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Bossing Path

The goal of this channel is to guide players looking for where to start in their PvMing journey. Please note, this path isn't set in stone, because everyone learns in different ways. However, this is a decent route to follow. One thing to keep in mind is that if content starts to feel dry, or you just genuinely don't enjoy it: move on to something else. Having an enjoyable experience while learning to boss is much more important than trying to stick to a fixed list of objectives.

Initial combat experience can be gained by doing general Slayer at your own pace. This can be used to get the hang of combat abilities and what they do. You can also take this chance to get used to some keybinds. Alternatively, you may practice on a dummy, though you won't gain any XP or GP, and the dummy doesn't fight back!

Bosses with limited learning opportunities

Some encounters in the game do not generally provide a great avenue to learn and improve your skills as a PvMer. These can be done for fun as you wish, however, we do not recommend them for self-improvement.

Bosses with limited learning opportunities
⬥ Barrows Brothers ⬥ Chaos Elemental ⬥ Corporeal Beast ⬥ Commander Zilyana ⬥ Dagannoth Kings ⬥ General Graardor ⬥ Giant Mole
⬥ Kalphite Queen ⬥ King Black Dragon ⬥ Kree'arra ⬥ K'ril Tsutsaroth ⬥ Legiones ⬥ Magister ⬥ Rex Matriarchs

Bosses to Learn: Introductory

Bosses in this category serve as a great place to start in your journey to learn more about the combat system and engage in harder PvM content. While not as rewarding in terms of loot, they will provide you with many opportunities to improve your skillset.


Arguably the best boss for overall learning, Arch-Glacor provides a customizable bossing experience. In normal mode, the player may turn mechanics on and off to learn them at their own pace. Once comfortable with a few mechanics, the player can turn many mechanics on at once to test their knowledge. In hard mode, all mechanics are enabled, with a few changes, and survivability becomes more of a challenge. In general, it is recommended to start on normal mode, progress through the mechanics, and work up to unlocking & successfully completing a hard mode kill.

Note: For a basic overview of Arch-Glacor, please read #arch-glacor-basic

Learning Opportunities
⬥ Build familiarity with defensive abilities, like Anticipate anti and Devotion devo ⬥ Practice precise movement across a large arena. ⬥ Learn basic prayer flicking (see #prayer-flicking for an explanation), and eventually Soul Split soulsplit flicking.
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Complete a normal mode kill with no mechanics enabled. ⬥ Complete five normal mode kills, each one with a different single mechanic enabled. ⬥ Complete a normal mode kill with all mechanics enabled. ⬥ Complete a hard mode kill.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a hard mode kill using no food, at any enrage, by using Soul Split soulsplit flicking.     • Try to keep Soul Split soulsplit active as much as possible, while flicking to Deflect magic DeflectMage, Deflect melee DeflectMelee or Deflect missiles DeflectRange for Arch-Glacor's auto attacks. ⬥ Complete a 25 kill streak or a 250% enrage kill, in hard mode.

GWD2: the Heart of Gielinor

While not providing as flexible of an experience as Arch-Glacor, these four bosses can provide a host of learning opportunities. They offer their own lessons and can help keep the learning process fresh, rather than just camping Arch-Glacor. In general, the difficulty of the bosses making up the GWD2 area are (approximately) equal with Gregorovic an exception (slightly harder).

Note: For a detailed overview of each GWD2 boss, please reference #Gregorovic - Normal Mode / #Helwyr - Normal Mode / #Twin Furies - Normal Mode / #Vindicta - Normal Mode

GWD2: the Heart of Gielinor
Learning Opportunities
⬥ Practice movement to avoid area of denial mechanics. ⬥ Build familiarity with defensive abilities: • Resonance res (Vindicta/Helwyr)     • Freedom freedom (Helwyr)     • Debilitate debil and Devotion devo (Helwyr). ⬥ Become more comfortable with effectively using damage-boosting ultimates (zerk / deathsswift / sunshine / livingdeath) to defeat the bosses more quickly. ⬥ Learn basic prayer flicking.
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Kill each one of the GWD2 bosses. ⬥ Get three kills in a row at any GWD2 boss without banking for food.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a no-food kill at Vindicta or Helwyr, by making good use of defensive abilities.


