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2000% Solo Zamorak (Ranged)


The rotations and spec order in this guide are designed to work at HP cap (1740%+), but can still function at slightly lower enrages with some adaptation. Blood reaver reaverpouch reaverscroll is recommended for enrage pushing past 2000% with this strategy, with adaptations required due to lower crit chance.

⬥ Players can expect to get consistent kills below 6:20 when following the rotations in this guide, with room to optimise well below 6:05 with clean movement and good decision making.

⬥ This guide assumes advanced knowledge of Zamorak's mechanics #Zamorak Main Guide and ranged DPM #Ranged DPM Advice

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions
Checklist and Unlocks
powderofpenance Powder of Penance - Optional, replaces blessed flask at increased cost ⬥ elderovlsalve Replaced with food by drinking at bank chest with lantasticksdarkness Darkness active ⬥ limitless Limitless Sigil & Demon Slayer demonslayer unlocked ⬥ Bonfire + thermal spa HP boosts thermalflask are active

General Information

⬥ T100 bolg is Highly recommended for this strategy, although not necessary. It reduces the need for BSA blackstonearrow, as it gives you 100% hitchance with ful arrows fularrow, provided you don't brew down.

⬥ It is highly recommended to rapid with either deathspore deathsporearrows or ful arrows fularrow over wen arrowswenarrow, up until phase 6 and 7. If using T95 bolg, replace ful arrows fularrow with BSA blackstonearrow, until at 15 stacks.

⬥ Improvisation is required with deathsporearrows deathspore procs, ammo swaps, perfectequilibrium BoLG stacks, and adrenaline. Due to the nature of crit-based strategies, next to no two kills will look the same in terms of rotations, and ammo swaps. The rotations below are general strategies to be closely followed, but not completely indicative of what each kill will look like.

⬥ Know how to wenspore, this is denoted as wenarrow [ability] deathsporearrows

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Use command !wenspore ‎in #bot-commands for more information

enhreplen can be used to replace adrenrenewal, where adrenrenewal has to be drank same tick as your ultimate. There is minimal difference between the two potions.

⬥ The largest time saves will come from good movement between pads, and receiving as few Red HP autos as possible

⬥ Abilities in rotations with [ ] around them indicate they should be your first ability to be used in green HP.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Example: sgb eofspec → [ rapid ]

Special Attack Order

⬥ Pad order used: 2 → 1 → 4 → 3 → 6 → 5

Red HP mechanics are always skipped in this guide, all listed mechanics occur in green HP

⬥ Order:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P1: Flames of Zamorak → Infernal Tomb + Phase (Tomb and Phase occurs at the same time)

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P2: Adrenaline Cage → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P3: Chaos Blast → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P4: Rune of Destruction → Adrenaline Cage → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P5: Chaos Blast → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P6: Rune of Destruction → Flames of Zamorak (skippable) → Phase


Witch rotation

invokedeath + surge + divevulnbomb + deathskullswenarrow gricowenarrow piercing deathsporearrowsmds / touchofdeath if still alive


⬥ The witch rotation is the same throughout p2-6

deathskulls crit will greatly reduce the time taken in witch, generally killing on grico or piercing

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Alternatively, you can deathskullstouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspec , requires relentless proc on deathskulls or divert once leaving witch. This method doesn't reliably build wenarrow / deathsporearrows for next phase, but regardless is still viable in some cases.

⬥ ‎ ‎Additionally, on faster kills when entering infernus with several GCDs available before immort activates on chaos blast's hit, you can invokedeathtouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspec / invokedeathbloat


⬥ At War's Retreat dummy: threadsoffatesoulsap

⬥ On witches: build 15 wenarrow stacks, 4 deathsporearrows stacks, and be at 3 perfectequilibrium stacks with bolg spec active

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Using wenarrow gricodeathsporearrows bolg spec on the 1st witch, wenarrow piercing deathsporearrows on the second witch

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Be at 4 deathsporearrows stacks as the 5th witch is killed, then wenarrow grico deathsporearrowscorruptshot / frag the last witch to activate feasting spores deathsporearrows

