> Ranged DPM Advice 
This channel will go over general damage output lessons, ability prioritisation, crafting a rotation, a learning path, common mistakes, and tips and tricks.
For general PvM terminology, DPS tips, and revolution bars, check out their respective sections in #General DPM FAQ
> Ability Prioritisation
⬥ Generally, high damaging abilities should be prioritised and used more often than low damaging abilities.
⬥ To compare abilities, use RS Analysis' Ranged Page, and add your gear.
Note: This does not give an ability rotation, only a damage comparison chart. It does not consider Ability Cooldowns, Adrenaline, or any specific PvM encounter.
> Bows vs Dual Wield 
Bows are the current recommended weapons of choice due to having access to arrows that provide better effects than crossbow bolts and most best-in-slot ranged gear having effects designed for bows.
Certain types of arrows like Wen , Ful
, and Deathspores
provide better damage and utility than what bolts such as Ruby Bakriminels
have to offer.
One point of concern for Ranged is adrenaline - Hydrix Bakriminel bolts
provide incredible adrenaline gain, and Ranged
is a style that heavily benefits from excess adrenaline. However, the effect of Incendiary Shot
used in tandem with other critical hit buffs such as Erethdor's Grimoire
, Elite Dracolich Armour
, and Deathspore arrows
can easily provide this adrenaline while bow camping.
See Related Channels at the bottom of this guide for recommended gearing upgrade order, Essence of Finality setups, and more.
> Building a Ranged Rotation 
⬥ Similar to other styles, a typical Ranged rotation uses the strongest basics available to build adrenaline, and spends it on the strongest available thresholds, ultimates, or special attacks.
• To achieve this, we must think about the following key considerations:
⬩ Ability Cooldowns
⬩ Adrenaline
⬩ Ammo effects
⬩ Boss HP and phases
• If these considerations are well accounted for, you will be able to improvise rotations effectively.
*Note 1: This section does not go over the use of Bow of the Last Guardian or Elite Dracolich Armour
Note 2: Replace any mentions of Greater Dazing Shot with Dazing Shot
or Needle Strike
if not owned or camping dual-wield.
See Advanced Rotations section further down for info on ranged rotations with best-in-slot gear.*
Basic Pattern
⬥ Greater Dazing Shot should form the foundation of your rotation early on.
⬥ The basic pattern uses often, in 'blocks' of 3 abilities:
• [ → Ability → Ability ] → Repeat
⬥ Prioritise Greater Ricochet as often as possible if it is owned, and use the earlier pattern in-between.
⬥ When building adrenaline, fill the empty slots with strong basics like the following, prioritising those that can crit:
• Greater Ricochet
• Snipe
• Binding Shot (Flanking)
• Piercing Shot
• Corruption Shot
• Frag Shot (Walked)
Note: and
cannot crit but are still strong abilities.
⬥ Once your rotation gets going, you can start using abilities like thresholds or better to fill in the blanks.
Death's Swiftness
Note: It is assumed that either the Planted Feet perk or Greater Death's Swiftness unlock has been obtained
for the purposes of this guide.
⬥ Death's Swiftness lasts 38.4 seconds, but only has a 60 second cooldown. We want to prioritise building to 100% adrenaline and using it often, as it boosts damage by 50%.
• The exception to this is when the fight would end too quickly, or mechanics occur, and you can't benefit from the full duration.
• Ideally, enter boss fights with 100% adrenaline so you can activate it immediately at the start.
⬥ Both in and out of Death's Swiftness , you will want to prioritise your strong thresholds, special attacks, and modified ultimates.
• Snapshot
• Rapid Fire
• Shadow Tendrils
• Tight Bindings (Flanking)
• Igneous Deadshot
• Dark Bow (EoF)
• BoLG
• etc.
⬩ While under the effect of a crit buff the use of basic abilities during
to build adrenaline can be greatly reduced.
⬥ While waiting for cooldown, you can use a few more thresholds, set up Deathspore arrows
, etc.
• You do not want to needlessly camp 100% adrenaline, and can start building when is nearly ready to use again.
⬥ Any basic ability with damage lower than /
is considered a weak ability and should be avoided when possible. Sometimes you may be forced to use them. Don't sweat it too much.
