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Metal Dragons

Useful Items and unlocks

Kethsi Ring kethsiring     • Provides a 4% damage boost towards metal dragons, making it the BIS ring to use if owned.
Passives / Unlocks
Dragon slayer (perk) dragonslayerperk     • Increases damage and KPH. ⬥ Dragon slayer (sigil).

Desirable Drops

Dragon Full Helm

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• mithrildragon Mithril dragons - 1/8,192 (includes Chewed Bones chance)

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• adamantdragon Adamant dragons - 1/16,384

Forcae's Journal pages

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• adamantdragon Adamant and runedragon Rune dragons - 1/20

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ 20 are required for MQC masterquestcape

Kethsi Ring kethsiring

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• runedragon Rune dragons - 1/1024 or 1/512 from elites

Kethsi outfit scroll

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• runedragon Rune dragons - 1/200 from elites only or guaranteed from 'Barry the Destroyer'

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Only 1 is required for the Slayer log

Boot upgrades for Steadfast, Glaiven and Ragefire Boots

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• runedragon Rune dragons - 1/768 on-task only

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Can also be found in Elite Dungeons with Lucky Charms ed1luckycharm ed2luckycharm ed3luckycharm

Mithril Dragons

Mithril Dragons are often killed for their drops of Ancient Pages and Chewed bones/Dragon Full helm. You can obtain both all of these items in your PSD, making it a desirable AFK method and location for players hunting the Dragon Full Helm or the Barbarian Scavenger achievement.


slayer level: 1

slayer XP per kill: 564.4

⬥ Optimal kills per hour: ~700-730 necromancy

⬥ Optimal slayer XP per hour: ~412k necromancy

Location and Where to Stand

Due to bad respawn timers in habitat locations, it is highly recommended to kill Mithril Dragons in a large room in your PSD.

There is no precise positioning required as you may need to move for chewed bones to be in area loot range. Due to this, setting up an alt1 loot beam notifier is recommended if hunting for the Dragon Full Helm.

Method - AFK Necromancy

⬥ Pray soulsplit and sorrow/ruination

⬥ Sustain prayer with demonhornnecklace and bonecrusher

⬥ Ensure elderovlsalve and aggressionpotion are active

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Ability Bar

Video Example

⬥ Necro AFK -

Adamant Dragons


slayer level: 1

slayer XP per kill: 655.6

⬥ Optimal kills per hour: ~420 magic

⬥ Optimal slayer XP per hour: ~275k magic

Location and Where to Stand

Place the cannon on the yellow tile and stand under it as in the below image. If you're taking too much damage using cannon, you can use an oldakcoil instead on the purple tile marked on the same map for a slower but safer experience.

dgcape 0,6 teleport or metal dragon trinkets are a fast way to get to the location.

Method - AFK Magic

⬥ Pray soulsplit and torment / Affliction

⬥ Ensure elderovlsalve and animatedead are active, with exsanguinate being on autocast

⬥ Sustain prayer with powderofpenance and holyscarab

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Alternatively you can use bonecrusher and demonhornnecklace but this will reduce profits

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Action Bar

Video Example

⬥ Magic AFK -

Rune Dragon


slayer level: 76

slayer XP per kill: 2051

⬥ Optimal kills per hour: ~190 range

⬥ Optimal slayer XP per hour: ~390k range

Location and Where to Stand

⬥ Travel to Kethsi via the World Gate

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Teleport to the eaglespeaklode Eagle's Peak Lodestone and run south, or

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Teleport directly to the World Gate with the sixthagecircuit

⬥ Place your cannon on the yellow tile and stand on the red tile marked in the below image.

Method: Ranged (AFK)

You should kill all rune dragons around the statues when you initially arrive the spot to reset their spawn points. For the most part, these 2 dragons should be the only ones targeting you at any time.

⬥ Pray soulsplit and desolation / anguish

⬥ Sustain prayer with penanceaura OR powderofpenance + holyscarab

⬥ The pillar often blocks area loot, so you may wish to use telekeneticgrab to loot without moving.

⬥ Set an Alt1 alert for Elite spawns if fully AFK as Elites often require manual intervention to prevent KO.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Action Bar

Video Examples

⬥ Ranged AFK (penanceaura + ripperpouch) -