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Optionally prebuild 3/4 perfect equilibrium stacks after killing the final witch, making incend proc perfectequilibrium

Phase 1

⬥ The goal of this phase is to phase Zamorak into green hp with no autos during red hp

⬥ Use disrupt for Flames of Zamorak

⬥ Receive the Infernal Tomb spec with bloat active

Phase 1 Rotation:

divertsmokecloud + deathsporearrows incend + divegdeathsswift → (limitless) + vulnbomb + rapidwenarrow + sgb eofspeczammybow eofspecbolg spec → [ snap ] → zammybowwenarrow grico deathsporearrowswenarrow bolg spec / mdspiercingmds / ‎ ‎tuskasdeathsporearrows rapidbolg spec / mds (depends on zamorak HP) → piercing / snap until 2-3 deathsporearrows stacks

Move to pad + invokedeathbloatanti (swap bloat / anti depending on hp) → wenarrow grico + deathsporearrows 1t later for perfectequilibrium crit → bindingshot

Note: This rotation aims to use dracolich infusion to build to 2-3 deathspore stacks, while refreshing it to 3-4 before phasing into infernus

Witch + Demon:

surge + dive → (tc) + deathskullsinvokedeath + demonslayer + vulnbomb witch → threadsoffatesoulsapvolleyofsouls + surge + dive to exit

Phase 2

⬥ From here on, improvisation is required between pads to build 5 deathsporearrows stacks, then casting incend + gdeathsswift before each pad refund

⬥ Whenever sgb eofspec / bolg spec is the first ability in a gdeathsswift rotation, it relies on incend critting, or adrenrenewal being used. If adrenrenewal isn't used, use sgb eofspec / bolg spec + grico / piercing to have sgb eofspec / bolg spec activate over grico / piercing in the event incend does crit.

vitality is used to tank adrenaline cage

Phase 2 Rotation:

smokecloud + wenarrow grico deathsporearrowsdivertincend wenarrowgdeathsswift + adrenrenewalsgb eofspec ‎ ‎→ bolg specsnapdbow eofspecwenarrow grico deathsporearrowsfularrow / blackstonearrow [ rapid ] → zammybow eofspec until 0 adren/phased, wenarrow grico deathsporearrows to renew adren if needed → wenarrow rapidsgb eofspecrealmmovement

Phase 3

⬥ Exit red HP before any red HP autos

⬥ Prioritise spending pad adren refund on immort

⬥ Can shadowtend after sgb eofspec if at 3/4 perfectequilibrium stacks

⬥ Can skip second rapid if phased into grey hp while rapid is still on CD, instead sgb eofspecshadowtend 3/4 PE stacks perfectequilibrium ~50k grey hp will remain

Phase 3 Rotation:

smokecloud + piercing / mdsdevowenarrow grico deathsporearrowsdivertincend wenarrowgdeathsswiftbolg specpiercing → [ ecb eofspec ] → immortgricofularrow rapidzammybow eofspec / snap adren dump until phased, renew adren with wenarrow gricowenarrow rapidsgb eofspec + realmmovement

Phase 4

⬥ Kill protector with bolg specsnap, save adrenrenewal for p5. ‎ ‎This strategy relies on incend critting on zamorak to bolg spec the protector on 28% adren. Pad adrenaline renewal provides adren for snap. If early to protector and incend doesn't crit, use piercingbolg specsnap

deathsporearrows cooldown should be reset before bleeding for adrenaline cage. You can build to 2-3 deathsporearrows stacks before entering witch for more consistent deathsporearrows activation on witch exit.

