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> Mage DPM Advice magic

This channel will go over general damage output lessons, ability prioritisation, crafting a rotation, a learning path, common mistakes, and tips and tricks.

For general PvM terminology, DPS tips, and revolution bars, check out their respective sections in #General DPM FAQ

> Ability Prioritisation

⬥ Generally, high damaging abilities should be prioritised and used more often than low damaging abilities.

⬥ To compare abilities, use RS Analysis' Magic Page, and add your gear.

Note: This does not give an ability rotation, only a damage comparison chart. It does not consider Ability Cooldowns, Adrenaline, or any specific PvM encounter.

Dual Wield vs Staff Camp

While this compares strictly camping dual-wield vs. camping 2H, it is recommended to juggle for endgame mage, as it gives access to all the following benefits and more.

While this guide provides DPM guidance for various stages of upgrades, it does not focus on gearing and upgrade order itself. See Related Channels at the bottom for links to upgrade order.

Dual Wield Camp Benefits roarofawakening odetodeceit

⬥ Has access to the more powerful Sanctum dual-wield weapons, which provide a stronger damage boost when camped.

⬥ Easier to use switches.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Can use merciless or off-hand switches like Flanking flank4 easier, as no extra main hand switch is required.

Staff Camp Benefits noxstaff

⬥ Can be more revolution-friendly, such as for Slayer slayer tasks or AFK grinding methods.

⬥ Access to 2H Autos bloodbarrage, which are much stronger than dual-wield autos.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● When 2H camping this lets you make use of Defensive Autos voke bloodbarrage to replace weaker abilities like Tuska's Wrath Tuskas.

> Building a Magic Rotation

⬥ Similar to other styles, a typical Magic rotation uses the strongest basics available to build adrenaline, and spends it on the strongest available thresholds, ultimates, or special attacks.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• To achieve this, we must think about the following key considerations:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Ability Cooldowns

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Adrenaline

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Spell Effects exsanguinate incitefear

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Boss HP and phases

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• If these considerations are well accounted for, you will be able to improvise rotations effectively.

*Note 1: If Greater Concentrated Blast gconc is not unlocked, use the regular version conc below

Note 2: This section does not go over the use of Fractured Staff of Armadyl fsoa in rotations

See Advanced Rotations section further down for info on magic rotations with best-in-slot gear.*

Basic Pattern

Greater Concentrated Blast gconc should form the foundation of your rotation.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Aside from being the ideal filler ability, it also provides a critical strike chance buff on the following ability

The basic pattern uses gconc often, in 'blocks' of 3 abilities:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● [ gconc → Ability → Ability ] → Repeat

⬥ When building adrenaline, fill the empty slots with strong basics like the following, prioritising those that can critically strike immediately after gconc:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Wrack and Ruin wrackandruin

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Magma Tempest magmatempest

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Dragon Breath dbreath

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Impact (Flanking) impactflank

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Wrack wrack

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Combust (Walked) comb

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Corruption Blast corruptblast

Note: comb and corruptblast cannot critically strike but are still strong abilities.

⬥ Once your rotation gets going, you can start using abilities like thresholds or better to fill in the blanks.


Note: It is assumed that either the Planted Feet perk sunshinepf or Greater Sunshine unlock has been obtained gsunshine for the purposes of this guide.

⬥ Sunshine gsunshine lasts 38.4 seconds, but only has a 60 second cooldown. We want to prioritise building to 100% adrenaline and using Sunshine often, as it boosts damage by 50%.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● The exception to this is when the fight would end too quickly, or mechanics occur, and you can't benefit from the full duration.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Ideally, enter boss fights with 100% adrenaline so you can activate it immediately at the start.

⬥ Both in and out of Sunshine gsunshine, you will want to prioritise your strong thresholds, special attacks, and modified ultimates:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Igneous Omnipower omnipowerigneous

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Wild Magic wm

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Asphyxiate asphyx

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Detonate detoboots deto

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Deep Impact (Flanking) deepimpactflank

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Iban's Staff (EoF) ibansstaff eofspec

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Guthix Staff (EoF) gstaff eofspec

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ While under the effect of a crit buff critbuff the use of basic abilities during gsunshine to build adrenaline can be greatly reduced.

