The quest The World Wakes is required to kill Automatons or get them as a Slayer task .
⬥ level: 67
⬥ XP per kill: 624
⬥ Optimal kills per hour
• Generators - 530+ /
570+ /
• Tracers - 550+ /
610+ /
• Guardians - 600+ /
⬥ Optimal XP per hour: ~390k
Desirable drops
⬥ Static , Tracking
and Pneumatic gloves
- 1/1000
• Dropped by Guardians (melee), Generators (mage), and Tracers (ranged) respectively.
• Required for Slayer log.
• Also required for crafting the Enchantments of metaphysics, shadows and heroism respectively.
⬥ Cresbot (pet) - 1/1600
• Pet required for slayer log
⬥ For Tracers and Generators the core strategy is the same: back yourself into the corner to minimize the chance of getting spec'd by 2 automatons at the same time and taking rapid, heavy damage.
⬥ For Guardians, who roam the middle of the room, it is best to stand near the doorway.
⬥ The special timer starts counting from the time when the automatons are damaged.
• Be careful when using "chaining" abilities (
) as they will aggro a large number of enemies at once.
Useful Items and Unlocks
⬥ Most Wanted Card (Automaton) (obtained from Rush of Blood) can be used if you own any, as they will improves the droprate of both the pet and gloves.
⬥ Recommended relics:
• Conservation of Energy
• Death Ward
⬩ This is the most important to further diminish KO potential.
• Fury of the Small
Location and Where to Stand
Teleport directly there using a Mask of the Automatons or teleport with a Sixth-Age circuit
(option 1 "Guthix shrine"), then teleport to the caves by right-clicking "Teleport" on the Guthixian High Druid.
Method: AFK Necromancy 
Useful Items and Unlocks
⬥ Pray /
+ the deflect curse relevant to style of Automaton you are fighting
⬥ Activate
⬥ Sustain with
⬥ Ensure ,
are active at all times
⬥ will extend your trip durations and protect you against being KO'd when dragged towards a cluster of
• Bank when these run out (roughly 10-15 minutes depending on RNG)
⬥ Ideal perks for armour (not required but reduce the risk of heavy damage):
• Absorbative 4 + Crystal Shield 4
• Devoted 4 + Enhanced Devoted 4
Presets and Relics
Ability Bar
Example Kills
Generators Example -
Method: AFK Melee 
⬥ Noxious Scythe or other halberd weapon
• Anything below T90 has not been tested and may have accuracy issues.
Revo Bar
⬥ Use a stocked with scrolls.
⬥ AFKing with melee can be only be used at Guardians.
⬥ Stand as shown below:
⬥ or any melee boots can be used but
should be slightly better for damage reduction.
Example Kills
AFK (Melee)
Method: AFK Ranged 
Wyvern or Eldritch Crossbow with Caroming 4
• has not been tested yet and may not work very well.
⬥ for healing while not praying
Revo Bar
⬥ Use protection prayers
allows for healing without
does not have burst damage mitigation like
⬥ Your may splash on other automatons as curse drain will only be active on your primary target. You can use
to mitigate this, although the latter may give you some issues with prayer.
Example Kills
AFK Ranged -
Method: AFK Magic 
⬥ T90+ Staff with Caroming 4
Action Bar
⬥ Use and
, which gives you enough damage reduction with full Ganodermic to pray
⬥ This preset is made for Generators, below lists some changes if using it for the other automatons.
⬥ If killing Guardians, use a and cast
every 5 minutes.
• This method requires more testing, use additional sources of damage reduction if necessary.
⬥ If killing Tracers with mage, you will likely splash with even if using a T90 staff
. Here are some mitigating factors:
• Elder Overload Salves with Aggression Potion
instead of Holy Aggroverload
• Smoke/Ice Nihil
• T99 prayer
• Reaper's Necklace/Essence of Finality
⬥ Testing has only been done with . If owning only dual-wield, you are encouraged to test the ability bars yourself and use that information to update this guide.
Example Kills
AFK (Magic) -
Guardians in POD (540 KPH) -