⬥ You can devo after wenarrow grico in witch to have the kill extend devo timer by 5s, requiring p5 to only need wenarrow grico deathsporearrowsincend on witch exit

Phase 4 Rotation:

smokecloud + deathsporearrows piercingdevodivertwenarrow grico deathsporearrowsincendgdeathsswiftbolg spec protector → snapzamorak dbow eofspecsgb eofspecdeathsporearrows [ rapid ] → zammybow eofspec / snap dump → ‎ ‎wenarrow gricobolg spec

⬥ Lower green HP to 595K with basics, reflect 1-2 autos before adrenaline cage

⬥ Adrenaline cage: bloatcorruptshotfraginvokedeath + realmmovement

Phase 5

⬥ Exit red HP before ecb eofspec & immort, use immort on pad adren refund

⬥ Can choose to adren dump with fularrow instead and save 15 wen stacks for sgb eofspec, depending on HP left

⬥ Prioritise getting 0 green HP autos after chaos blast

⬥ Being below 60% HP for pad 6 damage buff is helpful. Can use shadowtend to lower HP, at risk of self-execution. Make sure you have enough HP to stay alive, but also be < 60% HP after shadowtend.

Phase 5 Rotation:

wenarrow grico deathsporearrowsincend wenarrowgdeathsswift + adrenrenewalsgb eofspecbolg specgricosnapzammybow eofspec → [ ecb eofspec ] → gricoimmortlimitless + fularrow rapidwenarrow zammybow eofspec / snap adren dump → gricofularrow rapidwenarrow sgb eofspec + realmmovement

Phase 6

⬥ Stand southwest of zamorak, on the pad, to ensure rune of destruction smoke cannot stun you regardless of its spawn location. anti is used to prevent chaos trap's stun, and can be used to build adren if at ~98% adren after wenarrow grico deathsporearrows. Improvise with deathsporearrows piercing if not at 5/5 deathsporearrows

⬥ Prioritise casting incend & gdeathsswift before pad adren refund, if at 4/5 deathsporearrows after piercing, incenddeathsporearrows grico → wait for pad adren → gdeathsswift. In this case you may need to sgb eofspec to exit red HP faster, as the autos at this point aren't manageable, even if spamming food.

rod can be equipped later into the phase for safety since the proc effect resets upon phasing into p7

Phase 6 Rotation

smokecloud + deathsporearrows piercingdevowenarrow grico deathsporearrowsantiincendgdeathsswiftbolg specgricozammybow eofspecfularrow [ rapid ] → zammybow eofspecdbow eofspecwenarrow gricosgb eofspeczammybow eofspecgricosnap / touchofdeath (invokedeath executes 30k HP) to phase into p7

Phase 7

vitality may be used on the two autos from Zamorak + possible auto from the demon if HP is low entering p7, or to keep splitsoul up during cycle over swapping to deflectmelee

⬥ Make sure to maintain <60% HP as the cycle begins to make full use of the pad 6 buff

perfectequilibrium stacks clear upon phase transition so stacks should always be consistent when following any given rotation

adrenrenewal can be used at any point needed during cycle. It may be on cooldown on entry depending on kill speed, but generally is available after gdeathsswift

wenarrow stacks persist through phase transition, meaning its possible to only need one grico to reach 15/15 wenarrow stacks. In such cases, you can alternatively wenarrow snap rune 2, and limitless + rapid (if adren is needed). wenarrow stacks will last until sgb eofspec, swap to fularrow for dbow eofspec

⬥ Expect the melee slam to deal ~1500-3000 damage through disrupt + deflectmelee, ‎ ‎5000 with splitsoul + vitality

rod should proc on the red bomb

Transition rotation:


Demon rotation:

vulnbomb + demonslayer + deathsporearrows rapidwenarrow grico deathsporearrows + surge towards and target zamorakincendgdeathsswiftwenarrow piercing

Runes rotation:

surge to first rune → mdsfularrow / deathsporearrows bolg specsurge / dive to second rune → ecb eofspecgricopiercingcorruptshot + surge / dive to gdeathsswift

Zamorak rotation:

disrupt + veng + target zamorak + vulnbomb + equip rodwenarrow rapidsgb eofspecdbow eofspeclimitless + snap / zammybow eofspec

Example Kills

1 Hour 8 KPH VOD range
6:04 2000% range
6:56 4000% range

Content Provided by: @moxielf

Formatting Maintained by: @moxielf