• Sacrifice
• Ricochet (non-greater)
• Tuska's Wrath
• Binding Shot (no Flank)
• Frag Shot (no Walking)
⬥ Keep in mind that Snipe and Rapid Fire
are channelled abilities and should be cancelled with the next ability after 4 ticks and 8 ticks respectively, or during the last segment of their channel bars.
⬥ The damage buff gained through is wasted if the follow-up ability is a damage-over-time ability
but sometimes it may be unavoidable.
> General Death's Swiftness Rotations 
This section will cover usage of strong abilities (thresholds or better) within your Death's Swiftness under different scenarios.
The following unlocks are assumed:
⬥ Ring of Vigour or its passive effect after Extinction quest.
⬥ Greater Ricochet unlocked.
⬥ Essence of Finality with an adrenaline dump spec such as
Keep in mind the following:
⬥ These are only suggestions to work from, and will not necessarily be applicable at all bosses or situations.
• For boss-specific rotations, see their respective guides.
⬥ Conservation of Energy is recommended for a strong, all-purpose relic, or Heightened Senses
as a good alternative for Ranged
if planning for crit buffs
and Dark Bow EoF
Death's Swiftness w/ Adren Renewal 
⬥ 2x Rapid Fire
⬥ 2x Snapshot
⬥ 1x Shadow Tendrils
⬥ 1x
Death's Swiftness w/ SGB 
⬥ 2x SGB
⬥ 2x Rapid Fire
⬥ 2x Snapshot
⬥ 1x Shadow Tendrils
Death's Swiftness w/ECB + Limitless

⬥ 2x ECB
⬥ 2x SGB
⬥ 2x Rapid Fire
It should be noted that all of the above rotations have stretches of filler globals, such as ,
, or
, intended to build adrenaline and fill the space between stronger cooldowns. With a crit buff
, such as Incendiary Shot
, many of these globals can potentially be replaced by stronger adrenaline dumps such as
, while leaving much of the adrenaline-building to
and the crit buff
See Advanced Rotations for examples of such rotations.
> Ammo Information 
Ranged weapons can use multiple types of ammo - bows consume arrows, and crossbows use bolts. While the choice of weapon (bow vs. crossbow) can be affected by the gear available, your DPS can significantly improve if proper ammo is used. In general, a bow will be preferred over a similarly tiered crossbow setup due to its ammo options.
For a full list of what ammo to use at what bosses, use the !ammo
Elder God Arrows
Elder god arrows are T95 ammunition made by charging dinarrows with resonant anima from GWD3, providing a variety of useful effects.
All Elder God arrows have a 33% of being consumed per ability (even if the ability does not benefit from them, e.g. Ful arrows on
⬥ Ful arrows
• All non-bleed abilities deal 15% more damage but have -10% hit chance.
• The most simple arrow to use when camped, providing consistent damage bonuses with minor hit chance issues.
⬩ Hit chance issues are usually solved using an aura , defence debuffs like black stone arrows
, or affinity debuffs like
⬥ Wen arrows
• Basic abilities add a stack of Icy Chill per hit (capping at 15 stacks) that can be consumed by the next threshold or ultimate used to provide Icy Precision
• Icy Precision gives +2% damage and accuracy per stack for all threshold, ultimate, and special attack abilities, with the effect lasting 0.6s per consumed stack (Up to +30% damage for 9 seconds).
• Stacks vanish after 30 seconds if not re-applied.
• The strongest damage boosting arrow when used properly, but requires time to stack and planning within your rotation to use properly.
⬥ Jas arrows
• Provides +30% damage and +20% hit chance against dragons.
• Best-in-slot ammunition for susceptible content such as Queen Black Dragon, ED2 dragons + bosses, etc.
• Jas arrows come in two variants - dragonbane and demonbane, that apply to the monsters implied by their names.
⬥ Bik arrows
• All abilities add a stack of Evolving Toxin, increasing poison damage taken by 2% per stack, capping at 200 stacks (400% increased damage).
• Stacks vanish after 30 seconds if not re-applied.
• Very strong in sustained, poisonable encounters.
⬩ Examples include Solak, high enrage Arch-Glacor, Kerapac, etc.
• See Poison Build Rotations further below for optimizations involving Bik arrows.