⬥ A typical gsunshine rotation involves building adrenaline to push out wm + asphyx as early as possible to be able to use them a second time before gsunshine ends.

While waiting for gsunshine cooldown, you can use a few more thresholds/etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● You do not want to needlessly camp 100% adrenaline, and can start building when gsunshine is nearly ready to use again.


⬥ Any basic ability with damage lower than Wrack wrack, Sonic Wave sonicwave, or Concentrated Blast conc is considered a weak ability and should be avoided when possible. Sometimes you may be forced to use them. Don't sweat it too much.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Sacrifice Sacrifice

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Chain chain

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Tuska's Wrath Tuskas

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Impact (no Flank) impact

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Combust (not walked) comb

⬥ The critical strike chance buff gained through gconc / conc is wasted if the follow-up ability cannot crit corruptblast / comb

⬥ Keep in mind that Asphyx asphyx and Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils are channelled abilities and should be cancelled with the next ability after 8 ticks, or during the last segment of their channel bars.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• asphyx is typically cancelled after 2 hits/3t if there are enough available abilities to fill out the rotation without the additional hits.

⬥ If using Exsanguinate exsanguinate, Wrack and Ruin wrackandruin is a good basic if the alternative is weaker than Dragon Breath dbreath.

> Spells and Autocast incitefear

Magic spells can be set to autocast, which essentially 'selects' them to use with your abilities. Think of this like picking your ammo for a ranged weapon. When using abilities, stronger spells can increase your ability damage, similar to ranged ammo. If you don't press an ability, then the selected spell gets used for auto attacks.

Important Notes:

⬥ All spells have a damage limit they can scale up to. For example, Air Surge AirSurge is unlocked at level 81, but scales up to level 99, with the damage being capped by your weapon tier

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• This is important, because your autocast must scale at least up to your weapon tier

⬥ The element of a spell does not affect its damage, but it can affect hitchance if a monster is weak to that element

Some spells like exsanguinate or incitefear will only give their passive benefits if selected as autocast

What Autocast to Use

⬥ To autocast a spell, right-click it in your spellbook and select 'autocast'

⬥ Generally you should be autocasting either Exsanguinate exsanguinate or alternatively Incite Fear incitefear if you plan to use Tsunami tsunami

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Advanced rotations aim to swap between both to upkeep the effects of both spells

⬥ If the City of Senntisten quest is not completed, use Blood Blitz/Barrage bloodblitz/ bloodbarrage

⬥ If on the standard/normal spellbook, use the highest rank of air spell available AirSurge (assuming hitchance is not a concern)

Debuff Spells

⬥ You should always have Vulnerability Vuln and Smoke Cloud smokecloud applied wherever bosses are not immune to the effects

⬥ It is preferred to use Vulnerability bombs vulnbomb instead of the spell as they are lossless

⬥ Use Entangle ent if you need a long bind while on the Standard spellbook


⬥ It is possible to autocast one spell but use another spell to manually cast magic autos, such as with 4-tick Auto Attacks (4TAA) or defensive autos. Use !defauto ‎and !4taa ‎to learn more, or see the 4TAA section.

⬥ Usually done to keep autocast set to exsanguinate or incitefear while still gaining the benefits of bloodbarrage or icebarrage

Important: Manual spellcasting must be enabled for this to work, otherwise inputting a spell will also change your autocast to that spell

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Use !manualspellcasting ‎to learn more

⬥ All instances of auto-attacks in rotations should be cast with staff unless otherwise specified.

> General Sunshine Rotations gsunshine

This section will cover usage of strong abilities (thresholds or better) within your Sunshine gsunshine under different scenarios.

The following unlocks are assumed:

⬥ Ring of Vigour rov or its passive effect after Extinction quest.

⬥ Incite Fear incitefear used for Tsunami tsunami.

⬥ Essence of Finality eof with an adrenaline dump spec such as ibansstaff or gstaff

Keep in mind the following:

⬥ These are only suggestions work from, and will not necessarily be applicable at all bosses or situations.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● For boss-specific rotations, see their respective guides.

⬥ Conservation of Energy relic conservationofenergy is recommended for adrenaline refunds from gsunshine , omni , and tsunami in order to execute a stronger rotation. Heightened Senses heightenedsenses can be used at lower archaeology levels but begins to fall behind once incitefear and igneouskalmej are obtained.

