Greater demon berserkers and ash lords
Greater demon variants found southwest of Elite Dungeon 2 and within the Zamorakian undercity elite dungeon are significantly stronger than standard greater demons.
⬥ The two wilderness variants of enhanced greater demons attack using melee (berserker) and magic (ash lord). The wilderness population is weaker than those found in the Zamorakian undercity and are poisonable . Along with access to
buffs, this makes them ideal for slayer training.
⬥ Since they don't have any unique drops, a can be used for additional slayer XP. This makes greater demon berserkers and ash lords some of the best AFK slayer exp in the game.
• This also means there's no reason to do them off-task.
⬥ level: 1
⬥ XP per kill: 7150
⬥ Optimal kills per hour: ~185 and
(All AFK)
⬥ Optimal XP per hour: ~1.3m
(All AFK)
Useful Items and Unlocks
Location and How to Get There
Use the dragonkin laboratory teleport or a portal attuned to the Elite dungeon via War's Retreat. Exit via the southwest to enter the wilderness.
General strategy
Enhanced greater demon variants possess high damage and cannot be recklessly AoE'd unlike many other slayer mobs. Hence, it would be best to safespot them or at most tank 2 of them at once.
⬥ Players who do not possess end game equipment may utilise a safespot west of the dungeon as shown below:
⬥ More information on
placement and demonstration:
⬥ Players who are well-geared and can afford to tank their attacks may run south and position themselves on a small peninsula as shown below, using a to aggro the demons.
• This spot allows you to lure 5 demons in total (3 ash lords + 2 berserkers), and limits the number of demons attacking you to at most 2 at once (1 Ash lord + 1 Berserker) as other demons will be stuck behind.
Method: AFK Magic/Ranged
With high end gear, both and
can be used to AFK the demons, at around the same rates.
⬥ When you need to repair the , quickly
out, click, and then
back to the suggested spot.
• Check that the demons did not walk in a way which gets them stuck.
**Note: ** During the initial lure, the demons may get stuck in a conformation that makes them unable to approach you, to resolve this, kill the initial wave and then walk back to the suggested spot.
Presets and Relics
Revo bars
⬥ Magic
⬥ Ranged
Video Example
⬥ AFK Magic -
⬥ AFk Ranged -