Other Arrows
⬥ Deathspore Arrows
• T95 arrows that have the following effects:
⬩ +3% critical hit chance.
⬩ Critical hits give 1 stack of Feasting Spores.
⬩ At 5 stacks, the next ranged ability that would cost adrenaline is free (9s window to use it). You must still have the required adrenaline to use the ability.
⬩ This effect has a cooldown of 100t/60s, but each critical hit lowers it by 3t/1.8s.
• They can be used to guarantee a free ultimate, and is commonly used to set up Incendiary Shot or Death's Swiftness
and maintain full adrenaline to make use of their respective buffs.
⬥ Black stone arrows
• T92 arrows with a passive effect where each ability used with lowers the target's defence by 0.75% (up to 22 armour), capping at 15% (454 armour).
⬩ Arrows are not consumed past max stacks.
⬩ Abilities that hit multiple times (like Greater Ricochet will apply one stack per hitsplat).
• This is an easy way for rangers to increase hitchance at encounters like Nex, Vorago (P5/10/11), Telos, etc.
Bakriminel Bolts
⬥ Ruby Bakriminel bolts
• Has a 5% chance to trigger its effect, dealing an extra 25-125% additional ability damage hit to the enemy at the expense of some lifepoints.
• The effect weakens as the target drops to lower health.
⬥ Onyx Bakriminel bolts
• Has a 10% chance to increase damage dealt by 25% and heal 25% of damage dealt in a hit.
• Can give a reasonable amount of sustain in encounters, lowering the requirement for food.
⬥ Hydrix Bakriminel bolts
• Has a 10% chance of granting 10% adrenaline instantly and refreshing a buff that makes basics give +1% adrenaline for 15 seconds.
• This makes them incredibly good for building adrenaline.
• Often used as a bolt switch when camping dual-wield.
Note: The proc chance on bakriminel bolts increases with Ranged cape perk and Elite Seers Village achievements completed.
Pernix's Quiver
⬥ Pernix's Quiver is an ammo slot unlock that allows two different ammo types to be stored, saving an inventory slot and giving access to multiple keybinds that can make ammo swapping easier.
• Unlocks Quiver ammo slot 1 and Quiver ammo slot 2 abilities in the ranged spellbook, allowing swapping to the ammo in the respective slot.
• Acts as Cycle Ammo ability when the quiver itself is dragged onto the ability bar, allowing swapping to the ammo that is not currently active.
• Having multiple dyed quivers is possible
and the active ammo will be remembered for each quiver individually.
> Important Ability Mechanics
Certain Ranged abilities are worth noting in particular, due to their behaviour and how they can be used. Here, we cover some of these abilities.
Greater Ricochet 
Note: Use !grico
for a summary on how it works.
⬥ Greater Ricochet is an upgraded version of regular Ricochet
that hits the target, as well 2 additional targets within a 6 tile radius. Any hits not dealt to an additional target are instead dealt to the primary target at reduced effect.
• With Caroming 4 , the number of additional hits on the main target from
can be increased up to 6, for a total of 7 hits on the primary target.
• On a single target, the initial hit deals 65-75% damage, followed by two hits of 30-40%, and any extra hits from deal 10-15% damage each.
⬥ This is the strongest ranged basic ability available.
⬥ It synergises well with multiple other ranged tools:
• Can build stacks faster when using arrows
• Provides many chances to critically strike when under a crit buff
• Creates far more hitsplats when using weapon poison (and cinderbanes)
due to increased hits per minute.
• Can proc Perfect Equilibrium twice in one cast, providing even more hitsplats.
• Can greatly increase the chance of ammo procs
• Deals great damage under ECB spec
due to how Soul Split
healing works.
Greater Dazing Shot (GDS) 
⬥ Greater Dazing Shot deals the same damage as Dazing Shot
but also applies a Puncture stack.
• Puncture deals bleed damage every 1.8s for 9s (4 times), with damage increasing per stack (caps at 10 stacks).
• Using or
refreshes this duration.
• Splintering arrows can be used to maintain stacks and increase the cap from 10 to 13 stacks.
• The extra hits from Puncture can trigger poison and so synergises well with poison-stacking methods.
• It can also help phase bosses, saving time by not having to use an extra ability, a prominent example of this is Nex.
⬥ Salt the Wound deals damage based on the number of Puncture stacks.
