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Solo Solak Melee Camp


⬥ This strategy successfully rootskips 75-80% of the time if executed properly.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• A successful rootskip is done by getting Solak's HP down to ~1510K or lower at ~45s.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• If you don't meet this threshold it's advised to ignore the rootskip attempt entirely.

⬥ This strategy is very switch heavy. It's highly advised to be familiar switchingjawsoftheabyss / vestmentsofhavochood, mwspear andlengmh / abyssalscourge comfortably.

⬥ There is a known bug where gbarge doesn't gain adrenaline during the instance start. This occurs when the user has been out of combat for a prolonged time without dropping their previous target.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The bug is frequently encountered from teleporting out and re-entering quickly.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The dummy can be used prefight to enter combat to avoid this bug.

⬥ Your ripperpouch will frequently lose their main-target during roots roots of Phase 1.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Click callfollower before arms/legs.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Pre-fight preparations

SpiritSticks for ripperscroll spamming and KwuarmSticks for increased poison damage.

pantheonaura Might of Het, thermalflask Thermal Flask buff increased HP.

⬥ Armour spikes armourspikealloy abyssalarmourspikesalloy do not get triggered by Solak's autoattacks. They do however get triggered by Erethdor.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• If inventory slots are concerning do not bring them.

Assumptions unless noted otherwise:

⬥ Abilities are cast with abyssalscourge

jawsoftheabyss and vestmentsofhavochood are juggled throughout the fight.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• vestmentsofhavochood at 92+ adrenaline or non-basics.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• jawsoftheabyss at < 92 adrenaline.

⬥ All bleeds are cast with mwspear

zerk is cast with 4 piece vestments.

Glovesofpassage is only used for casting havocgop

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• All other abilities are cast with cinderbanes equipped.

Phase 1

Focus on achieving the following in Phase 1:

⬥ Dealing 500k, within the first ~45s of the fight for the rootskip

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Spamming ripperscroll with spiritualprayer is necessary.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Be mindful the damage from zekkil eofspec is backloaded so leaving ~15k health is okay.

⬥ Killing the roots efficiently.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• mob switch and use dragondagger eofspec effectively.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Stall basics to minimise ticks lost during movement.


DBA at crystals.


lengmh spec → Deploy dummy + abyssalscourge auto + decianti + Dismantle dummy

Phase 1

Stand at center circle → zerk wait 2t (start) → (tc) + vulnbomb + gbargelengmh canelengmh destroydecigfuryoverpowerigneouschaosroarzekkil eofspechavocgopdivertdeciassaultcane + disruptdismemberhavocgop → walked slaughterbloodtendrilsdragonclaw eofspecdecisevergfuryoverpowerigneousdismemberhavocgopdragonclaw eofspec or dragondagger eofspec + bd → proceed to roots

Volatile Rootlings

Target first roots + s gfury → r gfury + deci + bd and target second rootsdragondagger eofspec + surge + target third roots → s cleave → r cleave + sever + surge → improvise

Solak's Arms

First arm: vulnbomb + ripperscroll + overpowerigneousgfurybackhandflankdecihavocgop

Second arm: vulnbomb + ripperscroll + lengmh destroylengmh canedecigfurybackhandflankcleave

Solak's Legs

First leg: vulnbomb + mwspear auto + quakebloodtendrilsdismemberhavocgop

Second leg: vulnbomb + gflurrydecicleaveseverhavocgopgfury


antizerk + vulnbomb → (tc) + gbargemobilegfury → walk under backhandflank → bleed assaultlengmh canelimitlessdestroydeci or dragondagger eofspec

Phase 2

This phase is divided into two major sections, Eruptions and Blight Bombs/Barrage. Kill the storm and eruptions quickly. Afterwards, survive and DPS to drain his blight.

P2: Eruptions

⬥ Use the two South eruptions to kill the storm. While killing the SE eruption, start a chaosroarzekkil eofspec on solak

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Do not chaosroar during the destroy bleed as destroy will snipe the chaosroar buff.

⬥ Kill the two Northern eruptions ASAP without going up.

South Eruptions

‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• SW: gbargemobilegflurry → (tc) solak + cleanse → deci + surge → cleanse + seversurgeanti → go up

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• SE: gbargemobilelengmh destroylengmh cane → (tc) solak havocgopchaosroarzekkil eofspecabyssalscourge dismember → go up

North Eruptions

‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• NE: bdmobile + gbargemobilegflurrydeci + surge

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• NW: s havocgop → r havocgop + dragondagger eofspecseverdecicleave → (tc) solak + equip vestmentsofhavochood + abyssalscourge dismemberhavocgopres + bd north

P2: Blight Bombs and Barrage

⬥ Expect to take a lot of damage here. If bombs spawn on top of you early, ignore them and vitality. In order to armskip or be near armskip, a full zerk rotation, chaosroar + zekkil eofspec and frontloaded zgs spec are needed.

⬥ Conserve food for Phase 3:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• During Phase 2's blight barrage, res the first hit, and debil later hits.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• disrupt can be used here or in P3 zerk.

Berserk Entry

zerk + adrenrenewal → equip jawsoftheabyss + vulnbomb + gbargelengmh cane → bleed lengmh destroydecigfuryoverpowerigneousdismemberhavocgopdragondagger eofspec → 3-hit gflurryassault + canedecichaosroarzekkil eofspecdismemberhavocgop → walked slaughterbloodtendrils

Arm Climb Skip

decisevergfuryantizgs specgbargedeciresassaultlengmh canedestroydecigfuryoverpowerigneousdismemberhavocgop → improvise

Phase 3

⬥ Quickly DPS solak to 300k while charging the first pad. Leftover food should be used here to prepare for Erethdor.

⬥ At 300k begin charging the second pad and lower Solak to 200k. Enter the realm at 100+ Adren.

‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• destroy dismember havocgop dragondagger eofspec gflurry deci sever cleave slaughter are good abilities to use here.

⬥ You may Veng Erethdor's bombs to reflect damage to him.

⬥ Burst Erethdor with terramaul, exit with high adrenaline.

Berserk Entry

divertzerk → equip jawsoftheabyss + vulnbomb + gbargehavocgoplengmh canelengmh destroydecisevergfuryoverpowerigneoushavocgop → 3-hit gflurryassault + cane


chaosroarzekkil eofspecdismemberhavocgopfreedom + mwspear Attackbackhanddecislaughterbloodtendrilsseverhavocgopzgs specresgbargeassaultlengmh canedeci → charge + dismembersever → improvise to 120 adren → devoanti


surge → (tc) + vulnbomb + terramaul gbarge → bleed terramaul assaultterramaul overpowerigneousterramaul cane → equip jawsoftheabyss + deciterramaul cleaveseverhavocgopterramaul dragondagger eofspec → improvise

Phase 4

⬥ Utilise lengmh spec and smokecloud to finish off solak as quickly as possible.

No Realm

anti + surgelengmh spec → (tc) solak → equip jawsoftheabyss + abyssalscourge dismember → 4t ingen + smokecloud + sever → equip vestmentsofhavochood + decichaosroarfreedomzerk + adrenrenewal → equip jawsoftheabyss + gbargegfurybackhandflank + equip vestmentsofhavochood → bleed assaultlengmh caneoverpowerigneousdestroydragonclaw eofspec → improvise if bad rng.

Video Example