⬥ Damage-over-time abilities in the rotations in this guide use corruptblast, although a walked comb will do more damage if the option to walk is available.

Sunshine Examples

*Manual auto-attacks are indicated with bloodbarrage and can be cast by inputting bloodbarrage + ability in that order on the same tick.

Autocast spells are indicated in parenthesis (incitefear), if not indicated then a specific autocast is not required for the rotation.

You may interchange wrack and corruptblast casts with magmatempest if it is owned. However, it is not recommended to purchase magmatempest before fsoa.

Rotations including Tsunami tsunami were tested with Reaver's Ring reaverring + Biting 4 biting4 at 23% critical strike chance.*

Sunshine w/ Adren Renewal adrenrenewal

gsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage + gconcdbreathcorruptblastgconcwmasphyx (2-hit) → gconcgstaff eofspecdbreathgconcsmoketendrilsgconcgstaff eofspecdbreathgconcwmcorruptblastgconcasphyx (2-hit) → gstaff eofspec

⬥ 2x Wild Magic wm

⬥ 2x Asphyx (2-hit) asphyx

⬥ 1x Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils

⬥ 3x Gstaff Spec gstaff eofspec

Sunshine w/out Adren Renewal

gsunshinebloodbarrage + gconcdbreathcorruptblastgconcwmwrackgconcdbreathasphyx (2-hit) → gconcsmoketendrilsgconcdbreathcorruptblastgconcwmwrackgconcasphyx (2-hit) → gstaff eofspec

⬥ 2x Wild Magic wm

⬥ 2x Asphyx (2-hit) asphyx

⬥ 1x Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils

⬥ 1x Gstaff Spec gstaff eofspec

Sunshine w/ Igneous Omnipower omni + Tsunami tsunami

(incitefear) corruptblastgsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage + gconcdbreath → (exsanguinate) tsunamigconcwmasphyx (2-hit) → gconcsmoketendrilsgconcomnidbreathgconcgstaff eofspecwrackandruingconcwmasphyx (2-hit) → gconcgstaff eofspecdbreath

⬥ 2x Wild Magic wm

⬥ 2x Asphyx (2-hit) asphyx

⬥ 1x Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils

⬥ 1x Omnipower omni

⬥ 2x Gstaff Spec gstaff eofspec (possibly more with crit critbuff luck)

Sunshine w/ Igneous Omnipower omni + Tsunami tsunami w/out Adren Renewal adrenrenewal

(incitefear) gsunshinebloodbarrage + gconcdbreathcorruptblast → (exsanguinate) gconctsunamiwrackgconcasphyx (2-hit) → wmgconcsmoketendrilsgconcomnidbreathgconcgstaff eofspecwrackandruingconcasphyx (2-hit) → wm

⬥ 2x Wild Magic wm

⬥ 2x Asphyx (2-hit) asphyx

⬥ 1x Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils

⬥ 1x Omnipower omni

⬥ 1x Gstaff Spec gstaff eofspec (possibly more or less with crit critbuff luck)

Sunshine w/ Detonate detoboots deto + Roar of Awakening roarofawakening

(incitefear) corruptblastgsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage + gconcdbreathtsunami → (exsanguinate) gconcwmasphyx (2-hit) → gconcsmoketendrilsgconcomnideto (charge) → bloodbarrage + deto (release) + gconcroarofawakening specdbreathgconcwmasphyx (2-hit) → gconcwrackandruingstaff eofspeccomb

⬥ 2x Wild Magic wm

⬥ 2x Asphyx (2-hit) asphyx

⬥ 1x Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils

⬥ 1x Detonate deto

⬥ 1x Omnipower omni

⬥ 1x Roar of Awakening Spec roarofawakening spec

⬥ 1x Gstaff Spec gstaff eofspec (possibly more with crit critbuff luck)

All of the above rotations have stretches of filler globals, such as gconc and dbreath, intended to build adrenaline and fill the space between stronger cooldowns. With a crit buff critbuff, such as Tsunami tsunami, many of these globals can potentially be replaced by stronger adrenaline dumps such as gstaff eofspec, omni, and roarofawakening spec, while leaving much of the adrenaline-building to gconc and the crit buff critbuff.

