Ultimate Slayer Guide
⬥ the Ultimate Slayer is a title obtained by completing every slayer collection log item. After the wilderness update, it became a popular goal for many players as PvP can now be turned off. This guide contains all the tips and tricks to make the grind as smooth as possible.
This made tasks like Lava Strykewyrms, Revenants and Ripper demons a very safe and hassle-free task.
⬥ An overview of generally helpful slayer items/consumables/auras/relics can be found in #Overview of Slayer
⬥ Task specific guides can be found in #rs3-slayer
Useful Items
Daily Slayer mask tasks
⬥ There are 2 main reasons to force 1 task per day with their respective slayer masks:
• Easy points that adds up over time.
• Removes the need to use lower tier slayer masters.
⬥ Most important: Use slayer masks for monsters whose uniques are only obtainable on-task/have rates significantly boosted on task:
• Ice strykewyrm - Staff of light
• Desert strykewyrm - Focus sight
• Jungle strykewyrm - Hexcrest
• Airut - Razorback gauntlets (Only on task)
• Abyssal demon - Abyssal wand and orb (Only on task)
Note: Other slayer masks such as Mask of Kurask/Basilisks/Stone provide a boost in drop chance for their respective head items.
Task prioritisation
**Disclaimer! This section assumes the following:
⬥ You own the Slayer master cape
⬥ Laniakea is your main slayer master
⬥ You are starting with mostly empty logs
⬥ Block/Prefer lists are based on task weighing and general level of annoyance of the task**
The Slayer master cape has a perk that gives a 20% chance to choose what a new task will be from a Slayer master. There are a couple of tasks that should have priority over others. The last thing you want is having little to no points with your last item being an Edimmu pet which can be very hard to obtain.
Note: Undead cluster and Creatures of Daemonheim are also good prefer tasks to replace any monsters you finish before obtaining the pet.
Priority list if your cape procs
⬥ Priority list goes:
• Tier 1: Edimmu
• Tier 2: Ripper demons Demons cluster task
• Tier 3: Camel Warrior Living Wyverns
Lava Strykewyrms
(+cluster) Dinosaurs
• Tier 4: Nightmare creatures Creatures of the Lost Grove
• Tier 5: Ascension creatures Celestial Dragons
• Tier 6: Dragon cluster task, Gemstone dragons
• Tier 7: Anything that can be killed without a task and does not provide a drop boost on task (Stalker creatures, Kal'gerion demons, Tormented demons, Aquanites, Nihils, Glacors, Nodon Dragonkin...)
Note: Tasks that can be toggled with slayer points should be turned off after obtaining their relevant drops.
Farming Eddimus with Jacquelyn
If specifically going for the Eddimu pet, you want to maximise elite spawns. As each slayer task forces an elite spawn, a good way to farm them is via the slayer master Jacquelyn. This is done by killing Edimmu during a Zombie or Ghost task, which forces an Elite spawn every 15 kills with Slayer Introspection . You can additionally use NPC Contact
to speed this up further.
⬥ Effects which have a chance to reduce your task count may result in elite mobs not spawning
⬥ After finishing a task you may need to wait a few seconds for the elite mob to spawn
Wilderness tasks
By doing tasks in the wilderness whenever feasible, you can obtain more for future revenant tasks.
Tasks that should be done in the wilderness during Ultimate Slayer:
• Ripper demons
• Lava Strykewyrms
• Abyssal Creatures
• Hydrix Dragons (optional)
Useful spreadsheets