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Hardmode Zuk

Introduction and preface

This guide is targeted towards players with a strong basic understanding of the encounter and are aiming for the @Zuk Master and @Zuk Grandmaster roles, and not for players attempting hardmode Zuk for the first time.

Time save breakdown:

⬥ With the current state of powercreep and recent fsoa changes, 2-cycling Zuk is consistent (though harder) so not much time can be gained there.

⬥ Players should focus on wave clear and try to follow this guide as best as possible.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Note that movements are specific for certain waves, and stepping on the wrong tiles will lead to failed lures.

As such, it is strongly recommended to follow the guide alongside the video example. The rotations are constructed to allow for continuous usage. If followed correctly, players should not lose ticks between abilities unless otherwise stated.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

The Fight

⬥ In essence the fight can be broken down in two phases: waves and Zuk.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Waves can be further broken down into three sub-categories (melee, ranged, and mage waves) where each sub-category is separated by an igneous + challenge wave.

Melee Waves

For waves 1, 2, and 3 you will fight mainly melee enemies. Use Elite tectonic elitetectmask and use inquisitorstaff on all mobs (except Xil) for these waves.

Wave 1

General pointers

⬥ Kill/lower as many TzekHaar-Hurs as possible while standing in the middle of the room. Once they are clumped up, 4t bloodbarrage detogchaincaroming tsunamiincite will finish off the rest.

Specific rotations

⬥ On Zuk: surge to 2→ (dw) stormshards

⬥ West Hur: Pre-vulnbomb → (4t) (tc) bloodbarrage wmdbreath → Move to 3

⬥ East Hur: Pre-vulnbombgconc → (3t)asphyxmagmatempesttarget(under you)

⬥ West Hur: corruptblastdeto → (4t) bloodbarrage deto dbreath

⬥ South-most Kih: gchaincaroming + run north → tsunamiincite

Wave 2

General pointers

Eliminate the Xil that spawns at the start of the wave as fast as possible. After that, move to the middle of the room and lower mob HP while waiting for them to clump up. Use gchaincaroming omni when they do.

Specific rotations

⬥ West Xil: Pre-vulnbomb → (tc) (dw) bloodbarrage wmbloodbarrage dbreath + dive to 2 mid GCD

⬥ East Xil: vulnbomb gconcasphyx

⬥ North Hur: (dw) comb + Move to 3

⬥ West Hur: bloodbarrage gsonicwave + Move to 4

⬥ Yt-Mejkot: vulnbomb magmatempesttarget (under you) → wait 1-2t so that they group up → gchaincaromingomni + Move 5dbreath

Wave 3

General pointers

Like wave 2, kill the Xils ASAP by standing in the middle of the room and sunning gsunshine. devo while you wait for all mobs to clump up together. Once they do, use gchaincaroming omni.

Specific rotations

⬥ Kih: Pre-vulnbomb → (tc) gchaincaroming + dive to 2gsunshine + adrenrenewalvulnbomb magmatempesttarget (under you) → bloodbarrage corruptblastdevo

⬥ East Xil: (gsunshine boosted) bloodbarrage wmwrack

⬥ West Xil: gconcdbreath → basic to finish up

⬥ West Hur: comb + vulnbomb the east Hur

⬥ East Yt-Mejkot: gchaincaromingomni

⬥ South Yt-Mejkot: gconcdbreath

Wave 4 (Igneous wave)

General pointers

Remove the igneous mobs' damage reduction mechanics ASAP (asphyx for Hur, wm for Xil). Set up your tsunamiincite fsoa on the Mej and go to tzkalzuk once you have 100% adrenaline and all igneous mobs are dead. gsunshine wm smoketendrils are to be used on Zuk.