Rotations, especially those without adrenrenewal, can still be further improved by impatient / relentless5 procs, divert, hydrixbakri grico, limitless, and/or critbuff improvisation.

See Advanced Rotations for examples of such rotations including fsoa grim

> Important Ability Mechanics

Certain Magic abilities are worth noting in particular, due to their behaviour and how they can be used. Here, we cover some of these abilities.

Greater Concentrated Blast gconc

⬥ Greater Concentrated Blast gconc is an upgraded version of regular Concentrated Blast conc that remains a channelled ability, but has increased damage, and all 3 hits can be used within 3t/1.8s, or 1 global cooldown.

This is the strongest magic basic ability available

⬥ It has good synergy with stacking spells like Exsanguinate exsanguinate and Incite Fear incitefear, crit effects such as Tsunami tsunami and Fractured Staff of Armadyl special attack fsoa spec

Detonate deto

⬥ Pressing deto once charges the ability, and pressing deto again releases it, dealing AoE damage.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Takes 4t/2.4s to reach 100% with Blast Diffusion Boots detoboots, 6t/3.6s otherwise.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● AoE radius depends on charge % - see reference image:

deto is centred differently with and without a target:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● If you cast deto without a target, it is centred on your player.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● If you cast deto with a target, it is centred on that target's coordinate at the time charging started.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ If a target is 2x2 or larger, this is their southwest tile.

⬥ If a selected target dies while detonate is still being cast:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● If you target cycle to another target, the detonate will remain centred on the original (dead) target's coordinate.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● If you do not target cycle, the centre will be shifted to your player coordinate.

⬥ The initial charge of deto acts like a defensive in the context of defensive autos.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Auto cooldown is not incurred until its release, meaning you can release it with an auto and the next ability in your rotation.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Example: deto (charge) → bloodbarrage + deto (release) + dbreath

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ The hit timing and input order here are crucial: bloodbarrage + deto + wm must be executed in that order, on the same tick.

⬥ You can do the following while charging deto, without interrupting the ability:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Switch weapons fsoa praeswand impercore

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Throw bombs vulnbomb stickybomb

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Spellbook swap SBSLunars SBSStandards (the following spell will still cancel deto)

⬥ You can stall the release of deto.

How to Use Detonate deto
Examples showcasing Detonate and its interactions.

Known Issues with Detonate

⬥ Sometimes, Detonate deto will cost 30% adrenaline instead of 15%.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● This can be explained as follows: the game thinks you both have and don't have a target at the same time, so it uses adrenaline from both your target and the adrenaline inherently used from using it without a target.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● To prevent this, try casting any damaging ability before Detonate deto.

⬥ Casting Detonate deto on the same tick your target dies will cancel the charge completely.

Greater Chain gchain

Note: For a brief summary, use !gchain.

gchain is an upgraded version of chain. It hits the target, as well 2 additional targets within a 6 tile radius. These targets then taken 50% damage from the next ability used on the main target.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● With Caroming 4 caroming4, the number of additional targets hit with gchaincaroming can be increased up to 6.

⬥ If the main target dies, this effect will be lost.

⬥ Use a powerful ability on the main target like gchainomni, or with high hitting special attacks such as roarofawakening spec

⬥ Using damage-over-time abilities like comb corruptblast roarofawakening spec will apply their full damage to all targets, rather than only 50%.

⬥ It can be used to briefly stun multiple targets with stun abilities such as impact and deep , however Asphyxiate asphyx will not stun secondary targets.

Greater Chain Demo
To see an example, click here.


⬥ Chaining effect does not apply to the following abilities:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Magma Tempest magmatempest

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Dragon Breath dbreath

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Reprisal Reprisal

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Shatter shatter

⬥ These abilities work but will damage you for each additional target:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Smoke Tendrils smoketendrils

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Onslaught onsl

Magma Tempest magmatempest

⬥ Magma Tempest magmatempest is an ability unlocked by reading the Magma Tempest Ability Codex, and deals continuous damage in a 5x5 area for 8 hits over 9.6 seconds.