• The damage caps at 220-295% damage at 10 stacks, or 240-325% at 13 stacks with Splintering arrows.
• Can be strong early on, but its usefulness begins to drop once you get access to more weapons' special attacks and abilities (
). It is not often used in end-game PvM scenarios.
Shadow Tendrils 
⬥ Shadow Tendrils is a threshold that deals a large amount of damage to the target in exchange for dealing some damage to yourself.
• Deals a total of 100-135% ability damage to the player → results in 200-270% ability damage on target.
⬥ The attack is guaranteed to crit, dealing extremely strong consistent damage
⬥ The high ability damage pairs very well with the Bow of the Last Guardian
if lined up on a proc
⬥ The guaranteed crit can be used to get adrenaline if used after or
or any other critical hit adrenaline buff.
⬥ The self-damage is not too significant, as it can be healed back with Soul Split very quickly.
Incendiary Shot 
⬥ Incendiary Shot fires an arrow that explodes after 3 seconds, dealing 270-330% weapon damage to all targets in a 3x3 area, also granting a critical hit buff
- all critical hits for 30s afterwards will give +8% adrenaline.
• If the main target dies before triggers, the effect will be lost.
⬥ It can be used to setup pre-fight to execute stronger rotations.
• e.g. Use War's Retreat adrenaline crystals and Invention combat dummies to before the start of a fight like Raksha or Kerapac to have plenty of adrenaline in your opening ultimate rotation
⬥ It can be set up mid-fight using Deathspore arrows , allowing for high uptime on the buff
without having to spend adrenaline to use it.
⬥ Deals a massive amount of damage on a single hit, making it a highly effective Perfect Equilibrium proc
Greater Death's Swiftness 
⬥ Greater Death's Swiftness is an upgraded version of regular Death's Swiftness
that increases the duration from 52t/31.2s to 65t/39s, and retains the damage-over-time effect.
• This effect may be replicated using the Planted Feet perk However, this loses the damage-over-time component and requires an extra inventory space.
⬥ The damage-over-time component can deal a moderate amount of damage, but it can also trigger other on-hit effects such as weapon poison
making it stronger than it appears.
Seren Godbow (SGB) Special Attack

Note: See !sgb
command for a list of boss sizes. For a full breakdown on how SGB special attack calculations work, and boss sizes, also see #mechanics
⬥ The Seren Godbow is primarily used for its strong special attack, which hits up to 5 times for large damage.
• Synergises well with
⬥ The damage calculation for how
works can be summarised into the following scenarios:
• Camping ranged: use it on 3x3 or bigger targets.
• Off-style switch: use it on 5x5 or bigger targets.
⬥ Scales extremely well with target size, making it highly effective at bosses such as Zamorak and Arch Glacor
⬥ On 5x5 or bigger targets, prioritise getting 2x
where possible.
• On 3x3 targets, it may be beneficial to only use it once and adjust rotation accordingly.
Eldritch Crossbow (ECB) Special Attack

Note: For a full breakdown on Soul Split healing works, see #mechanics
⬥ The Eldritch Crossbow is primarily used for its strong special attack, which causes all Soul Split healing
to instead damage the target for 4 times the amount it would have healed for 15 seconds.
• During this period, will not heal.
⬥ The effect is tied to your main hand weapon - if you change weapons, the effect is lost.
⬥ An Amulet of Souls or EoF
will boost the damage from Split Soul.
adds a significant amount of 'free' damage that scales well with strong ability rotations.
⬥ Prioritise abilities that hit for many (smaller) hits in
• Rapid Fire
• Greater Ricochet (can fit twice within 15s).
• SGB special attack
⬥ The Bow of the Last Guardian
benefits from
adds a lot of frequent extra hits.
