Zemouregal & Vorkath
Zemouregal & Vorkath is a boss encounter consisting of two bosses; Zemouregal and Vorkath. To access this encounter, the players must progress through the Battle of Forinthry. Completion of the quest unlocks the normal mode and hardmode encounters.
Applicable Damage boosts for Vorkath
⬥ and
work (
do not at time of writing)
⬥ Slayer helm boost and
work while on a dragons cluster, blue dragons or undead cluster slayer task.
⬥ Salve amulet works
⬥ Jas dragonbane arrows work
Lifepoint scaling
⬥ Vorkath: 750k per player (1500k in Hardmode)
⬥ Zemouregal: 250k per player (500k in Hardmode)
Normal Mode specifics
⬥ Every place of power is protected by an undead giant, kill it to disrupt the beam.
⬥ Disrupting the places of power disables some of Zemouregal's abilities during the encounter, or starts the encounter.
• Northern location: minion spawns.
• Northwestern location: Zemouregal's Spikes.
• Western location: Starts the encounter.
Mechanics (Hardmode)
The Fight
Phase 1 (Vorkath):
4 autos → Dragonfire Breath → 4 autos → Zonal ice Breath (+ Bone Spikes and ) Repeat
Phase 1 (Zemouregal):
7 autos (+ minions) → → 1 auto (+ Bone Spikes) →
**Phase 2 (Vorkath):
4 autos → Dragonfire Breath → 4 autos → Zonal ice Breath (+ Bone Spikes and ) → 4 autos → green poison pools Repeat
Phase 2 (Zemouregal):
7 autos (+ minions) → → 1 auto (+ Bone Spikes) →
Phase 3 (Vorkath):
2 autos (not repeated) →
Fly → 1 auto (+ Bone Spikes) → Dragonfire Breath → 4 autos → Zonal Ice Breath (+ Bone Spikes) → 4 autos → purple poison pools → 4 autos → Dragonfire Breath (+ Bone Spikes) → 4 autos → Zonal Ice Breath → 4 autos → purple poison pools (+ Bone Spikes) → 4 autos Repeat
Phase 3 (Zemouregal):
8 autos (+ minions) → #1 (+ Bone Spikes) → 6 autos (+ minions) →
→ 1 auto →
#2 → 1 auto (+ Bone Spikes) →
(+ minions) → 4 autos → auto +
→ 1 auto (+ Bone Spikes) →
#3 → 2 autos (+minions) →
⬥ If Zemouregal kept a soul from P2: #3 is skipped, going
→ 3 autos →
⬥ Minions and Bone Spikes are time-based and will desync with repeats, hence the brackets!*
Preset and Relics
NM Solo (Vorkath Skip)
⬥ Pre-fight:
Enter gate →
→ tc giant
as you dispel the power
⬥ Enter instance:
→ (tc) Vorkath +
→ Vorkath should be reaching 50% HP here.
⬥ When Vorkath hits 50% HP:
Target Zemouregal →
Note: the on Zemouregal should line up with Vorkath's flight. Adjust as needed for your phase timing.
Hardmode Solo (Advanced) 2:45 Rotation
Start with 5 stacks and 4
(enter instance) →
Phase 1
(tc) + +
Phase 2
⬥ Replace 2nd with
if no Zonal ice skip
⬥ If Vorkath is below 800k hp, do not use *
Phase 3
(tc) + +
⬥ The 1st assumes that 3
stacks were obtained from the
against Zemo. If more or less were obtained then adjust accordingly*
(tc) + +
(tc) + +
Example Kills
⬥ Normal mode solo - Vorkath skip talkthrough
⬥ Hardmode solo Vorkath - advanced
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