Osseous provides a gentle introduction to Necromancy in an environment that fights back. There are some punishing mechanics for the uninitiated but these are quick to learn and mitigate when done correctly. Once you are comfortable with the mechanics, Osseous is a great boss to practice any damage rotation you've learned.

*Note: For a detailed overview of Osseous, please reference #osseous-basic

Learning Opportunities
⬥ Build familiarity with defensive abilities like Resonance res, Devotion devo and Reflect reflect. ⬥ Become more comfortable using Area-of-Effect abilities at the right time ⬥ Become more comfortable with effectively using your damage-boosting ultimate and adrenaline management for rotations (Living death livingdeath) to defeat the bosses more quickly. ⬥ Learn basic prayer flicking.
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Kill Osseous without signing or activating the Ring of Death effects. ⬥ Get three kills in a row without banking for food.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a no-food kill at Osseous, by making good use of defensive abilities. ⬥ Complete three no-food kills at Osseous in a row, by making good use of defensive abilities and damage rotations.

Bosses to Learn: Intermediate

These bosses will force you to build upon your foundations. Expect more complex mechanics, higher required damage output, and decreased survivability. Bosses are listed in approximate order of difficulty; however, you are free to pick and choose as you like. In general, all styles will be viable for each encounter, though some encounters may be easier using a specific style for the first few attempts. When in doubt, reference their associated guide for recommendations.


A very common milestone for those looking to advance into higher-tier PvM. With more complex mechanics, it will tend to punish players who are unaware of their surroundings or ability usage. It is highly discouraged to learn Araxxor in duo - it is significantly harder in a duo, and not worth doing.

Note: For a basic overview of Araxxor/Araxxi's mechanics, please read #araxxor-basic

Learning Opportunities
⬥ Become more comfortable with tracking attack patterns. ⬥ Build awareness and confidence in dealing with more complex mechanics. ⬥ Prayer flicking (especially in P4).
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Complete a 0%+ enrage kill on each of three paths. ⬥ Complete a kill at 100% enrage, on any path.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a successful kill on top path (minions) at 160%+ enrage. ⬥ At any enrage, complete phase 4 having correctly prayer-flicked each one of Araxxi's auto-attacks.

Elite Dungeon 2: Dragonkin Laboratory

Generally considered the easiest of the three elite dungeons, ED2 provides a new kind of PvM experience: a large maze-like arena with lots of mobs, and three unique bosses. ED2 can be enjoyed alone or with friends. Due to the nature of the scaling of the dungeon, solo is considered more challenging. However, it is perfectly viable to learn in solo, as well. Players can challenge themselves to complete the dungeon faster and faster as they get more comfortable, through efficient pathing and effective usage of area-of-effect (AoE) abilities and equipment.

Other elite dungeons make for good options as well. After getting comfortable in ED2, feel free to explore the other two dungeons. In general, ED2 < ED1 < ED3 in terms of absolute difficulty; though, ED3's main difficulty lies in the Ambassador, its final boss. The dungeon itself is relatively straightforward compared to ED1.

Note: For a basic overview of the dungeon, please read #ed2-basic

ED2: Dragonkin Laboratory
Learning Opportunities
⬥ Learn how to effectively clear mobs using AoE damage. ⬥ Reduce food usage to eliminate frequent banking. ⬥ Improve pathing and efficiency of movement across large spaces.
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Complete a duo or trio run through the dungeon, surviving each boss encounter. ⬥ Complete a solo run, with no deaths. ⬥ Complete a solo run, having banked at most twice.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a solo run, having banked only once (or not at all). ⬥ Complete a solo run in under 40 minutes. ⬥ Earn @Dragonkin Laboratory Initiate by getting ≤ 1:10 at Astellarn, ≤ 2:40 at Verak Lith, and ≤ 4:20 at Blackstone Dragon.

TzKal-Zuk (Normal Mode)

Similar to an elite dungeon, the TzKal-Zuk encounter is comprised of more than just one boss. In this case, you will face multiple waves of enemies, before facing Zuk himself at the end.