⬥ Has a targeted magmatempesttarget variant that allows you to cast it onto a selected ground tile, which does not require a targeted enemy to be cast.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Good for setting up a bit of damage before an enemy has spawned or for enemies that are still walking into range, but this variant does not build a stack of incitefear or exsanguinate

⬥ Notably, Magma Tempest magmatempest deals damage over time, but is not considered a DoT for the purposes of Sanctum dual wield weapons roarofawakening or Sunshine gsunshine boost

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• This means that it does not build essencecorruption stacks, but does receive the damage boost from gsunshine, unlike other DoTs comb corruptblast

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• This makes it a decently strong ability in gsunshine and, if used beforehand, the damage will adjust after receiving the gsunshine buff.

Guthix Staff/Zamorak Staff/Iban Staff Special Attack gstaff zamorakstaff ibansstaff

⬥ These are amongst the first options that magic users should get for their EoF eof

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● gstaff (25% adren) increases affinity by +2 for 1 minute → this is a great way to effectively increase hitchance

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● zamorakstaff (25% adren) lowers the target's magic level by 5% (of the previous value) and lowers its accuracy by 5% for 1 minute

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● ibansstaff (50% adren) has no secondary effect but deals much higher damage at the cost of more adrenaline

⬥ Iban's ibansstaff eofspec is mainly worth using after gconc, as it has the highest average damage increase from gconc's critical strike chance boost

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• i.e. if adrenaline is available for ibansstaff eofspec, it's generally worthwhile to wait for the next gconc to cast it

Armadyl Battlestaff (ABS) EoF armadylbattlestaff eof

⬥ The special attack of the Armadyl Battlestaff (ABS) armadylbattlestaff, Tempest of Armadyl, is a channel that lasts 5t/3s, dealing 45-55% ability damage per tick, increasing by 5% per hit

⬥ It should only be used during fsoa spec to fish for rapid critical strikes, but only breaks even with Iban's ibansstaff eofspec if comboed with all critical strike chance buffs and Channeler's ring channellerring.

Reaver's Ring vs Channeller's Ring reaverring channellerring

⬥ Reaver's Ring reaverring grants +5% critical strike chance on all hits, while Channeller's Ring channellerring grants +4% critical strike chance on channelled ability gconc, stacking for each additional hit.

⬥ It may seem that Channeller's Ring pulls ahead due to the abundance of channelled abilities available to magic magic. However, the following should be considered:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Channeller's Ring does not buff Time Strike hits from FSoA's special attack fsoa spec

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Some of magic's strongest abilities consist of omni, ibansstaff eofspec, roarofawakening spec, wm which do not benefit from Channeller's Ring

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• smoketendrils does not benefit from the critical strike chance portion of Channeller's Ring, whereas the subsequent guaranteed Time Strikes when using it during fsoa spec benefit from Reaver's Ring.

⬥ Therefore, Reaver's Ring is recommended where hit chance is not an issue. However, choice of eof eofspec can also affect this decision, since reaverring synergises better with ibansstaff eofspec while channellerring brings up the value of armadylbattlestaff eofspec.

> Advanced Rotations fsoa

This section is focused on advanced strategies that make full use of all the tools that magic magic has to offer. Players looking to optimise around auto-attacks bloodbarrage, Fractured Staff of Armadyl fsoa, and Sanctum dual-wield weapons roarofawakening should use this section as a reference.

⬥ For boss-specific rotations, see their respective guides.


Defensive Autos

While colloquially referred to as 'defensive' autos, they may also be called 'non-damaging' or 'free' autos, since some non-defensive abilities interact the same way. Examples include Sunshine gsunshine and Metamorphosis meta.

For a thorough explanation of how defensive autos (and auto attacks in general) work, refer to #auto-attacks. Here, we will simply cover some of their uses.

Why Defensive Autos Exist

⬥ Generally, casting any ability will put your auto-attack bloodbarrage on cooldown based on your weapon speed.

⬥ However, non-damaging abilities do not cause this cooldown.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● This means that defensive autos can be used within your main ability rotation.

⬥ Magic Magic in particular can keybind auto attacks by dragging spells on to the ability bar. This makes for some interesting gameplay mechanics.