Specific rotations

Start by equipping grim + tokkulzo + elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegs

⬥ Igneous Hur: Pre-vulnbomb + magmatempesttarget + sbslunars Veng → (gsunshine boosted)inquisitorstaff bloodbarrage (4-hit) asphyxcomb + surge mid GCD to Xil

⬥ Igneous Xil: vulnbomb wm + equip obsidianmagehelm cryptbloombody cryptbloomlegsgconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage dbreath → basic to finish off + surge dive mid GCD to mage

⬥ Igneous Mej: Equip reaverring + vulnbomb corruptblastmagmatempesttarget + walk south of Mej → bloodbarrage tsunamiincitefsoa spec + walk east of Mej → gconcdbreath → basics to finish off and get to 100% adren + surge dive to Zuk

⬥ Zuk tzkalzuk: gsunshine vulnbomb + equip elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegssmokecloud gconc + limitlesswmbloodbarrage (4 hit) smoketendrilsgconcdbreath + basics to finish → equip scriptureofful + tokkulzo

Wave 5 (Challenge wave)

dummy + gchaincaromingomnidbreath → Basics to finish off stragglers + disassemble dummy

Ranged waves

In waves 6, 7 and 8 you will face many ranged enemies that can deal a lot of damage. Use elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegs wave 6 and obsidianmagehelm cryptbloombody cryptbloomlegs wave 7 and 8.

Wave 6

General pointers

Kill east Xils at the start of wave and dive to west Xils behind north-west rock to clear them as well. After this, walk out and sgb + gchaincaroming omni on Jad to clear the remaining mobs.

Specific rotations

⬥ North Xil: Stand on 1 + pre-vulnbomb + pre-magmatempesttarget → (dw) bloodbarrage wm

⬥ East Xil: (gsunshine boosted) bloodbarrage (3 hit) asphyx

⬥ North-east Xil: (tc) (gsunshine boosted) gconccomb + dive to 2

⬥ South-west Xil: (tc) (2h) 4t bloodbarrage gchaincarominggstaff eofspec → (dw) dbreath

⬥ North-west Xil: (2h) bloodbarrage gstaff eofspec + step out to 3

⬥ Jad: gconcgstaff eofspec

⬥ East Yt-Mejkot: gchaincaroming + walk back to 2 → (4t) bloodbarrage wm → (4 hit) asphyx → walk to 4

⬥ Jad: corruptblastmagmatempestsgb ingen Desolation spec + adrenrenewalgchaincaromingbloodbarrage omni

⬥ South-west Yt-Mejkot: (dw) gstaff eofspecbloodbarrage dbreath → basics/ gstaff eofspec to finish off

Wave 7

General pointers

Start north of east rock and clear the Kihs and Mejs that spawn at the start of the wave. You essentially want to wrap around this rock in a timely manner to clump the remaining monsters in two groups. South group can be dealt with gchaincaroming omni while the north group can be dealt with gchain deto tsunamiincite

Note:* If done correctly you will get the flame wall mechanic at the start of the wave. If you get the flame wall while standing on 1, move to 2. If you get it while standing on 2, move to 1*. Other tiles are possible as long as you move 2 tiles away from where you initially were.

⬥ Equip obsidianmagehelm cryptbloombody cryptbloomlegs + activate excal sometime during the wave.

Specific rotations

⬥ East Kih: Pre-vulnbombbloodbarrage gconcdbreath + move to 2

⬥ North Mej: (4t) vulnbomb bloodbarrage (4-hit) asphyx

⬥ West Kih: (dw) combbloodbarrage gsonicwave + move to 3

⬥ South-west Tok-Xil: Pre-vulnbomb + pre-magmatempesttarget before it spawns → bloodbarrage gstaff eofspec + walk 1 tile south to 4gconcdbreath

⬥ South Yt-Mejkot: corruptblast + surge mid GCD to 5gchaincaroming + move 1 tile west to 6bloodbarrage omni

⬥ West Tok-Xil: Move to 7 as you do the following

vulnbomb wmgsonicwave → (dw) dbreath + move to 8

⬥ East-most Xil: (dw) vulnbomb bloodbarrage gchaincaromingdeto → (4t) bloodbarrage deto tsunamiincite

Wave 8

General pointers

Apply the same idea as the previous wave except this wave hurts more so devo while being south of east rock.

