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Twin Furies Hard Mode


The Twin Furies are located in the Heart of Gielinor, the duo consists of Nymora (left) and Avaryss (right). Entering the encounter requires 40 (or 20, with enough reputation) kill count, and 80 (boostable) Ranged range. This encounter is unique in that both NPC’s share the same health pool of 300k. This means that an AoE attack will essentially do double damage if it hits both twins.

⬥ In challenge mode (herein called Hard Mode) they gain additional mechanics.


Attack Rotations
2 Autos → Jumps + Lava Bombs → Autos → (00:32) Ceiling Collapse + Lava Bombs → Autos → (00:58) Channeled bomb + Lava Bombs → Autos → (01:28) Blue lava bomb + Lava bombs → Autos → Repeat
⬥ Avaryss jumps towards the northern wall and charges down to the southern wall. She will repeat this attack a total of 4 times and will always travel in the cardinal directions (north to south, west to east, etc.).     • You may simply move out of the way after Avaryss jumps to a new wall. Example     • In HM dive hits up to 4,000 melee damage, stuns for three seconds and disables overhead prayers.     • If attacked mid-jump (e.g. deathskulls ); will reflect 90% of damage taken.
Ceiling Collapse
⬥ Nymora will jump to a random square yelling 'we will purge them all!' and cause a ceiling collapse, hitting rapid ranged damage up to 1,000 damage every 1.8s.     • Stand in the 3x3 area around her to negate this. Example
Channeled Bomb
⬥ The twins move to the center of the arena and channel an attack. NM Example ⬥ If the channel finishes, it will deal up to 8,000 damage in Hard Mode. NM Example ⬥ During this phase, the twins take 2x damage     • They stand close enough that Cleave cleave, Hurricane cane , spectralscythe , spectralscythe2 , spectralscythe3 , and Quake quake will hit both of them.     • Explosion hit can be avoided by surging surge to the edges of the arena (or blocking it with defensives).
Lava Bomb
⬥ A lava bomb will spawn with each other mechanic. Lava bombs randomly bounce around the arena 5 times before disappearing, with green arrows indicating its destination. If the player is in a 5x5 square grid of this attack when it lands, they will take 3,000 to 4,000 hard typeless damage.     • After 2 bounces, a second lava bomb spawns.
Blue Lava Bomb
⬥ A blue lava bomb will randomly bounce around the arena 3 times, with green arrows indicating its destination.     • If avoided it will home in and hit the player 6,000 to 7,000 hard typeless damage.     • If the player takes the bomb, the blue bomb will hit both twins for the same damage.

The Fight

⬥ You must continually move out of Avaryss' path to avoid being pushed and stunned.

Start in the east half of the arena to correctly target cycle (tc) Nymora rather than Avaryss.

Poison poisonicon splats are shown but they don't deal any damage - do not waste your resources on weppoison or kwuarmsticks.

Hit caps do not apply to the Twin Furies' health pool (the capped hitsplats you see are misleading), allowing ability combinations like the below to deal more damage than visible:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• chaosroaroverpowerigneous

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• threadsoffate → 12 necrosis deathguard70 spec

Melee HM Twins melee

⬥ Normal prayer book is slightly more consistent than curses when praying piety eclipsedsoul divinerage

⬥ Rotations are crit-dependant so you may need to improvise at the end

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions


At wars:

⬥ With War's Blessing 4: dba ‎ ‎→ zerk → 120%

⬥ Without: dba → 120%


⬥ With War's Blessing 4: freedom (walk to north-east) → anti

⬥ Without: zerk + adrenrenewal (walk to north-east) → anti

The fight:

(tc) + vulnbomb + gbargeassault (bleed) → canechaosroaroverpowerdragonclaw eofspecgfury ‎ ‎→ punishlengmh spec → improvise

Example Kills

Melee Hard Mode melee

Necromancy HM Twins necromancy

⬥ You may wish to summon your conjures on the move, e.g., while travelling from War's Retreat to the instance.

disrupt can be used to block a reflect hit when deathskulls bounce to Avaryss mid-jump.

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions

One of the following is required for this rotation:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Ring of Vigour passive rov + Conservation of Energy conservationofenergy, or;

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Supreme Invigorate invigaura

⬥ Alternatively can switch to crit-build preset with reaverring + kalgpouch + grim + mahj


Outside instance


Inside instance

invokedeathsplitsoul + walk to north-east → commandskeleton

Main fight

(tc) + vulnbomb + deathskullssoulsapbloattouchofdeathsoulsapomniguard specnecroautosoulsapcommandskeletonthreadsoffate + walk near Nymora → volleyofsoulstouchofdeathdeathguard70 eofspec → improvise with AOEs (e.g., soulstrike / spectralscythe)

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Note: You may need to wait a few ticks before using volleyofsouls if Twins are not close together

Example Kills

Necromancy Hard Mode necromancy

⬥ Normal Node Twin Furies: #Twin Furies - Normal Mode

⬥ AFK Twin Furies (Normal Mode) - #AFK Twin Furies

Content Provided by: @neonx222, @peterkirk and @Unknown user

Content Maintained by: @neonx222