The Zamorakian Undercity
Zamorak, Lord of Chaos is the fifth and final installment in the Elder God Wars. This guide will primarily focus on clearing the dungeon segment, for help defeating the boss visit #Zamorak Main Guide.
General Notes for Senntisten Undercity + Zamorak
⬥ Lucky charms for the dungeon can be bought from Thoksdottir at Daemonheim
⬥ A LOT of mobs can be ignored throughout the dungeon, but note that Menders and Dark Wizards will heal mobs/drain your adrenaline
⬥ The only required minibosses are the Jailer on the second floor (who teleports to different floors after 50k damage dealt x Team Size) and Eterna being the second boss before Zamorak.
⬥ A Demon / Greater Demon slayer task will affect a great number of mobs present in the dungeon.
• Kuradal offers the best chance for this task.
Presets and Relics
DISCLAIMER: Presets below have been made for both the dungeon and boss based on preliminary knowledge. This will change as more information becomes available. Upgrade as you see fit, the gear posted below is merely the minimum we suggest.
It is assumed that Zuk capes
for your chosen style, Disruption Shield
and passive Ring of Vigour
are unlocked.
⬥ All gear used is based on Stage 1 of #upgrade-order, with the addition of the following:
• Ranged skillcape on Anachronia cape stand/Max Cape + Igneous Kal-Xil
• Strength skillcape on Anachronia cape stand/Max Cape (For effect while wearing
• City of Senntisten spells
Recommended Upgrades
These items should be part of your preset if you have them or can afford them, listed in order of cost-effectiveness.
⬥ Melee
• Masterwork Spear of Annihilation or off-hand Lunging 4
• Zaros Godsword
⬥ Ranged
• with Dark Bow
• with Caroming 4
• Ascendrii bolts (e)
⬥ Magic
• with Caroming 4
• Fractured Staff of Armadyl and
Erethdor's grimoire
• with Guthix Staff
• with Armadyl Battlestaff
• Cryptbloom Equipment
Dungeon Floor Overview
Mefis the Jailer
Mefis the Jailer is the first boss of the dungeon, this boss is a typical "mini-boss" styled encounter, dealing magic auto-attacks and low upfront damage to the player.
Unlocking Eterna's Door
To unlock Eterna's doorway you must find two crystal pylon locations see Dungeon Floor Overview Section for the respective locations
Eterna is the last boss of the dungeon, this boss has multiple high hitting mechanics and does alternating magic / ranged auto-attacks throughout the fight.
Example Runs
Note: All of these runs are done on release and are to be taken as a quick reference for the time being. As time progresses, proper example kills with much better handling of mechanics will be posted. If you have an example kill you'd like to submit for posting feel free to submit it and label it as such in <#SOME CHANNEL>.