Capsarius are the healers of the Order of Ascension. They are mainly killed for Ascension members Slayer tasks, the Feldip Hills collection log, and Ascension Keystones in the Sunken Pyramid.
⬥ This guide will focus on killing Capsarius in the Sunken Pyramid, as this location yields the highest kills per hour.
• Capsarius have weak attacks, don't heal each other, and have low health which makes them very easy to farm.
⬥ Ascension members can be assigned as a Slayer assignment by Duradel, Kuradal, Morvran, and Laniakea.
⬥ level: 81
• Level 99 Slayer is required to access the Sunken Pyramid.
⬥ XP per kill: 146.6
⬥ Optimal kills per hour: ~1000 (Legacy AFK)
⬥ Optimal XP per hour: ~146k
(Legacy AFK)
Desirable drops
⬥ Ascension Keystones
• All 6 possible keystone drops are required for the Slayer collection log.
⬥ Ascension Grips
• Required for the Slayer collection log.
⬩ Must be on task.
⬥ Ascension Shard
• Can be used to get
⬥ Order journal pages
• Required for
Useful Items and Unlocks
Location and How to Get there
⬥ If killing Capsarius in the Monastery of Ascension use the and run northwest.
• Only use this location while collecting souls.
⬥ If killing Capsarius in the Sunken Pyramid use a
• Relocating your house to Menaphos and using a teleport to house tablet also works.
Method: Legacy Ranged
⬥ Place 5 Capsarius in the small room of the Sunken Pyramid.
⬥ Toggle the scavenge settings on your legendary to only pick up desired drops.
• Not doing this results in an increased chance at missing keystone drops.
⬥ Position yourself in the center of the small room.
⬥ Ensure is active at all times.
⬥ Activate your
Presets and Relics
Example Kills