Zamorak, Lord of Chaos
Zamorak, Lord of Chaos is the fifth and final installment in the Elder God Wars dungeon. This guide will primarily focus on the final boss encounter. For help clearing the dungeon, refer to #Zamorakian Undercity. If you would like a more simple version of the guide for your first few kills, refer to #Zamorak Basic Guide.
Presets and Relics
Recommended Upgrades
These items should be part of your preset if available and will aid in being able to follow the rotations and strategies in our Zamorak guides
⬥ Melee
• Leng swords or highest available tier of melee weapon
• EoF with
Dragon claws or
• Vestments of havoc equipment
⬥ Ranged
• Bow of the Last Guardian,
Seren godbow, or
Noxious longbow
• Quiver with
Ful/Wen arrows and
Deathspore arrows
• EoF with
Zamorak bow,
Seren godbow,
Eldritch crossbow, and
Dark bow
⬥ Magic
• Fractured Staff of Armadyl and
Erethdor's grimoire
• with Zamorak staff
Armadyl battlestaff, and/or
Iban's staff
City of Senntisten spells unlocked
⬥ Necromancy
Rasial weapons or highest available tier of necromancy weapons
• EoF with
Death guard
• First Necromancer equipment
Note: The quest Twilight of the Gods will grant 10% reduced damage taken against Zamorak
Fight Overview
Zamorak has 6 phases that are progressed by depleting his health bar and charging the 6 edicts, or pads, located around the arena. During each phase he will cycle through 3 health bar colours, each with their own effects that dictate the progression of the fight:
⬥ Grey HP: The health bar Zamorak starts with and regains between each phase
• Zamorak will have accelerated 4-tick attack speed and deal 50% more damage, but won't use special attacks
• Cannot be fully depleted through damage and will constantly regenerate itself at an increasing rate
⬩ Healing is prevented on ticks that Zamorak takes damage, meaning DoT and multihit abilities can be used to stall the healing somewhat
⬩ At 900% enrage, regeneration increase will start carrying over between grey HP phases, meaning healing will keep scaling to become drastically higher in later phases
• Upon activating a pad, all remaining grey HP will be converted into red HP
⬥ Red HP: The health bar Zamorak gains upon the player activating a pad
• Zamorak will have accelerated 4-tick attack speed and deal 50% more damage, and will do his next special attack every 10 auto attacks
⬩ The first mechanic in red HP will carry over attacks from the previous green HP phase, see the Special Attack Order section for more information
• Must be depleted by dealing damage and will be followed by green HP
⬥ Green HP: Zamorak's main health bar, and is split into 6 sections representing each phase
• Zamorak will have 5-tick attack rate and deal normal damage, and will do his next special attack every 5 auto attacks
⬩ The first mechanic in green HP on each phase will happen after 1 auto attack
• Upon depletion of each section, Zamorak will regain Grey HP and start the Channelers mechanic
Overall, the progression of the first 6 phases can be summarised as:
Grey HP > charge pad > deplete red HP > deplete green HP section > Channelers + grey HP > repeat
⬥ Zamorak's green HP scales between 300,000 and 1,600,000 per player, capping at 1740% enrage
• Phases 1-5 each take up 16% of the total green HP bar, while phase 6 takes up 20%
⬥ At 100%+ enrage, Zamorak will gain an additional 7th phase that will be explained in its own section
Special Attacks
⬥ Channelers
• Automatically triggered upon phasing Zamorak from green HP into grey HP
• A message will appear saying Zamorak begins to draw power and energy from something within Infernus.
, this will spawn a Chaos Witch Channeler in Infernus
• Players must enter Infernus with the extra action button and defeat the witch before being able to charge the next pad
• The witch has 33,000 health + 132
for every 10 enrage increase
• It is advised to /
towards the witch since it is able to stun
• At 500%, Chaos Witch Channeler spawns with 50% adrenaline and their first ability is
• At 1000%+, Chaos Witch Channeler spawns with 100% adrenaline and their first ability is
⬥ Flames of Zamorak
• Zamorak will yell This world will burn.