Specific rotations

⬥ East Mej: Start on 1 and pre-vulnbomb + pre-magmatempesttargetbloodbarrage gstaff eofspecdbreath + move to 2

⬥ North Xil: vulnbomb (4-hit) asphyx

⬥ West Mej: (dw) comb → Move to 3bloodbarrage gstaff eofspec

⬥ South-east Tok-Xil: Pre-vulnbomb and pre-magmatempesttargetbloodbarrage gstaff eofspec + move 1 tile south to 4gconcdbreath

⬥ South Yt-Mejkot: corruptblastgsonicwave vitality + surge mid GCD to 5 → Move one tile west to 6 + gchaincaromingbloodbarrage omni

⬥ South-west Tok-Xil: devo → (3t) bloodbarrage gsonicwave + move to 7

⬥ North-east Tok-Xil: vulnbomb + magmatempesttarget on 8 → (dw) bloodbarrage gchaincaromingbloodbarrage wm

⬥ North Tok-Xil: gconcdbreath → Basics to kill off the stragglers

Wave 9 (Igneous wave)

General pointers

Start the wave with grim + tokkulzo + elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegs. Remove the igneous mobs' damage reduction mechanics ASAP (asphyx for Hur, wm for Xil). Set up your tsunamiincite fsoa on the Mej and go to tzkalzuk once you have 100% adrenaline and all igneous mobs are dead. gsunshine wm smoketendrils are to be used on Zuk.

Specific rotations

⬥ Melee igneous: Pre- vulnbomb + pre-magmatempesttarget + Venginquisitorstaff bloodbarrage (4-hit) asphyxgconccomb + surge mid GCD to ranger

⬥ Ranger igneous: vulnbomb bloodbarrage wm + equip obsidianmagehelm cryptbloombody cryptbloomlegs + a couple of tiles west → gconcdbreathgchaincaroming* → bloodbarrage omni + surge dive mid GCD to mage

⬥ Mage igneous: Equip reaverring + vulnbomb corruptblastmagmatempesttarget + walk south of mage → bloodbarrage tsunamiincite + walk east of mage → fsoagconcdbreath → basics to finish off and get to 100% adren + surge dive to Zuk

⬥ Zuk tzkalzuk: gsunshine vulnbomb smokecloud + equip elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegsgconc + limitlesswmbloodbarrage (4-hit)smoketendrilsdbreath → Basics to finish → Equip scriptureofful + tokkulzo + inquisitorstaff

  • Note: Skip gchaincaroming if melee igneous is already dead

Wave 10 (Challenge wave)

Kill the unbreakable TzekHaar-Ket by using (tc) smokecloud omnigstaff eofspecdbreath + move 1 tile south-west

Mage waves

Waves 11 to 13 consists mainly of magic based enemies. Use elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegs wave 11 and obsidianmagehelm cryptbloombody cryptbloomlegs waves 12 and 13.

Wave 11

General pointers

Clear initial wave of monsters north-west of the arena. sgb and tsunamiincite fsoa on north-west Jad. dive to north of the other Jad and wm smoketendrils on Jad alongside gchaincaroming omni to clear the remaining monsters.

Specific rotations

⬥ North Mej: Pre-vulnbomb + magmatempesttargetbloodbarrage gconcdbreath / wrack + dive to 2

⬥ West Mej: (tc) bloodbarrage wm

⬥ South Kih: (dw) comb + run to 3corruptblast

⬥ West Mej: bloodbarrage wrack

⬥ Jad: vulnbomb gconcdbreathsgb ingen Desolation specgconcgstaff eofspecmagmatempesttarget + adrenrenewal> bloodbarrage tsunamiincite + move 1 tile south to 4fsoa specdbreathgstaff eofspec/basics to finish off Jad + surge to 5

⬥ Second Jad: Move 4 tiles east to 6 as you do the following

corruptblastgconcwm → (4-hit) bloodbarrage smoketendrilsgchaincaromingomni

⬥ South Yt-Mejkot: You will get dragged in melee distance of Jad so DeflectMelee

gstaff eofspecdbreath → basics to finish off the rest

Wave 12

General pointers

Stand south-east of arena and clear initial wave using strong abilities. dive south to get the south-east monster un-stuck and use gchaincaroming omni on the south group of monsters. After this, move north and clear north-east mages using gchaincaroming deto and dive to the remaining Ket and finish off using strong abilities.