⬥ They should always be used where applicable since they are simply free damage

Common Applications

Autoing with Sunshine gsunshine.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Sunshine gsunshine is a non-damaging ability, giving a defensive auto bloodbarrage with the next ability:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ gsunshinebloodbarrage + gconc

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● This can also be used to apply Smoke Cloud smokecloud but can be used for other debuffs like Vuln Vuln or Enfeeble Enfeeble etc.

Rapidly casting autos for utility or adren-building.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Spamming multiple defensives with a target selected and using dual-wield can also generate adrenaline faster, since auto-attacks provide adren if they hit a target.

4-Tick Auto Attack (4TAA)

4TAA Guide
If you prefer to watch a video guide, click here
⬥ This was made before Greater Concentrated Blast gconc so for updated rotations you can refer to Methods A/B below. However, the same basic principles still apply.

⬥ As mentioned before, casting auto-attacks or damaging abilities will put your auto-attack bloodbarrage on cooldown:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Staff abilities place it on a 6t (3.6s) cooldown.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Dual wield abilities place it on a 4t (2.4s) cooldown.

⬥ Combining these, we get 4TAA: using an ability with wand/orb and delaying the next ability by one tick, to force an auto and ability together on the 4th tick.

⬥ 2H autos are multiple times stronger than DW autos, therefore:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Damaging 4-tick autos bloodbarrage are almost always staff autos

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Non-damaging 4-tick autos smokecloud can be cast with either staff or dual wield

⬥ The basic 4TAA structure is: non-channelled DW Ability → 2H auto + ability → continue.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● The ability before the auto must be a non-channelled DW so that a 4-tick auto cooldown is incurred.

⬥ With Greater Concentrated Blast gconc unlocked, it is important to ensure its usage is not delayed. This means that 4TAA in rotations will be structured using two types of patterns. Both patterns are built in groups of three abilities, with one gconc and one 2H auto per group.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Method A: bloodbarrage + DW/Staff ability → gconc → non-channelled DW ability → Repeat

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Method B: bloodbarrage + gconc → DW/Staff ability → non-channelled DW ability → Repeat

4TAA - Method A
To see Method A in action, click here.
4TAA - Method B
To see Method B in action, click here.

Common Mistakes and Tips

Going too fast

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● Not waiting for 1t delay after global cooldown ends will prevent the auto from being cast.

Going too slow

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● If you delay longer than 1t it usually results in a 5TAA, delaying the auto/ability (lost ticks), which is a large DPS loss.

When done correctly, you will see the auto attack fired with no animation.

⬥ Use proper, easy-to-reach keybinds as some steps require you to perform multiple actions in one tick.

⬥ Despite not being channelled abilities, tsunami and omni do not allow for 4TAA afterwards.

Check if you're doing it right!
Too fast - no auto fired, only ability used ⬥ Too slow - ability delayed, causes less DPS ⬥ Just right - auto + ability fired on same tick

⬥ Most of the time, your rotations will only include a few instances of 4TAA per cycle of Sunshine gsunshine due to magic having plenty of strong abilities to fill the duration of gsunshine.

⬥ Using 4TAA to apply smokecloud before gsunshine is generally more efficient than waiting until gsunshine to apply it with a defensive auto i.e. gsunshinesmokecloud + ability. This is because ticks outside of gsunshine are less valuable in terms of damage and adrenaline gain.

Fractured Staff of Armadyl fsoa

⬥ The FSOA's special attack, Instability, costs 50% adrenaline, has a 60 second cooldown, and has two effects:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● An initial hit of 120-140% ability damage

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎● For 30 seconds, fires a Time Strike for every critical strike on the primary target, dealing 90-110% ability damage

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ They can themselves crit but will not fire another Time Strike if they do (no recursion)

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ They are boosted by exsanguinate

⬥ Where possible, you will overlap gsunshine + tsunami critbuff + fsoa spec to get the most out of each effect.

Key Considerations

⬥ An effective fsoa rotation relies on landing critical strikes as often and reliably as possible.

⬥ Stack as much of Biting 4 biting4, Erethdor's Grimoire grim, either Reaver's Ring reaverring or Channeller's Ring channellerring, Kal'gerion demon familiar kalgpouch with scrolls kalgscroll, and Anima Core of Sliske animahelmsliske with the Tuska's Wrath effect selected as possible.