and slam into the ground, dealing 2 melee hits and spawning a line of black smoke between himself and a "random" player
• Picking up the smoke by walking over it will start a timer over the player that deals typeless damage at the end
⬩ The damage increases and gains additional defence piercing the more stacks that are picked up
⬩ If the smoke is left on the ground, Zamorak will gain stacks reducing his damage taken
• To deal with this, be close to the boss, , use defensives
if low HP, and use
on the timed damage
• Entering Infernus with the timer running will detonate the damage immediately with increased defence piercing
• Although the smoke spawn is supposed to be random, players standing on the northeast side of Zamorak are higher priority to be targeted for the smoke
Flames of Zamorak example using +
⬥ Adrenaline Cage
• Zamorak will say Chaos, unfettered!
then temporarily drops overhead prayers and spawns a cage on the bases' location to bombard with 5 magic attacks
• If no player is standing on the cage location, all players will take heavy typeless damage, have their adrenaline drained, and suffer a heavy adrenaline gain debuff
• Remain still, and use
• At 1500%+ the player taking the hits will have disabled
⬩ +
from another player will still work
⬥ Chaos Blast
• Zamorak will curl up and begin charging his attack shouting I will tear you asunder!
• During this time Zamorak may be stunned enough (equal to team size) and will require a damage check right after, which will then force him to release the attack
⬩ If Zamorak is not stunned the attack will be released after 18 seconds
• He will yell Feel the rage of a god.
and send a red projectile that deals damage based on how long he was allowed to charge
⬩ The attack has a base defence piercing of 40%
• Use a combination of defensives /
, at higher enrages you may opt to simply not stun and
⬥ Infernal Tomb
• Zamorak says Step into the dark... meet your death.
, assigns a rune over each players' head, and transports them to Infernus where chaos demons (amount equal to team size) are marching towards a portal to the main arena
⬩ Each Chaos Demon has 15,000 - 70,000 health , capping at 1470% enrage
⬩ Use abilities such as /
to keep the demon(s) in place and kill them
• Players must go to the same corresponding rune they received overhead to exit Infernus
⬩ Going to the wrong rune will deal heavy damage to all players
• As players are sent into Infernus at the beginning of the mechanic, Zamorak will start charging his Chaos Blast mechanic, with only the stun portion required to force him to release the attack
⬩ It is highly suggested to pre-stun Zamorak to keep this damage manageable without
⬩ Example clip of proper stun timing here.
⬥ Rune of Destruction
• Zamorak will say You're already dead.
and lay a massive red rune around him with a disc-shaped gap
• Black sludge will spawn SSW (South South-West) of the rune and rotate clockwise or counterclockwise sometimes changing direction and stuns those who get hit by it twice
• The red areas deal constant typeless damage to those standing in it
• The player cannot teleport to Infernus for the duration of the attack
• The rune can be divided in 12 pineapple pizza slices as showed in the diagram, the black sludge occupies 2 and always moves in steps of 1 slice
⬩ The black sludge will either spawn in 12-11 moving clockwise or in 1-2 moving counterclockwise
⬩ The black sludge will move around the ring, changing position every 2 ticks, 18 times
⬩ The black sludge can randomly change the direction it is moving towards up to 2 times
• Using the image below, you can position yourself in optimal spots depending on the spawn point of the black sludge
⬩ This will buy more time to react to the sludges' movement, allowing you to stay in your damage-boosting ultimates
⬩ If you are unsure, starting SSW, or between 12 and 1 in the diagram, will assure that you won't be hit twice and stunned on the first rotation
Special Attack Order
The following diagram outlines the pattern of special attacks used by and how they vary based on when you transition between phases:
⬥ The special attack order updates to a new phase when red HP is depleted. Special attacks that occur during red HP will still use the previous attack order from green HP
⬥ Zamorak's first special attack in red HP will carry over auto attacks from the previous green HP phase
• E.g. if Zamorak uses Adrenaline Cage in phase 3 followed by 2 autoattacks before phasing into grey HP, after the next pad is charged Zamorak will use 3 autoattacks followed by Chaos Blast, then resume using special attacks in 10-autoattack intervals
• Phase 1 red HP doesn't have a previous green HP so the first special attack will simply happen after 10 autoattacks
⬥ Zamorak's first special attack in green HP will always happen after 1 autoattack before he resumes using special attacks in 5-autoattack intervals
Hexes and Edicts
⬥ Charge Pads
• The arena has 6 pads that you can stand on to charge.
• When it is fully charged, Zamorak will stop attacking for a while and your adrenaline bar will be refilled. After this, you will gain an Edict while Zamorak gains a Hex depending on the pad charged.
