Edimmu are undead slayer monster requiring 90
and 115
to kill. They are a task-only monster so players going for the Daemonheim log are strongly advised to prioritise picking this monster whenever
procs. The player can only access the Edimmu area if on a slayer task or holding slayer wildcards.
⬥ Besides the default Edimmu tasks, you can also kill Edimmu for the following tasks:
• Creatures of Daemonheim
• Undead
• Ghosts
• Zombies
⬥ XP per kill : 1600 + 528
⬥ XP per kill : 880.2
⬥ Optimal kills per hour: ~585 (530 AFK)
⬥ Optimal XP per hour: ~515K (466K AFK)
Desirable drops
⬥ Edimmu pet - 1/512 only from Elites
• Required for the Slayer log.
⬥ Blood Necklace shards
Useful Items and Unlocks
Location and How to Get There
Edimmu are slayer monsters found within the Edimmu dungeon, which is located in the Meilyr district of Prifddinas and requires 115 to be assessed. The best way to get there would be the
teleport straight to the dungeon, or by teleporting to the Meilyr district via a teleport seed.
General strategy
Despite looking large, Edimmus are 1x1, with Elites being 2x2. This makes it viable to use strategies which involve stacking them up and then AoEing them down.
⬥ For both active and AFK methods, position your cannon as shown below.
• If AFKing, stand in the position as shown below.
Method: Jacquelyn tasks
If going for pet, as each slayer task forces an Elite spawn, a good way to farm Elites is via the slayer master Jacquelyn. This is done by killing Edimmu during a Zombie or Ghost task which forces an Elite spawn every 15 kills with slayer introspection.
Method: Active Ranged 
The active strategy for Edimmu involves aggroing as many as possible, luring them to a barrier and then chinning them down. This method also works with melee if using a , but ranged has a much easier experience. Additionally, less damage is taken using ranged as Edimmus primarily attack with magic.
⬥ Generally this method is only recommended for relatively ungeared players, as players with good magic equipment can AFK the task obtaining a slightly lower kph.
⬥ The kph of killing Edimmu actively is highly limited by their slow spawn timers.
Presets and Relics 
⬥ When a bunch of Edimmu are aggro'd onto you, step behind the barrier and wait for the Edimmu to fill in the space immediately before the barrier.
• When Edimmus are in position, immediately enter to avoid losing Edimmu aggression and target the center Edimmu.
• Rough ability priority with :
• It is easier to target the normal Edimmu around the Elite and chin them down together.
⬥ A can be a viable familiar for this task.
• Store some food it in case you mess up Elite Edimmu spawns.
• Use it to store rare drop table drops, sharks, or unstackable drops (e.g. crystal seeds).
• Winter Storage can be used to bank untradeable drops like attuned crystal weapon/armour seeds or
⬥ While waiting for Edimmu to respawn, you can run around to aggro and kill stray Edimmu not tagged by the cannon.
• or
are good options for mass-aggroing.
⬥ If done right, you will be able to kill at least 585 per hour.
• This will vary a little depending on the number of Elite spawns.
⬥ is not needed for the method to work well.
Video Example 
Method: AFK Magic 
Edimmu are best AFK'd using a staff with caroming
along with gchain
. The gear required strongly depends on the player's effort in dealing with Elite Edimmu. Even though Edimmu themselves do not deal much damage and can be out healed with mage's AoE easily, Elites pose a huge problem if trying to AFK with subpar gear and will require the player to click back and take measures to kill the Elite (e.g. laying
, eating food).
Presets and Relics 
⬥ You can move in a way similar to this clip to repair your cannon when needed:
⬥ Although this method should work semi-consistently completely AFK, it is highly recommended to set an Alt1 alert for Elite slayer monster spawns so that Elite Edimmus won't cause problems even in the event of bad RNG.
⬥ This setup achieves around 530 kph.
Revo bar 
Video Example 
Method: AFK Necro 
⬥ Although this method can consistently work completely AFK, the only KO potential is with Elite Edimmu so it is recommended to set up an alt1 alert to ensure safety.
⬥ This setup achieves around 500-550kph.
⬥ Pray or
⬥ Sustain with
if necessary
⬥ Alternatively, sustain using
if necessary (will result in fewer kills)
⬥ Upkeep ,
, and
⬥ Have your turned on
⬥ Use with
and set auto fire rate to 1