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This channel lists the general natural combat style progression template for players to follow.

Last Revised: 7 February 2025


Before looking here, check #Free Upgrades.

Priorities can of course change depending on the content being done by the player. You should note that when you upgrade weapons, you can sell the weapon being upgraded to deduct cost from the new weapon.

If an item is not in the order it was deemed not worth buying.

As prices change, updates occur, and knowledge expands, the order is subject to change at any time.

Feel free to ask in #pvm-help for a tailored list for the content that you do!

Early Money Making

To make money to fund your first style early on, it is recommended to do either Croesus or easy clue scrolls.

Melee Upgrade Order

This is a generalised order which assumes a starting point of T70 weapons and armour.

For further information on each upgrade check the relevant section in #armour-and-weapons, #perks and #perk-information, #permanent-unlocks, or #eof-specs.

For a checklist version, visit the RS Wiki page at

If you would like specialised advice, ask in #pvm-help.

Stage 1: No Real Variance Based on Content

⬥ Laniakea's Spear lanispear - coins 6,858,146

⬥ Dark Ice Shard + Dark Ice Sliver darkiceshard darkicesliver - coins 60,225,734

⬥ Scripture of Jas scriptureofjas - coins 9,281,858

⬥ T90 Body & Legs + Jaws of the Abyss + Gloves of Passage + Laceration Boots

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• masterworkbody masterworklegs - coins 76,848,062

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• jawsoftheabyss - coins 247,339

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Glovesofpassage - coins 43,561,042

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Laceration - coins 667,220

⬥ Cinderbane Gloves Cinderbanes - coins 86,905,658

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Skip Cinderbanes if mostly doing poison immune content

⬥ Abyssal Scourge abyssalscourge - coins 77,074,259

⬥ Greater Barge gbarge - coins 107,235,711

⬥ Greater Flurry gflurry - coins 50,951,207

⬥ Amulet of Souls aos - coins 56,628,069

⬥ Igneous Kal-Ket igneouskalket - coins free!

At this point try to finish the majority of unlocks in #Free Upgrades.

Stage 2: Some Variance Based on Content/Wealth

All other upgrades in #Free Upgrades.

⬥ An off-hand t85 Flanking 4 Switch ripperclawoh flank4 - coins 714,078

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Primarily for group based content, with some niche solo uses, skip if these do not pertain to you.

⬥ Reavers Ring reaverring - coins 66,463,139

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Only use it if it does not push you below 97% hit chance. You can use RS Hit Chance Calculator to check.

⬥ Vestments of Havoc Boots and Hood vestmentsofhavocboots vestmentsofhavochood - coins 155,757,294

⬥ Chaos Roar chaosroar - coins 66,155,829

⬥ Vestments of Havoc Bottom vestmentsofhavocbottom - coins 224,338,477

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• or top, interchangeable

⬥ Greater Fury gfury - coins 262,943,295

⬥ Essence of Finality (with Dragon Claws) eofred dragonclaw dragonclawoh - coins 252,204,059

⬥ Masterwork Spear of Annihilation + Lunging masterworkspearofannihilation lunge4 - coins 313,877,582

⬥ Enhanced Gloves of Passage Glovesofpassage + Enchantment of Agony enchantmentofagony - coins 134,261,831

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Skip if mostly doing poisonable content

⬥ Zaros Godsword zgs - coins 198,611,884

⬥ Biting 4 biting4 - coins 120,481,488

⬥ Best-in-slot weapon perks

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P6AS1 + AS4E2 for dual-wield weapons p6 as1 + as4 er2 - coins 256,927,033

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P6R1 AS4E2 for 2H weapons p6 ruthless1 + as4 er2 - coins 174,066,132

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• AS4 is a very strong perk in its own right. If you fail going for AS4E2, feel free to use AS4 in its place for the time being.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Upon getting Aftershock you'll now need it on all of your weapons for that style

⬥ Vestment of Havoc Top vestmentsofhavoctop - coins 195,505,947

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• or bottoms, interchangeable

⬥ Divert divert - coins 121,696,001

⬥ Erethdor's Grimoire grim - coins 264,902,694

⬥ Dark Sliver of Leng lengoh - coins 1,081,761,074

⬥ Dark Shard of Leng lengmh - coins 1,059,619,970

Stage 3: Pretty Low ROI

⬥ Essence of Finality (with Ek-ZekKil) eofor zekkil - coins 1,272,033,003

⬥ Limitless limitless - coins 919,000,000

⬥ Malevolence Malevolence - coins 889,254,861

⬥ Shard of Genesis Essence shardofgenesisessence - coins 2,163,826,968

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Use on lengmh lengoh (only need 1 shard)

⬥ An off-hand t90 Flanking 4 Switch augdrygorerapieroh flank4 - coins 29,186,997

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Primarily for group based content, with some niche solo uses, skip if these do not pertain to you.

⬥ Champion's Ring championring - coins 25,299,428

⬥ Enchantment of Heroism (championring enchantment) - coins 56,493,185

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Common Mistakes to Avoid

Common Mistakes to Avoid