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Mage-Ranged Base

DISCLAIMER: This is a very advanced rotation and we do not advise attempting it unless you have an exceptional grasp of basing already

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions



gconcdbreath to indicate start → kalgscroll natvokeantifreedommeteorstrikegricocaromingfsoa specgconcgchaingsunshinegconcgricocaromingmagmatempesttargetdeto


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Start fight 1t after gricocaroming

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Defensive use in builds should include an auto for adren gain via Invigorating_ invig4_

Phase 1

aod kalgscroll vulnbomb smokecloud deto + gconcomnismoketendrils (7t) → kalgscroll dbreath

Note: dbreath at 2.2m HP

Phase 2

gdeathsswiftdivertkalgscroll stormshardsgchaingsonicwavebolg speciceamalg tsunamidbreathbloodamalg gconcaod gchain

Phase 3

deathsporearrows ecb eofspecgricocaromingdecimation eofspecshadowtendenhreplen incendkalgscroll fularrow sgb eofspecdbow eofspeckalgscroll dbow eofspec / deathsporearrows snap → improvise if not phased


⬥ Click enhreplen 2t after tendril

⬥ If gricocaroming procs deathsporearrows, swap to fularrow until casting incend_


surgesurgedivestormshardsvulnbomb ingen swh specdivertfsoa specdeathsporearrows gricocarominggsunshine

Note: enhreplen if needed, otherwise use after gsunshine


vulnbomb magmatempesttarget (Pillar) → (target pillar) smokecloud kalgscroll gconcomniwmdbreathaod kalgscrollsmoketendrils (7t) → shatterasphyxgstaff eofspec → improvise if needed

Example Kills
21/01/2023 - Chunky I - Link
AoD: 7-10 Man
This guide is made and upkept in collaboration with the AoD: 7-10 Man discord. For those interested in a non-toxic and friendly environment for ‘Small’ team AoD, with team sizes varying from 7 to 10. We accept all experience levels, from Learners to Experts and Teachers. We offer teams running throughout the day.

Formatting Maintained by: @swimmingfish