• You will become unable to charge pads during the Channelers mechanic. To continue charging the next pad, you must enter Infernus and kill the witch present.
⬥ Hexes and Edicts
• Every time a pad is charged, all players and Zamorak will gain a stack of currently active stacking edicts and hexes, respectively
• This makes it such that earlier pad effects become stronger as the fight progresses
⬩ Note that pads 3 and 5 don't have stacking effects
⬩ E.g. if you activate pads 2 → 4 → 1 → 3 → 6 → 5, once 5 is activated rune 2 will have 6 stacks, rune 4 will have 5 stacks, rune 1 will have 4 stacks, and rune 6 will have 2 stacks
• During phase 7, all stacking edicts and hexes have their stack amounts reversed
⬩ E.g. Using the pad order in the above example, phase 7 will act as if the pad order were 5 → 6 → 3 → 1 → 4 → 2
⬥ A calculator has been made to gauge the effects of each activated Edict & Hex:
Hex: Twinshot
Twinshot from pad 1 and Disintegrate
from pad 4 will result in the largest increases in incoming damage, especially when they are ramped up in later phases
⬥ Twinshot deals a second hit 1 tick after all of Zamorak's autoattacks, equal to 10% of the possible max hit per stack, which allows for less
uptime and creates special hit timings to be wary of once it's active
• During grey HP and red HP, Zamorak will have an accelerated 4-tick attack rate, meaning
will have to be active 1/2 of the time with twinshot
• During the Flames of Zamorak mechanic, if the black smoke is picked up immediately, the timed damage will occur on the same tick as a twinshot hit during grey HP and red HP
⬩ This will make it impossible to /
the timed damage unless
is also used
⬩ Note that entering Infernus or phasing Zamorak between red HP/grey HP and green HP, causing his attack speed to change, while the timer is running can cause the damage to line up with an attack regardless of twinshot being active or not
Hex: Disintegrate
⬥ Disintegrate from pad 4 grants Zamorak 7% defence piercing per stack on his attacks, stacking with existing defence piercing values such as Chaos Blast: 40% and Flames of Zamorak Smoke damage: 1% per stack
• This only affects the following defensives:
⬩ Disruption shield
⬩ Barricade
⬩ Resonance
⬩ Divert
⬩ Reflect
⬩ Debilitate
⬩ Shield dome
• The % damage taken through a defensive affected by disintegrate is calculated as follows
⬩ = floor(Defensive_value * (Disintegrate_stacks * 0.07 + Base_piercing) + (100 - Defensive_value))/100
• Given the way some defensives are calculated through this effect, this results in a buff and debuff on certain aspects of them:
⬩ Reflect damage increases as more damage taken results in more damage reflected
⬩ Resonance healing decreases since disintegrate results in less damage blocked
Hex: Chaos Traps
Once the Chaos Traps rune is active from pad 5, traps will spawn in set locations. The locations on the map below are possible locations where the traps may spawn
⬥ Note that traps respawn on every pad each time a new pad is charged
⬥ To avoid being stunned and taking heavy damage, you can:
• Step off each pad right as it finishes charging (new traps spawn with a slight delay)
• Pick up the buff near the sword before charging a new pad
• +
to step on a new pad without the
Phase 7
At 100% enrage, phase 7 is introduced. Zamorak will enter Infernus and force the player in along with them.
⬥ When the phase starts:
• The pad order from phases 1-6 is reversed
• Zamorak starts immune to damage
• A Chaos Demon will spawn which should be killed
• Zamorak sends 2 hits to all players
Rune Calls
⬥ An amount of runes (2 in solo, otherwise equal to team size in group) will appear before Zamorak and stay there temporarily, the order in which they appear is the order they must be defeated in
⬥ At the same time Zamorak will begin charging a new red HP bar, referred to as the chaos bar, that determines the damage of upcoming mechanics
• may be shown twice
• Killing a rune will delay Zamorak from charging for 9 ticks (4 ticks at 1600%+ enrage)
• Killing a rune out of order will deal heavy damage to all players
• Runes uber heal after they are defeated, be careful not to kill it twice.
