Slayer Point Farming 
⬥ This method consists of doing 9 slayer tasks with Jacquelyn (Lumbridge Slayer Master), followed by the 10th task with Laniakea
(highest-level Slayer Master, requiring level 90
and 120
⬥ Requirements
• Access to lunar spellbook: Spellbook swap (Lunar) + NPC Contact
• Your blocklist should look like as you are farming slayer points with Jacquelyn
• This is done to take advantage of the 10th and 50th task points bonus (110 and 330 respectively, from Laniakea), while doing the nine tasks in between as fast as possible.
⬩ Ideally, you set up the block list above that allows you to do all of Jacquelyn tasks inside the Lumbridge Catacombs, and use the NPC Contact spell to receive a new one without leaving the catacombs, speeding this up further.
⬥ This method can net you an average of 660 slayer points/hour.
⬥ For more optimal point farming, we suggest using the following to help boost kill times.
• Higher level slayer mask (Black demons, Airuts, Automatons etc)
• A magic or ranged weapon with Caroming 4