TzKal-Zuk is the general of the Ful Front of the Elder God Wars. This encounter is the third version of the Fight Caves/Fight Kiln, in that you fight waves of enemies before taking on the main boss.
Presets and Relics
The Fight
This encounter has 17 waves of enemies, and then the final boss, TzKal-Zuk. Normal mode has checkpoints after waves 5, 10, 15, and 17. Hard mode has one checkpoint after wave 17. The arena has some ledges in it that can be used to lure/safespot various mobs.
General Wave Safespot
*1. Start at the southeast corner
a. There is a lava geyser here which can damage you, but isn’t much of a worry if you use animate dead
b. You can move as far south as you can to attack mobs over the ledge
c. You can move to the east to dodge the wall of fire in hardmode
- There should only be 1-2 mobs that can attack you at a time.
a. Kill them and move out to let some more mobs find you. Move back in once they are untrapped
- Repeat until the wave is cleared*
Normal Waves (1-3, 7-8, 12-13) and Igneous Waves (4, 9, 14)
NOTE: TzekHaar-Kih takes priority focus over everything.
Waves 1-3
⬥ Wave 1: at 10 seconds TzekHaar-Kih will spawn south and southeast, kill them immediately.
⬥ Wave 2: focus Xil x2, kill remaining.
⬥ Wave 3: Kih > Xil, kill remaining.
Waves 7-8
⬥ Wave 7: Kih > Tok-Xil x2, kill remaining.
⬥ Wave 8: Mej >Tok-Xil x6, kill remaining.
Waves 12-13
⬥ Wave 12: Kih > Tok-Xil x2,
Ket-Zek takes priority after Tok-Xil are dead, kill remaining.
⬥ Wave 13: Tok-Xil x2 >
Ket-Zek takes priority after Tok-Xil are dead, kill remaining.
Igneous Waves 4, 9, 14
⬥ 3 Large Igneous variants of mobs will spawn along with many normal versions of that mob
• Igneous TzekHaar-Hur
⬩ Weaken by stunning, then kill normally.
• Igneous TzekHaar-Xil
⬩ Weaken by using a threshold or ultimate ability, then kill normally.
• Igneous TzekHaar-Mej
⬩ Weaken by standing in it's shield dome, then kill normally.
• Only the 3 Igneous variants need to be killed. The rest of the mobs can be ignored.
⬩ After killing the last Igneous mob of the wave, an extra action button will appear on your screen. Click that and attack TzKal-Zuk until you deal 50,000 damage to him.
Note: If you fail to deal 50,000 damage to TzKal-Zuk, the phase repeats itself and you must do the remainder of the 50,000 damage to trigger the next phase
Challenge Waves (5, 10, 15)
These waves are challenges for the player. They must be completed successfully to achieve a flawless run which unlocks hardmode, or in hardmode it grants the ability to make the tribrid cape.
Wave 5
⬥ You must kill the 5 Volatile TzekHaar-Hur before the bar fills above their head.
• Failure to do so will result in large typeless hits for each one left alive.
Wave 10
⬥ You must kill the Unbreakable TzekHaar-Ket before the bar fills above its head.
• Only hits that deal 3000+ damage will hurt this mob.
Wave 15
⬥ You must survive several attacks from three Fatal TzekHaar-Yt-Hurkots. Each one attacks with a different combat style, and for a flawless run you must not take damage.
• Barricade works for this.
Jad Waves (6, 11, 16)
Wave 6
⬥ This is the first wave with a Jad. Kill it as soon as possible then focus on the other mobs.
Waves 11 and 16
⬥ Wave 11 has 2 Jads and various mobs.
⬥ Wave 16 has 3 Jads but no other mobs.
Jad Wave Safespot
1. *Start at the northwest corner and kill Jad 1
Clear out the extra mobs as needed (Wave 11)
Move south to allow Jad 2 to attack you (yellow arrow)
a. Jad 3 should get stuck behind Jad 2 and be unable to attack
b. For wave 11, Jad 2 doesn't exist so ignore this step
- Once Jad 2 is dead, move towards Jad 3 and kill it*
Wave 17
⬥ This is the last enemy before fighting TzKal-Zuk. His head will appear for about 40 seconds when the wave starts. He has a lot of tentacles (Mage and Ranged) which will constantly attack dealing small damage.
• After 40 seconds, his head will submerge for about 50 seconds, in which time you can kill some of the tentacles and use defensive abilities to mitigate some damage. You do not need to kill any tentacles finish the phase. Just the head needs to die.
• He has a mechanic that shoots a blob to your location that drains your adrenaline by 10% immediately and makes you gain 50% reduced adrenaline for a short time.
⬩ When his head is exposed, he only fires 1 blob at a time.
⬩ When he submerges, he fires blobs that expand into a 5x5 X
shape at your players location. These can be dodge by moving out of the way.
He primarily attacks with melee in melee distance, otherwise with magic.
Example Kills
Alt1 TzKal-Zuk Helper
Voice guidance throughout the kill
This tool reads your screen, and based on certain lines of dialogue in your chatbox, will trigger and play voice lines during the kill to let you know about upcoming mechanics and what to do for them.
Disclaimer: Alt1 is a third party tool, and while generally safe to use, is still recommended to be installed and used at your own risk.