Example Rotation

Fundamentally, fsoa spec rotations follow the same general principles as before: using gconc and strong abilities as often as possible, but also overlapping fsoa spec with tsunami critbuff to get as many critical strikes as possible. Doing so will result in enough adrenaline refunds that gconc will ideally be the only basic ability used during this time.

magmatempest is a strong ability at the start of gsunshine since we don't have our crit buffs running at the time, replace with dbreath if not owned.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Without adrenrenewal, however, it may be a better decision to divert at the start for adrenaline.

⬥ When running into adrenaline issues, limitless + smoketendrils guarantees at least 4 critical strikes and that gconc will be available immediately after.

⬥ Swapping between exsanguinate and incitefear to maintain stacks of both spells allows us to boost the damage of Time Strikes and also fish for more critical strikes through incitefear procs.


(incitefear) corruptblastgsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage + magmatempestgconctsunami → (exsanguinate) fsoa specgconcwmasphyx (2-hit) → gconc → (incitefear) smoketendrils → (exsanguinate) gconcomnideto (charge) → bloodbarrage + deto (release) + gconcibansstaff eofspecwrackandruin → (incitefear) gconc → (exsanguinate) wmasphyx (2-hit) → gconc (stop here if wanting to maintain high adrenaline) → ibansstaff eofspec

⬥ Note that once we reach maximum stacks of incitefear and exsanguinate, we proceed to swap between them to allow incitefear to proc on its 12s cooldown.

⬥ Rotations will typically require a bit of improvisation. omni and smoketendrils timings can be flexible since their cooldowns only allow them to be used once. Making sure to keep an eye on adrenaline and use limitless when necessary keeps the rotation flowing smoothly regardless.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The most likely timing to limitless for the example is to guarantee the wmasphyxgconcsmoketendrils

⬥ If multiple enemies are nearby, gchainomni / gconc / wm provides a ton of additional chances for crit refunds, although Time Strikes will only proc off your main target.

⬥ ABS EoF armadylbattlestaff eofspec may also be used in place of other EoF options. However, it is recommended to always run it alongside Channeller's Ring channellerring.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• A proper fsoa spec rotation usually only has room for one eofspec, so the choice mostly comes down to preference. If not using detoboots deto, more eofspec may be required to pad out the rotation.

⬥ In the time outside gsunshine, you are able to cast another set of wm + asphyx before having to build towards the next gsunshine.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• omni can also be used on cooldown, although it may require divert to build adrenaline back up in time.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• You may also plan to end gsunshine around 100% adrenaline and use meteorstrike (slightly better due to corbicula perk) or incend to keep critbuff active until the next gsunshine

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Make sure to set your autocast to incitefear before gsunshine if stacks were not maintained.

Sanctum Dual Wield Weapons roarofawakening odetodeceit

Use !sanctumdw ‎and !essencecorruption ‎for a summary on their effects

When utilising essence corruption effects, it's important to focus on the following:

⬥ Building essencecorruption stacks during gsunshine is inefficient, but a single DoT use is required to keep stacks from falling off.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The best option for this is roarofawakening spec itself, since the first hit is not a DoT and is boosted by gsunshine

⬥ Using a DoT corruptblast / comb immediately before gsunshine allows us to refresh essencecorruption at around 15s remaining on gsunshine

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The usual timer is actually around 10s remaining, but the 30% chance for DoTs to instantly deal their damage combined with the travel time on roarofawakening spec makes 15s the more consistent timing method.

⬥ The comb boost granted by roarofawakening spec also lasts 15s, meaning it's possible to wrackandruincomb as gsunshine ends to make use of the buff without overlapping on gsunshine duration.


(incitefear) corruptblastgsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage + magmatempestgconctsunami → (exsanguinate) fsoa specgconcwmasphyx (2-hit) → gconc → (incitefear) smoketendrils → (exsanguinate) gconcomnideto (charge) → bloodbarrage + deto (release) + roarofawakening specgconcgstaff eofspecwm → (incitefear) gconc → (exsanguinate) asphyx (2-hit) → ibansstaff eofspecwrackandruincomb

⬥ The primary points to note in this example are:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The corruptblast DoT to maintain essencecorruption right before gsunshine

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The timing of roarofawakening spec in the back half to maintain stacks during gsunshine

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The wrackandruincomb right as gsunshine ends to make use of the Conflagrate buff

⬥ In this example, the timing of roarofawakening spec is roughly as late is it can be used to upkeep essencecorruption while accounting for the chance that corruptblast may instantly deal its damage. If the proc does not occur, you can gconcroarofawakening spec instead and proceed as usual.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ You may opt to use the DoT corruptblast before gsunshine with fsoa equipped, or simply pay attention to the proc chance to account for this.