> Poison Build Rotations 
Bik Arrows are extremely strong against poisonable targets with large HP pools (Solo Kerapac
1-4k Arch-Glacor
). At 200 stacks of Evolving Toxin
(400%), poison hit splats can output massive damage. This section covers tips and strategies to maximise the potential poison damage when using Bik Arrows
Preset and Synergy Considerations
⬥ Cinderbane Gloves , Weapon Poison (+++)
, and Kwuarm Incense Sticks
should all be used as standard poison damage buffs
⬥ Scripture of Amascut hits can proc poison and is considered the best pocket slot item for poison builds
⬥ Hitsplats of Split Soul , the Eldritch Crossbow special attack
, can also proc poison
⬥ Wyvern Crossbow with Emerald Bakriminel bolts
performs very well when the target has 200 Evolving Toxin
stacks and is a decent budget option before BoLG
is obtained
Ability Prioritisation
⬥ At the start of a fight the priority is to apply Bik Arrows as often as possible to build to 200 stacks (400%) quickly.
• /
are all multi-hit abilities that will apply stacks rapidly.
• Damage-over-time abilities only apply 1 stack of Evolving Toxin and should not be prioritised.
⬥ Around 100 Evolving Toxin stacks (200%), DoT abilities move up in priority for their ability to generate hitsplats to proc
• /
are DoT abilities that can proc poison repeatedly.
⬥ At maximum (200) Evolving Toxin stacks (400%) switch to an alternative ammo, only switching back to
to upkeep stacks.
• You must land an ability with Bik Arrows at least once every 30 seconds to upkeep stacks.
• If continuing to camp a bow ,
are generally used after max
• If utilising the Wyvern Crossbow , switch to Emerald Bakriminel Bolts
> Advanced Rotations

This section is focused on best-in-slot rotations that make full use of all the tools that ranged has to offer. Players looking to optimise around Bow of the Last Guardian
, Elite Dracolich Armour
, and Wen arrows
in multi-ammo setups should navigate through this section.
⬥ The example rotations in this section also assume an active crit buff
⬥ For boss-specific rotations, see their respective guides.
Bow of the Last Guardian 
Optimising Perfect Equilibrium procs can result in some of the largest possible DPS increases for ranged
. To understand how to plan around this effect, it's important to keep in mind ranged ability hit-counts:
Ordered in highest-to-lowest priority for lining up with a proc:
⬥ Generates 1 stack: /
⬥ Generates 2 stacks:
⬥ Generates 7 (3) stacks:
• It may be more helpful to think of as:
⬩ generating -1 stacks (first 4 hits proc with 3 leftover)
⬩ generating 3 stacks (first 4 hits proc with 3 leftover)
⬩ Note: If outside of
thinking of it as 3 will not work**
⬥ Generates 8 (0) stacks:
• Will put you back at the number of stacks you had before.
⬩ This is useful for keeping track of stacks post-rapid for rotations.
⬩ Before is obtained, can optionally be cancelled early to adjust stacks as desired.
It can be useful to think of your rotation as blocks of abilities resulting in each proc, building up to 2-3 stacks with lower-damaging abilities such as
and finishing off with a high damaging ability that also resets stack count.
⬥ Example blocks, starting from 0 stacks:
• (2) →
• (3) →
• (2) →
(3) →
• (2) →
This is a simple method of thinking about at first that may be easy to improvise around, but keep in mind it's not always ideal to aim for exactly 4 hits at a time. We may want to incorporate ability sequences such as
that leave us at 1 stack for the next block, but continuing to keep hit-counts in mind will allow us to continue proccing
on strong hitting abilities
⬥ Example: (3) →
(1) →
(3) →
(3) →
(4) →
(2) →
(4) →
(3) →
⬥ When
is first used, any number of stacks between 3-7 is adequate to proc the passive effect and be reset to 0 stacks.
⬥ generates 1 stack on the tick it explodes, meaning you have one global to adjust or stall stacks to line it up with a proc.
• Examples:
⬩ (Starting from 1 stack) →
⬩ (Starting from 2 stacks) →
⬩ (Starting from 3 stacks) →
Any rotation examples from here on will also account for stacks and so it is encouraged to pay attention to the hit-count of abilities on top of the relevant info from upcoming sections.
Elite Dracolich Armour 
Elite Dracolich provides ranged with a burst window to deal massive damage and generate adrenaline refunds with crit buffs
after full channelling
. With a well-planned rotation, this makes dealing damage to clear certain boss phases, such as at Zamorak
, and generating Deathspore stacks
to highly reliably set up a free ultimate ability.
⬥ With the full 5-set equipped, there will be a 4-global window after to make use of the buff, decreasing down to 2 globals with 3 pieces equipped.
