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900-4000% Solo Zamorak


This guide contains information for players doing Zamorak from 900% - 4000% enrage solo with magic. The key takeaways from the guide will differ depending on enrage.

Players pushing beyond 900% enrage: Take note of the general advice in this guide (counting autos, high enrage solo spec clears, high enrage solo P7) which are universally applicable beyond 900. Keep in mind that rotations will differ below HP cap (1740%).

Players doing 2000%+ enrage kills: The rotations in this guide will help you achieve ~7 kph stylecamping with magic. This guide expects strong knowledge from #Zamorak Basic Guide and #Zamorak Main Guide. BIS gear is highly recommended.

This guide uses edict order 2-4-3-1-6-5.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Other Unlocks
eof EoFs with ibansstaff deathguard90 zamorakstaffdemonslayer Demon Slayer Sigil unlocked ⬥ powderofpenance Penance Powder active ⬥ spiritcape Spirit Cape unlocked ⬥ demonslayerperk A Demon slayer combo perk is used ⬥ Bonfire + thermal spa HP boosts are active

Special attack order

⬥ The following spec order assumes decent DPS pacing to skip certain mechanics in red HP or phase during Chaos Blast. If struggling to meet this spec order, refer to the Alt order for P4 and beyond, or look at the spec order sheet in #Zamorak Main Guide otherwise.

⬥ Specs mentioned without "(red HP)" imply the specs occurs during green HP.

⬥ Order:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P1: Flames of Zamorak → Infernal Tomb + Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P2: Adrenaline cage → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P3: Flames of Zamorak (red HP) → Infernal Tomb → Adrenaline cage → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P4: Chaos blast → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Alt: Chaos blast (red HP) → Rune of Destruction → Adrenaline Cage → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P5: Rune of Destruction → Flames of Zamorak → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Alt: Rune of Destruction (red HP) → Flames of Zamorak → Chaos Blast → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P6: Chaos blast (red HP) → Rune of Destruction → Phase

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Alt: Rune of Destruction (red HP) → Flames of Zamorak → Infernal Tomb → Repeat until Phase

Handling Grey HP

Tips to reduce grey HP regeneration:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Grey HP healing is based on the total amount of time spent in grey HP over the course of the entire fight. As such, you should always focus on charging the next pad as soon as possible.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Using strong abilities such as roarofawakening spec right as Zamorak phases will help keep grey HP below 150k for longer.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Grey HP heals every tick. Dealing damage on the same tick as it heals completely nullifies the healing on that tick.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ DoT abilities (comb / corruptblast / magmatempest) will prevent healing entirely (while active).

The Fight


⬥ At Wars dummy: threadsoffatesoulsap → (optional) gchaincombcorruptblast to build essencecorruption stacks

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Can also opt to build stacks on witches instead

⬥ If not taking a necromancy swap, the witch between each phase will take longer, resulting in higher grey HP and less consistent skips. It can still be reasonably done with mage camping if you prioritise high damage abilities to clear it as quickly as possible, but expect to deal with 40k-50k higher red HP in later phases.


⬥ At higher enrages (3000%+), you may opt to fill rotations in with zamorakstaff eofspec or enfeeble to reduce damage taken.

⬥ In phase 4-6, you may not have enough adrenaline to precisely follow rotations written. In such situations, continue using gconc as often as possible and fill in the space with your best available specs and thresholds.

Phase 1

Phase overview:

⬥ In order to do this phase correctly, aim for the following:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Zamorak uses Flames of Zamorak in green HP.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• You phase Zamorak immediately before being teleported by Infernal Tomb at 1344k HP

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ Allows you to deal with the demon + witch at the same time, removing the need to re-enter Infernus again

⬥ The P1 ability rotation requires some adaptation to not phase Zamorak too quickly. In general, aim to be at around 1430k HP before the Flames of Zamorak bomb goes off.