• The rate of charge increases with enrage and caps at 8850%
⬥ After the last rune is defeated Zamorak stops charging, becomes damageable, and uses in this order:
• [1] A single moderate hit
• [2] A large chaos damage hit
⬩ Soft typeless damage that is equivalent to the chaos bar that charges while killing runes
⬩ Make sure your team is spread out as it does damage in a small area around each player
⬩ Has a base defence piercing of 50%
• [3] 4 additional small chaos damage hits
⬩ Deals damage based on a portion of the chaos bar and the amount of time it was allowed to charge for
⬩ Does not have base defence piercing but is affected by Twinshot
⬥ If Zamorak is not defeated before becoming immune on the 4th small chaos hit:
• [4] Another Chaos Demon spawns
• [5] Another moderate hit
• [6] Another large chaos damage hit
• [7] Runes are called
• Resets to [1] once last rune is defeated
⬥ Zamorak will have 100,000 to 250,000 health per player during phase 7, capping at 1000% enrage
⬥ The Chaos Demon is the same as during the Infernal Tomb mechanic and will have 18,750 to 70,000 health , capping at 1470% enrage
⬥ At 1000% enrage the chaos bar charge no longer resets between cycles, meaning the chaos damage will likely become unmanageable in a second cycle
• It's generally expected for Zamorak to be low enough at this point to defeat before the large chaos hit reaches the player, can also be used to buy more time
⬥ Each small chaos damage hit is calculated as follows:
• = floor(Iteration * Chaos_bar/100)
where Iteration
refers to how many times the Charge value has increased (this gets delayed when killing a rune)
Final phase (Solo 440%)
Phase 7 General Strategy
After entering Infernus:
⬥ Team kills the Chaos Demon
⬥ Team kills runes as soon as they appear, being careful not to kill them twice unintentionally
⬥ Before killing the last rune, team gets ready to ult
and deal as much damage as possible in a short amount of time, making sure to be spread out
⬥ Team kills last rune and immediately get on Zamorak
• You will want to and
the melee hit
• Use +
on the large hit, less defensives will be required with lower (<10k) charge
⬥ Repeat cycle if necessary
Note: See enrage and style-specific Zamorak guides for full working rotations
Phase 7 Troubleshooting
Enrage-Based Mechanics
Zamorak's damage and HP scales with enrage, and additional mechanics are introduced at specific enrage thresholds:
⬥ 100% Phase 7 is introduced.
⬥ 500% During Infernal Tomb, all players must be on their rune at the same time to exit Infernus.
⬥ 500% The chaos witch channelers in Infernus spawn with 50% adrenaline and the first ability they use will be Asphyxiate .
⬥ 750% During Infernal Tomb, demons will move faster towards the portal.
⬥ 900% During Channelers, grey HP will heal faster upon each Pad activation. Making depletion gradually impossible.
⬥ 1000% During Channelers, Chaos Witch Channeler spawns with 100% adrenaline and their first ability is Omnipower .
⬥ 1000% On phase 7, charge damage is no longer reset between cycle(s).
⬥ 1000% On phase 7, Zamorak's life points cap at 250,000 per player.
⬥ 1470% The life points of chaos demons cap at 70,000 while on Infernus.
⬥ 1500% During the Adrenaline Cage attack, the targeted player will have their Devotion deactivated.
⬥ 1600% Zamorak's stagger after killing a rune on Phase 7 reduced from 10 to 5 ticks.
⬥ 1740% For phases 1-6, Zamorak's starting life points cap at 1,600,000 per player.
⬥ 3500% On phase 7, the life points the runes revive with are capped at 60,000.
Helpful Tips
⬥ Grey HP won't regenerate on the ticks Zamorak takes damage, meaning DoT abilities such as /
can be used before entering Infernus
to prevent some healing
⬥ As Infernal Tomb starts, you can on tick stun Zamorak by using /
as he assigns runes and using a stun as your character is lifted. Example clip of proper stun timing here.
• This will greatly reduce the damage dealt to players
⬥ You can stack to use with
during phase 7
⬥ At high enrages the base can use
to reduce the damage dealt by autos
⬥ Ring of Death effect clears upon entering phase 7, along with Special Attack
⬥ You may other players and
if multiple players will take a fatal attack at the same time
Zamorak Calculator
This sheet provides calculations for multiple mechanics at the Zamorak boss, including damage received and HP scaling of NPCs
Alt1 Helper
The app tracks the special attack order at the Zamorak boss. The special attack highlighted in green is the upcoming attack.
Example Kills