Specific rotations

Equip obsidianmagehelm cryptbloombody cryptbloomlegs + start on 1

⬥ South Mej: Pre-vulnbomb (tc) bloodbarrage gstaff eofspecgconcdbreath

⬥ North Kih: comb + move to 1

⬥ North Tok-Xil: magmatempesttargetcorruptblastgchaincaroming (should hit north Ket) → bloodbarrage wm

⬥ East Kih: (dw) gstaff eofspec + dive south to 2bloodbarrage wrack + move to 3

⬥ North Tok-Xil: gconc if needed to finish off

⬥ West Tok-Xil: vulnbomb magmatempesttargetgchaincaroming omni

⬥ West-most Mej: (dw) vulnbomb dbreath + move to 4bloodbarrage gsonicwave + move north to 5 along rock

⬥ North Mej: vulnbomb corruptblastgchaincaromingdeto → (4t) bloodbarrage deto dbreath + dive to 6

⬥ North-west Ket: wm → (dw) gstaff eofspecbloodbarrage tsunamiincite → Finish off with basic + surge dive to southwest area.

Wave 13

General pointers

Apply the same idea as the previous wave but this wave hurts more devo can be used. South-east Mej is bigger so one needs to dive further south to get it un-stuck.

Specific rotations

South-west Ket: Start on 1 and pre-vulnbomb bloodbarrage gstaff eofspecgconcgstaff eofspec + move north to 2bloodbarrage dbreath

⬥ North Tok-Xil: vitality + vulnbomb magmatempesttargetcorruptblastgchaincaromingbloodbarrage wmcomb + dive south to 3

⬥ North Mej: Do the following as you move north 4 and then west to 5

devo → (dw) bloodbarrage wrack

⬥ West small Mej closest to you: (4t) bloodbarrage gsonicwave

⬥ West Tok-Xil: vulnbomb magmatempesttargetgchaincaromingbloodbarrage omni

⬥ West Ket: (dw) dbreath + move to 6gsonicwave + move north to 7 along rock

⬥ North Mej: vulnbomb corruptblastgchaincaroming → (4t) bloodbarrage deto dbreath + dive to 8

⬥ North-west Ket: wm → (dw) gstaff eofspecbloodbarrage wm → Basics to kill off/shard Zuk to have 50%+ adren

Wave 14 (Igneous wave)

Start wave with grim + tokkulzo + equip elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegs

Specific rotations

⬥ Igneous Hur: Pre-vulnbomb + magmatempesttarget + Veng → (tc) inquisitorstaff bloodbarrage (4-hit) asphyxgconccomb + surge mid GCD to Xil

⬥ Igneous Xil: vulnbomb bloodbarrage wm + equip obsidianmagehelm cryptbloombody cryptbloomlegs + move a couple of tiles west → gconcdbreathgchaincaroming* → bloodbarrage omni + surge dive mid GCD to Mej

⬥ Igneous Mej: Equip reaverring + vulnbomb corruptblastmagmatempesttarget + walk south of mage → bloodbarrage tsunamiincite + walk east of mage → fsoagconcdbreath → basics to finish off and get to 100% adren + surge dive to Zuk

⬥ Zuk tzkalzuk: gsunshine vulnbomb smokecloud + equip elitetectmask elitetectbody elitetectlegsgconc + limitlesswmbloodbarrage (4-hit)smoketendrilsdbreath + basics to finish → equip scriptureofful + tokkulzo

  • Skip gchaincaroming if igneous Hur is already dead

Wave 15 (Challenge wave)

cade → build to 100% adren using basics gchaincaroming wrack voke anti freedom

Wave 16 (Triple Jad)

General pointers

Stand beside the north-west rock as shown below and kill the north-west Jad while the other 2 group. Step out and use mostly AoE abilities to clear the other two Jads.

Specific rotations

Start on 1 and pre-vulnbomb and pre-magmatempesttarget north-west Jad

⬥ North-west Jad: (dw) bloodbarrage wmbloodbarrage omnisgb ingen Desolation specgconcdbreathbloodbarrage gstaff eofspec → basics to finish off + move to 2

⬥ North Jad: vulnbomb corruptblastmagmatempesttarget between both Jads → bloodbarrage gconcdeto → (3t) deto dbreath

⬥ South Jad: vulnbomb gconcwm

⬥ North Jad: corruptblastmagmatempesttarget between both Jads → (dw) bloodbarrage gchaincaromingbloodbarrage omni

⬥ South Jad: gconcdbreath → Basics to finish off and get to 100% adren by sharding/basics on Zuk.