⬥ A common use of this window is using 3 high damage adrenaline spenders
with an active crit buff
to regain the adrenaline to continue your rotation.
• This has a very high chance of generating all 5
stacks needed to use a free ultimate ability, typically
if it isn't already active.
⬥ Prioritise using abilities such as
⬥ It's generally expected to use 2x Rapid Fire per Death's Swiftness
if boss mechanics and phasing allows it.
⬥ Example windows:
• →
• →
• →
• →
Wen Arrows 
Proper utilisation of the Icy Precision buff from Wen arrows
is key to maximising the damage output of the style
. This section will go over how to smoothly build and spend Wen stacks
within a rotation.
Starting from 0 stacks:
⬥ The most common way of building up Wen stacks is by using 2x
with a basic such as
in between the cooldown.
⬥ Wen stacks can be prevented from being consumed earlier than intended by swapping to a different ammo, such as
, allowing us to continue using adrenaline spenders to fill the space.
• Example:
(7) →
(8) →
do not consume stacks.
⬥ The resulting buff lasts for 6 globals (15 ticks) upon consumption of max stacks. However, it's generally unfeasible to find the adrenaline for 6 back-to-back adrenaline spenders, so a
during the buff may be necessary.
• Example:
⬥ With Elite Dracolich Armour the Wen stacks
can be consumed by
, which will allow us to fully utilise the duration of the buff
since it will increase the damage of
as well.
⬥ This will cause the buff to last for 3 globals after
• This combos well with the window of 3 high-damage adrenaline spenders followed by
• Example:
ends) →
⬩ This then gives us another 7 Wen stacks to start building towards the next
⬥ It may still be situationally useful to not consume stacks with , in which case a swap to another ammo type during
is required.
⬥ We may run into situations where we want to receive the effect of a certain ammo, such as , and build
stacks on the same
⬥ By starting on and inputting
in that order on the same tick, we can build 7
stacks and roll for chances at
stacks on hits 2-7 of
and any ensuing
• This works because any hits past the first on multi-hit abilities such as /
calculates their crit chance later than the initial cast
• This can also be used to fish for the cooldown-reducing effect on
⬥ Example:
• This rotation is able to use the second with 15
and proc
in the same time frame
Weapon Overrides
*Note: See !override
for a summary.
tl;dr - use Dart overrides for DW, blowpipe override for 2H.*
How It Works
⬥ Weapon overrides work by using a different weapon animation than the default one for your equipped weapon.
• This can be done by keepsaking a different weapon type, or by using certain cosmetic overrides.
⬥ Certain weapon overrides for Ranged can cause some abilities to hit 1 tick faster, depending on 3 factors:
• The distance between you and your target's NPC coordinate (also called 'true centre'). For targets ≥ 3x3 in size, this is their SW tile.
• What weapon type you use to override.
• What abilities are affected by that override.
⬥ This is not a general DPS increase, but can be used to get in an extra hit where otherwise not possible, due to mechanics.
• It can make Soul Split flicking easier to time.
List of Overrides
Note 1: The convention used here is that MD
= 1 tile from target's true centre
, and MD → X
means from MD to X tiles from target's true centre
(e.g. MD → 2
= from MD to 2 tiles from target's true centre
Note 2: Greater Ricochet and Ricochet
behave the same.
⬥ Javelins (only main hand required):
• Unload hits fast at MD → 3.
• Piercing Shot and Ricochet
hit fast at MD → 2.
• Rapid Fire and Snapshot
hit fast at MD.
⬥ Darts (only main hand required):
• Unload hits fast at MD → 3.
• Piercing Shot and Ricochet
hit fast at MD → 5.
• Rapid Fire and Snapshot
hit fast at MD → 4.
⬥ Knives (only main hand required):
• Unload hits fast at MD → 3.
• Piercing Shot and Ricochet
hit fast at MD.
⬥ Blowpipe (2H override):
• Dazing Shot and first hit of Deadshot
hits fast at MD → 2.
• Piercing Shot and Ricochet
hit fast at MD → 5.
• Rapid Fire and Snapshot
hit fast at MD → 4.
Ability Information
Related Channels
For further information and reading, you can refer to the following resources.
Note: If you have any difficulties in using the tools or understanding what the information means, you can always ask in #pvm-help.