Phase 1 Rotation:

⬥ Kill last witch → divert → tc + vulnbomb + smokecloud + comb + surge to pad 2 → gsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage + gconctsunamifsoa specgconcomniibansstaff eofspec (refund) → gconcibansstaff eofspec (skip if already in green HP) → smoketendrilsdisrupt + gconcwm → (3t) asphyxgconcroarofawakening specdbreath + surge towards pad 4 → resinvokedeathbloatantigconccombcorruptblast → 5t asphyximpact if skipped red HP auto / wmimpact if you received a red HP auto

⬥ Witch + Demon: touchofdeathdeathskullsinvokedeath + demonslayerthreadsoffatesoulsapvolleyofsouls + dive to rune

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• At higher enrages (3500%+) you may want to replace touchofdeath with reflect and do an extra global during threadsoffate to make sure witch dies

Phase 2

Phase overview:

⬥ The phase should proceed as follows:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Skip the mechanic in red HP and get Adrenaline Cage in green HP

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Phase before receiving the next mechanic (Flames of Zamorak), preferably in ~3 autos

Phase 2 Rotation:

⬥ tc + divertsmokecloud + combgsunshinebloodbarrage + gconcmagmatempesttsunamigconc (refund) → omnifsoa specgconc + limitlesswmzamorakstaff eofspecgconcsmoketendrils + vitalitygconcroarofawakening spec → (3t) asphyxgconcwmomni + surge onto pad 3 → gconccomb + realmmovement

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• You may want to reflect the Adrenaline Cage at higher enrage (3000%+) when the damage has scaled up

⬥ Witch: surge + dive + deathskullsinvokedeathtouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspecrealmmovement

Phase 3

Phase overview:

⬥ The phase should proceed as follows:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Surge out from the pad as it fills and gsunshine + focus down the protector

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Zamorak uses Flames of Zamorak in red HP and you phase as it the bomb goes off while dealing as much damage as possible before being teleported by Infernal Tomb in green HP

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• After killing the demon and exiting Infernus, aim to phase on Adrenaline Cage, or immediately before it happens if DPS is good enough.

Phase 3 Rotation:

⬥ tc + combdivertmagmatempestcorruptblast (filler while charging pad) + surge towards protector → gsunshine → target protector + bloodbarrage + gconctsunamidevofsoa specsmoketendrilsgconcroarofawakening specresbloodbarrage + omniantigconcwmgconcimpact

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Need to adjust a bit around timings, aim to roarofawakening specres to phase Zamorak as the bomb goes off, then omni to deal as much damage as possible

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• You can freely dump adrenaline here and build it back up on the demon, just make sure to maximise damage to Zamorak's green HP

⬥ Demon: ent + filler with gconc and best available thresholds → dive to rune + divert / invokedeath if you missed it on P1

⬥ Exit Infernus: tc + smokecloud + combomnicorruptblast while walking to pad 1 → magmatempestgconcwmgconczamorakstaff eofspecreflect Adrenaline Cage if needed → gconcroarofawakening speccomb + realmmovement

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• DPS remaining green HP as necessary and aim to roarofawakening spec as Zamorak phases

Witch: surge + dive + deathskullsinvokedeathtouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspecgconc + filler + realmmovement

Phase 4

Phase overview:

⬥ The phase should proceed as follows:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Skip mechanic in red HP and get Chaos Blast in green HP

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• immort to deal with Chaos Blast and deal as much damage as possible to phase Zamorak as he completes the charge.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• If failing to skip red HP, deal as much damage as possible and if you receive Rune of Destruction in green HP, wait it out until Adrenaline Cage, then phase

Phase 4 Rotation:

⬥ tc + smokecloud + combdivertgsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage + magmatempesttsunamigconc (refund) → omnifsoa specgconcibansstaff eofspecgconcwm / ibansstaff eofspec until green HP → gconcsmoketendrilsimmortgconcroarofawakening specgconcwmgconczamorakstaff eofspecgconcomni + filler until bar nearly full + realmmovement

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Ideally get a big prephase with the 2nd omni, but it may be needed just to phase Zamorak

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• immort timing can vary, use it when most convenient for your adrenaline

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Can surge towards pad 6 right before you press realmmovement to help deal with the upcoming long movement from pad 1 to pad 6

⬥ Witch: divert if needed + filler until immort procs → deathskullsinvokedeathtouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspecgconc + filler + realmmovementprep

Phase 5

Phase overview:

⬥ The phase should proceed as follows:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Skip mechanic in red HP and receive Rune of Destruction in green HP

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ This skip may be inconsistent depending on how phase 4 went, continue dealing with the spec order appropriately and aim to phase before the next Rune of Destruction

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Receive Flames of Zamorak and phase Zamorak as the bomb goes off

Phase 5 Rotation:

⬥ tc + combcorruptblastdivert / res + surge + dive to pad 6 → gsunshinemagmatempestantibloodbarrage + gconctsunamigconcomni (refund) → fsoa specgconcroarofawakening specgconcibansstaff eofspec until green HP → gconcsmoketendrilsgconcomnigconcwm → hold damage ~350k HP → devo Flames of Zamorak → reflectdebilcombcorruptblastveng + disrupt + res + roarofawakening specgconccomb + realmmovement

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• This aims to phase Zamorak with reflect + roarofawakening spec damage to greatly lower his grey HP

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Can opt to kill the healer if ahead on damage and waiting for Flames spec

Witch: surge + dive + deathskullsinvokedeathtouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspecgconc + filler + realmmovement

Phase 6

Phase overview:

⬥ Zamorak does Chaos Blast in red HP, use immort and deal as much damage as possible

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Possible to kill Zamorak before Chaos Blast even finishes, but is not recommended due to fsoa spec cooldown for phase 7

⬥ Receive Rune of Destruction in green HP and phase Zamorak as soon as possible

⬥ Phase Zamorak using the invokedeath applied during phase 1, or normally if no necro swap

P6 rotation:

⬥ tc + smokecloud + combdivert / resgsunshinebloodbarrage + magmatempestantitsunamigconcomni (refund) → fsoa specgconcibansstaff eofspecsmoketendrilsimmortgconc + limitlesswmgconcroarofawakening specgconcomnigconczamorakstaff eofspec + continue DPS until immort procs → bloatdevogconc → filler until phased

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Can aim to finish at 100% adrenaline to start phase 7 with nat

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• If Zamorak was phased exactly on the bomb hit during phase 5, he will do two autos in red HP before Chaos Blast, allowing you to turn off overheads afterwards to take advantage of the pad 6 damage boost

Phase 7

⬥ It is extremely important to be below 60% HP for the pad 6 buff in order to consistently 1-cycle this phase. Don't res at the start if you're already healthy and turn off soulsplit if your HP is getting too high. Try to aim to have the big bomb take you below 60%.

⬥ Demon + runes: natres / divert / anti → target demon + demonslayer + icebarrage + gconcomniwrackandruincombgsunshinebloodbarrage + dbreath → filler until runes starts → target rune 1 + tsunamifsoa spec → target rune 2 + limitless + devobloodbarrage + gconcdbreath if needed

dive to zamorak + roarofawakening specgconcwmdisrupt + vitality + reflectbloodbarrage + omnismoketendrilsibansstaff eofspec

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Flick arcanespiritshield + blessedflask on the big bomb at higher enrages (2000%+)

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• divert + immort if failing to 1-cycle, Zamorak should be very low at this point and can be easily finished with some prep in the 2nd cycle


⬥ Struggling to get the desired spec order while following the listed rotations is usually an indication that grey HP is being dealt with suboptimally.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Aim to get the next pad charged as quickly as possible from the moment Zamorak enters grey HP, allowing time for 1-2 strong abilities such as roarofawakening spec to prephase him

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Efficient movement between pads is important, on some phases it's possible to already be on the next pad by the time you phase Zamorak and use realmmovement

⬥ The listed rotations should be able to maintain essencecorruption stacks, but if not following the rotations just make sure to use a bleed every 30 seconds, typically comb / corruptblast before gsunshine and roarofawakening spec during gsunshine

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The weapons have to be equipped in order for a bleed hit to count, it's possible to lose stacks by bleeding and switching to necromancy weapons too quickly

⬥ Maintaining both exsanguinate and incitefear stacks will contribute a considerable amount of damage towards phasing at the correct times especially during fsoa spec

⬥ At higher enrages (3500%+) you may want to flick arcanespiritshield or devo as you set up on each pad since you'll be mostly using divert + comb / corruptblast anyway. Once the pad is charged you should be able to burst down Zamorak's red HP within 2-3 autos, keeping the incoming damage within manageable ranges.

⬥ If you get a slow spec order on phases 5 and 6, you can opt to leave the smoke from Flames of Zamorak on the ground until Zamorak enters his next Chaos Blast (phase 5) or is about to hit phase HP (phase 6). Carrying the smoke during the transition to phase 7 will null the hit entirely.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Do make sure to leave no smoke on the ground by the time you reach phase 7 as each stack will grant Zamorak damage reduction.

⬥ Problems on phase 7 usually arise from taking too long to set up and not utilising the damage boost from pad 6. Being too high HP can be detrimental during phase 7 and any healing from res / soulsplit should be controlled to allow the big bomb to take you <60% HP.

Example Kills

Examples Magic