⬥ If you don't plan on using comb immediately after gsunshine, you can shift around the timing of roarofawakening spec as needed.


⬥ Stacks of essencecorruption are not maintained if roarofawakening is not equipped when the DoT deals damage. This is important to know if you habitually immediately switch to fsoa to use gsunshine.

⬥ Resets on roarofawakening spec during gsunshine can be optionally held until after gsunshine ends to have a filler option while waiting on the next gsunshine.

comb + corruptblast become good filler abilities outside of gsunshine, especially if you are not yet at 50 stacks.

⬥ Prebuilding with corruptblastgchaincomb at the Wars dummies allows you to maintain stacks between kills of a boss, and build ~27 stacks quickly to activate the additional damage effect of essencecorruption immediately.

Without Adren Renewal adrenrenewal

⬥ ‎ ‎With a best-in-slot magic magic setup, it's possible to circumvent the issue of gsunshine rotations when adrenrenewal is on cooldown.

⬥ ‎ ‎The following boosts and effects can be utilised to improve the consistency of gsunshine + fsoa spec without adrenrenewal:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Divert divert and/or Hydrix Grico hydrixbakri grico for a quick burst of adrenaline at the start of gsunshine

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Limitless sigil limitless usage with smoketendrils provides enough guaranteed critical strikes to proceed even with poor critbuff luck.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Essence Corruption essencecorruption 50-stack effect

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Prior crit buff critbuff running from meteorstrike or incend

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Second EoF eof with gstaff / zamorakstaff for lower-cost adrenaline dump, when ibansstaff eofspec looks dicey to use.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ 4TAA bloodbarrage to pad out the rotation while generating adrenaline.

⬥ In most scenarios, once you successfully put up tsunami + fsoa spec, adrenaline for the rest of gsunshine can be sustained with good limitless timing and improvisation around critbuff.

Example (meant to demonstrate a sub-optimal adrenaline scenario):

(incitefear) corruptblastgsunshine + bloodbarragedivertbloodbarrage + gconcdbreath → (4t) bloodbarrage + tsunami → (exsanguinate) gconcfsoa spec → (limitless) wmasphyx (2-hit) → gconc → (incitefear) smoketendrils → (exsanguinate) gconcomniroarofawakening specgconcgstaff eofspecdeto (charge) → bloodbarrage + deto (release) + (incitefear) gconc → (exsanguinate) wmasphyxwrackandruincomb

⬥ Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the sake of improvisation, such as slightly less efficient gconc usage, filling with 4TAA bloodbarrage and low-cost EoF specs gstaff eofspec, etc.

⬥ As long as you cast 2x wm + 2x asphyx + smoketendrils + omni, while not using any basics worse than gconc or wrackandruin after fsoa spec, the gsunshine rotation can generally be considered successful.

⬥ These tips can also apply to gsunshine with adrenrenewal, when dealing with poor stretches of critbuff luck.

⬥ Of course, the rotation you can execute is highly dependent on the boss encounter, with bosses such as zamorak or kerapac allowing for much more frequent usage of gconc, multiple uses of omni per gsunshine, free adrenaline, and so on.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• See their respective guides for boss-specific rotations.

Ability Information

Ability Information Resources
The following links contain information about abilities and auto attacks.
Ability Information
For accurate tooltips and information about specific spells (auto attacks) and abilities and how they work refer to #Magic Abilities.
Ability Damage Maths
To calculate your ability hit damage in detail, click here. This is affected by factors such as your gear and other boosts.
Ability Hit Timings
To see detailed breakdowns on ability hit timings, click here. This refers to when hitsplats appear on your target.
Auto-attack Adren Gain
To see adrenaline gained with different auto attacks, click here.

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