
Ability bars levels 50 - 70 
Bar at 50 :
⬥ At level 55
to Spot 2 on your bar and remove
At level 70 your bar will look like the bar below:
Monsters to kill 50 - 70 
⬥ Dragith Nurn. Requires Blood Pact quest ( works!).
⬥ The Abyss Monsters (req. Enter the Abyss miniquest).
⬥ Armoured Zombies (req. Defender of Varrock quest, works!).
Frequently asked questions
⬥ At level 37 I unlock Detonate but it's not used on the bars. Why?
• Detonate is an Area-of-effect ability that doesn't work well with revolution - you will have to activate this manually as it requires charging. Revolution will override the charge and "waste" the ability.
⬥ What are Special Attacks and how do I use them?
• Certain weapons e.g. have special attacks - these are powerful abilities that you have to activate manually. Therefore, place
outside your revolution bar (the abilities with gold trim around them) if your weapon has one. You can find the ability in your Constitution
⬥ How do I select a spell?
• To select a combat spell:
Spellbook → right click chosen spell → select auto cast → select option 3 (main hand & off-hand).
⬥ When should I change spells?
• You should regularly upgrade your auto-cast to the highest available spell tier. You can find out a spell's damage level cap by checking its tooltip.
• For example: Air strike's damage cap is at level 16 - you can upgrade to Air bolt at level 17.
⬥ Can I just train slayer?
• You certainly can if you want some variety. It is, however, slower to train at lower combat levels.
⬥ Why are weapons upgrades more important than armour upgrades? / Why is power armour recommended over tank armour?
• Frankly put: You gain more from hitting harder than from getting hit less. A higher tier weapon lets you hit harder by increasing hit chance and damage bonus. Power armour increases damage bonus too. This lets you hit harder and kill more monsters, which means more xp gained per hour.