Twin Furies Hard Mode
The Twin Furies are located in the Heart of Gielinor, the duo consists of Nymora (left) and Avaryss (right). Entering the encounter requires 40 (or 20, with enough reputation) kill count, and 80 (boostable) Ranged . This encounter is unique in that both NPC’s share the same health pool of 300k. This means that an AoE attack will essentially do double damage if it hits both twins.
⬥ In challenge mode (herein called Hard Mode) they gain additional mechanics.
The Fight
⬥ You must continually move out of Avaryss' path (≥2 steps perpendicular).
⬥ It is possible to wrongly Target Cycle onto Avaryss. Manually click on Nymora if this happens.
⬥ While hits show, they don't deal damage. Therefore,
is not used.
Melee HM Twins 
⬥ The Melee rotation below works because hit caps do not apply to the Twin Furies' health pool (the capped hitsplats you see are misleading), allowing
to deal a large amount of damage.
• Melee can achieve average kill times of 0:20 - 0:30, with consistent 24.6 second kills.
Preset and Relics
⬥ Noxious Scythe required for Quake.
⬥ with
→ Enter instance →
ground → (tc) +
Example Kills
Necromancy HM Twins 
⬥ The Necromancy rotation below works because hit caps do not apply to the Twin Furies' health pool (the capped hitsplats you see are misleading), allowing
→ 12
to deal a large amount of damage.
• Necromancy can achieve average kill times of 0:20 - 0:30 seconds.
⬥ You may wish to summon your conjures on the move, e.g. while getting 100% adrenaline at War's Retreat.
⬥ Position yourself east of Nymora so Avaryss walks into range after Jumps.
⬥ can be used to block a reflect hit when
bounce to Avaryss mid-jump.
Preset and Relics
⬥ This rotation requires or
⬥ Omni guard is required for it's special attack.
⬥ Vigour passive and Conservation of Energy
OR supreme invigorate aura
are REQUIRED for this rotation to work.
⬥ Mahjarrat or Dark Magic
are recommended.
⬥ Outside instance:
→ right-click 'rejoin instance'
⬥ Inside instance:
+ right-click 'quick enter instance' →
northwest → ground
→ (tc) +
+ →
+ →
⬥ Equip
Example Kills
Normal Mode Twin Furies
A full guide on how to do Twin Furies in normal mode is available here: #Twin Furies - Normal Mode