Solid Food
Other Foods
Other Foods
⬥ These do not drain adrenaline, and are commonly used
List of Notable Solids
⬥ Blue Blubber Jellyfish
- Heals 750 LP per bite, up to 3 bites
⬥ Green Blubber Jellyfish
- Heals 500 LP per bite, up to 3 bites

⬥ Can be combo'd with other food doing potion → food same tick
⬥ Use
and food you should use
to see issues of 
List of Notable Potions
⬥ Saradomin Brew
- Heals 1K LP per dose, up to 6 doses; overheals 1K
• Decreases
by 4% + 1 even if
⬥ Super Sara. Brew
- Heals 1.3K LP per dose, up to 6 doses; 1.3K overheal
• Decreases
by 4% + 1 even if
⬥ Guthix Rest
- Heals 500 LP per dose, up to 6 doses
• Cures poison and gives 30s of poison immunity
⬥ Super Guthix Rest
- Heals 650 LP per dose, up to 6 doses
• Cures poison and gives 30s of poison immunity

LP-related Items
List of Notable LP-related Items
⬥ Ogre Flask (Thermal)
- Boosts LP by 3 per
level, up to 297
• Stacks with bonfires,
, and LP-boosting equipment
• Last 60min per dose (90min with level 3 Anachronia Spa)
• Cures poison and protects from poison

Prayer Restoration
List of Notable Potions
⬥ Super Restore
- Restores 327
per dose, up to 6 doses
• Restores lowered stats by 25% + 8 levels per dose
⬥ Super Prayer Renewal **
- Restores 317
per dose, up to 6 doses
• Restores 600
over 6 minutes per dose
⬥ Spiritual Prayer**
- Restores 317
per dose, up to 6 doses
• Restores 15
spec points per dose

boosts 8
levels (wait at w84 Lumbridge market)
⬥ Overloads reapply / refresh their stat buff every 15 seconds

List of Notable Overloads
⬥ Elder
, 106
- Buffs
, and
by 17% + 5 (120 at 99)
⬥ Elder Salve
, 107
stat buff
• Restores 70 + 35% of their max
points (416 at 99) instantly
• Restores 600
over 6 minutes
• Protects from dragonfire, wyrmfire, and poison

Adrenaline Potions
Adrenaline Potions
⬥ Cannot boost to make adrenaline potions
⬥ All have a 2min cooldown on adren generation effect
List of Notable Adrenaline Potions
⬥ Adrenaline Potion
, 84
- Generates 25% adrenaline
⬥ Adrenaline Renewal Potion
, 115
(cheaper at 119
• Can request assistance to make
• Generates 4% adrenaline per tick for 10 ticks (40% total)
- Excluding sip tick, you cannot use the 4% gained until the next tick
• Made using

⬥ Bombs apply their effects 3t (1.8s) after being thrown
⬥ Bombs have a cast range of 9 tiles and spread over a 3x3 area
Ways to Throw Bombs
1) Option 1: Default Action Bar Mode - Throws at target
• Does not show quantity on action bar
2) Option 2: Targeted Action Bar Mode - Throws at selected tile
• This allows for pre-bombing
• Shows quantity on action bar
3) Click from inventory - Throws at target
List of Notable Bombs
⬥ Vulnerability Bomb
- applies
(10% damage increase)
• Casts
3 times, once every 0.6s
• Hitchance is equal to current accuracy against target
⬥ Sticky Bomb
- binds monsters standing in it (lasts 6s)

Incense Sticks
Incense Sticks
⬥ Refer to specific boss guides to see stick usage
⬥ Each stick increases buff duration by 10min, capping at 60 minutes
⬥ Potency has 4 ranks, increasing by 1 every 10min (maxes out after 30min)
• Use 6 sticks to 'overload' and start at rank 4 potency (starts at 10min)
⬥ Any form of death results in losing your incense buffs
• An upgrade purchaseable from Sydekix's Shop of Balance prevents this
⬥ At 95
you can have 3 incense effects active at once

Notable Incense Sticks
⬥ Spirit Weed
- (10 * potency)% increased
spec attack recovery rate
⬥ Kwuarm
- Deal +(2.5 * potency)% poison damage
⬥ Irit
- (25 * potency)% poison damage reduction
⬥ Lantadyme
- Increases timed potion durations by (0.5 * Potency)min
⬥ Fellstalk
- Potency% increased chance for spawning elite

Prayer Powders
⬥ Each powder increases buff duration by 30 min, capping at 60 minutes
⬥ Any form of death results in losing your incense buffs
Notable Powders
⬥ Penance
- Restores
points equal to 2.5% of damage received
⬥ Protection
- 1 more item protected with Protect Item
• You can still only protect 5 items max

⬥ This will just categorise familiars, for more info refer to the Wiki
⬥ Use
for a rough idea of where to use each familiar
⬥ Refer to specific boss guides to see explicit familiar usage
Notable Familiars
⬥ Nihil
- Accuracy Buff
⬥ Ripper Demon
⬥ Kal'gerion Demon
- Crit Buff
⬥ Hellhound
- Tank
⬥ Pack Mammoth
- Beast of Burden / Tank

Notable Ammo
⬥ For more info on ammo effects, refer on the Wiki
⬥ Use
to see what ammo to use where
⬥ Use !quiver
to see Pernix Quiver setups
⬥ Both the Elite Seer's Diary and Ranged Skillcape increase bolt proc chance
Bakriminel Bolts (e)
⬥ Ruby
- use
⬥ Dragonstone
⬥ Onyx
⬥ Emerald

for details
⬥ Hydrix 

Special Arrows
⬥ Black Stone
⬥ Deathspore
⬥ Splintering
⬥ Bik
⬥ Ful
⬥ Jas Dragonbane
⬥ Wen

Pocket slot 
Notable Pocket Slots
⬥ It is recommended to look up further information on the Wiki
⬥ Use
to see what pocket slots to use
Upkeep Costs of Various Notable Pocket Slots
⬥ Scripture of Jas
⬥ Scripture of Wen
⬥ Scripture of Ful
⬥ Erethdor's Grimoire
7,538,597/hr | Use

for more info
Misc. Consumables
⬥ Powerbursts share a 2min cooldown
Other Notable Consumables
⬥ Weapon Poison+++
- Strongest weapon poison
⬥ Vitality Powerburst
- Doubles LP for 6s, after which it is halved
⬥ Acceleration Powerburst
• Resets
• Reduces
cooldowns to 1.2s for 6s
⬥ Enhanced Luck Potion
- Provides T3 luck passively for 1 hour

Banking Preset
⬥ Use !banking
or check #armour-and-weapons