Wave 17 (Har-aken)

dive to Har-aken → gsunshine smokecloud vulnbomb + adrenrenewalgconcdbreathbloodbarrage tsunamiincitefsoa specwrack + move to edge of sun → gconcwmbloodbarrage omni + move to center of sun → gconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage asphyxgconcsmoketendrilsgconcgstaff eofspec

⬥ Ensure to kill Har-aken only after fsoa / gsunshine runs out.

Wave 18 (Tz-Kal Zuk)

First cycle

Start near the middle (1) and build to 100% adren by sharding/basics.

⬥ Apply vulnbomb and smokecloud

⬥ Use Veng

⬥ Use inquisitorstaff for all 2h abilities except fsoa spec

nat as soon as he moves from chair → combcorruptblastmagmatempesttargetgconcfreedomgsunshinebloodbarrage gconcdbreathbloodbarrage tsunamiincitefsoa specgconcwm + surge as he melee slams (2) → bloodbarrage Tuskas + surge back to sun (3) → gconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage omni + move 2 tiles away from Zuk → gconcdisrupt +(4-hit) smoketendrilsgconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage gstaff eofspec

⬥ Some improvisation will be necessary as it depends on when you started attacking Zuk (and by extension when you get melee slammed) and how much adrenaline you have.


Move in the pattern indicated by the green arrows.

Igneous Hur: stormshards Zuk → freedom + surge divevulnbomb bloodbarrage deepgconcdbreath

Igneous Xil: surge divevulnbomb bloodbarrage wmgconcdbreath → Finish off and reapply vulnbomb and smokecloud on Zuk

Igneous Mej: surge dive → (dw) corruptblast → (4t) bloodbarrage gconcdbreath → Finish off with basics

Second cycle

Ideally you save limitless for conduits. Use excal here.

Veng + pre-magmatempesttargetgsunshine + adrenrenewalbloodbarrage gconcdbreathbloodbarrage tsunamiincitefsoa specgconcwmbloodbarrage (2-hit) asphyxgconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage omnigconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage shatter + surgedbreath + surgegconcwmbloodbarrage asphyx

⬥ Again, some improvisation is required here as it depends on when you started attacking Zuk (and where you get melee slammed in your rotation) and on adrenaline.


This assumes gsunshine has ran out by the time you get conduits. If this isn't the case one can always dump wm / gstaff eofspec while still under fsoa and gsunshine. Use inquisitorstaff for all 2h abilities.

⬥ Deal with Zuk's charged attacks using the following:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• C1 → res

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• C2 → disrupt

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• C3 → vitality + obsidianmagehelm

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• C4 → signoflife or res

Conduit 1: Pre- vulnbomb and pre-magmatempesttargetbloodbarrage corruptblastsgb ingen Desolation specdbreathgconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage gstaff eofspec

⬥ This rotation is done while running in a rectangle (1 → 2 → 3 → 4)

Conduit 2: vulnbomb gconcTuskasmagmatempesttargetresgsunshinegconcdbreathbloodbarrage tsunamiincite

⬥ After you cast gsunshine, step between the edges of your gsunshine to dodge fire bombs (5 and 6).

Conduit 3: fsoa specgconclimitless wmbloodbarrage asphyx + improvise for the other conduits with omni / gstaff eofspec

⬥ There is no set rotation for the remaining conduits. The main idea is that you try to stick to the standard fsoa rotation while dealing with the fire bombs.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• This is not always possible as fire bombs can align with gconc cd.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⬩ In this case use a non-channelled followed by gconc or 4t to help misalign your channels with fire bombs.

⬥ Take advantage of the lack of bombs during Zuk's charging attack to use more channelled abilities (e.g. smoketendrils / gconc / asphyx) during that period.

Example videos

Full kill -

Example of waves -