After accomplishing the suggested advanced milestones, if you like, you can freely pursue hard mode for a sizeable step up in difficulty.

Note: For a basic overview of TzKal-Zuk, please read #TzKal-Zuk Basic

TzKal-Zuk (Normal Mode)
Learning Opportunities
⬥ Using precise positioning and defensive abilities to manage damage intake from large mobs and deadly mechanics. ⬥ Utilise different kinds of abilities in specific sequences to complete challenge waves. ⬥ Become an expert in area-of-effect ability usage to clear mobs efficiently.
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Complete a normal mode run. ⬥ Complete a normal mode run with no deaths or teleporting out.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a normal mode run in under 30 minutes. ⬥ Complete a flawless normal mode run, to unlock hard mode.

Bosses to Learn: Advanced

At this stage of your learning, there are a lot of options to further your experience and refine your skills. You can revisit previous encounters and try to push farther & faster, or, attempt to learn something harder. The following encounters are ones that we suggest you start with to make a meaningful step into becoming a high-level PvMer.


This higher-tier boss encounter provides a good challenge along with the prospect of decent rewards. Raksha provides the player with the opportunity to improve multiple aspects of their PvMing skillset. It can be fought alone, or with a friend in a duo. In general, the easiest way to get your first few kills is to duo in the DPS role. After a handful of kills and becoming more familiar, it is encouraged to either start tanking in a duo or soloing. Soloing from the get-go is also perfectly viable.

Note: For a basic overview of Raksha, please read #raksha-basic

Learning Opportunities
⬥ Become proficient in soulsplit flicking (see #prayer-flicking for an explanation). ⬥ Learning to maintain high damage output while dealing with moderately involved mechanics.
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Complete a duo kill as DPS. ⬥ Successfully soulsplit flick against Raksha's auto-attacks for a whole phase. ⬥ Complete a duo kill as a tank, or complete a solo kill.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a solo kill, or duo as tank, while soulsplit flicking through the entire fight. ⬥ Earn @Raksha Initiate by getting a ≤ 3:00 kill, either solo or duo as tank.

Kerapac: Hard Mode

In hard mode, Kerapac can present a serious challenge for players who aren't efficient in dealing damage and using defensive abilities. Featuring the unique Warp Time timewarp mechanic, the encounter feels unique and has a lot of learning opportunities. Hard mode Kerapac can be enjoyed alone or with friends. The fewer the participants, the harder the encounter. It is recommended to either duo or solo when learning, as a trio does not provide enough of a challenge at this stage to be recommendable. Eventually, the goal is to solo.

Note: For a basic overview of hard mode Kerapac, please read #Kerapac HM Basic Guide

Kerapac: Hard Mode
Learning Opportunities
⬥ Adapt to unique mechanics and leverage them as part of your damage rotations. ⬥ Sustain HP through efficient rotations and defensive ability usage, while under time pressure and dealing with high damage intake (phase 4).
Introductory Milestones
⬥ Complete a duo kill in hard mode.
Advanced Milestones
⬥ Complete a solo hard mode kill in under 6 minutes, with no beast of burden familiar. ⬥ Earn @Kerapac Initiate by completing a solo HM kill ≤ 5:00.

Next Steps

If you've made it this far, you have all the tools you need to step into just about any encounter in the game. The skills you should have developed at this point include:

⬥ Maintaining high damage output while dealing with involved mechanics and keeping track of a boss's attack cycle

⬥ Using defensive abilities as needed to negate specific mechanics and incoming damage

⬥ Leveraging a variety of gear and abilities to deal with different scenarios and enemies

⬥ Moving efficiently throughout arenas of various sizes

⬥ Prayer flicking to both heal yourself and reduce incoming damage

Past this point, the content you choose to engage with is up to personal preference. When learning new content, it is important to take the same approach as this guide; that is, break your goal down into steps, and tackle them one at a time. In general, it is encouraged to try and find content that challenges you and that you genuinely enjoy doing, rather than suffering through something just to chase a drop (though, we all understand this is easier said than done).

Best of luck in your PvMing adventures, and don't forget to check #directory for any guide you may need, and leverage #pvm-help / #pvm-help-forums as you like.