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Telos: Magic (fSoA) soa


This guide assumes very strong understanding of everything found in #telos-basic and #Stuns & Mechanics Overview. The rotations listed below are ideally used at 1000%+ enrage. However, they will generally work at lower enrage as well, and it is encouraged to learn these rotations as early as possible to build good habits and muscle memory.

An average kill at 2449% enrage is worth coins 7,405,646 in uniques. This assumes an estimated orb price of coins 52,733,770. Advanced players can get up to 18.2 kph, earning coins 134,782,764/hr.

Notable Enrage Checkpoints and Changes (999+)

1000% P4 one rock will fall, P5 multiple rocks will fall, immortality no longer works P5, and Telos will freedom stuns and binds with a 16 tick cooldown

2000% "So you think you can guard?" Achievement, aka Silver Warden

2700% Tendrils damage required caps at 30,000

3300% The first prayer drain on P3 will smite you from full unless Telos touches the beam.

4000% Hard enrage cap; "True Warden" achievement, aka Gold Warden

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions


Pre-building is recommended as it allows you to preserve your adrenrenewal for P3. However, it is not strictly necessary. If skipping pre-build, you must still devo and surge properly to ensure proper target cycle timing. For more details, read "Target Cycling" in #Stuns & Mechanics Overview.

(AC incitefear) dummy nat + click dummy → vokeantiprepchain + dummy diss → dbreath + devo → (wait 2 ticks) → surge

Note 1: requires dual wield equipped and Invigorating 4 invig4 - alternatively, use one extra ability.

Note 2: if ability queueing is enabled, replace dbreath with eofspec

Phase 1

Notes on Execution
Demo w/ ability tracker: link All P1 rotations have a variation of combsmokecloud freedomicebarrage ability, done as follows: ⬥ (Tick 0) - comb with staff + walk forward, in that order, same tick ⬥ (Tick 1-2) - equip DW ⬥ (Tick 3) - smokecloud + freedom in that order, on next GCD (off-hand freedom auto) ⬥ (Tick 4-5) - equip staff ⬥ (Tick 6) - icebarrage + ability, in that order, same tick on next GCD (not a 4TAA)

⬥ Caroming 1 on staff can help with gsonic stacks or bring a caroming offhand

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Even without c4 the 1 tick is consistent

magmatempestdevosurgemetasmokecloudvulnbombroarofawakening → walk + combgconcdbreathtsunamibdgconcimpactwrack

Phase 2

bloodblitzfsoa specbdgconcvitality + smoketendrils (7t)→ escape → Run to jump spot + gconcomniibansstaff eofspecgconcdbreath → improvise

Phase 3

bloodblitzgconcwmroarofawakening spec → Run mid + combvulnbombcorruptshot → Red Stream + bdicebarragegconc → 2-3 hit + asphyxwracksurge

Phase 4

Note: Use Fsoa + Channelers p4-5


bloodbarrage + omnigstaff/ibansstaff eofspecgrico + dive + surge

Font 1

divertreflectsmokecloud + antiprepicebarrage + combdetoicebarrage + deto + gconcasphyx 3t → gstaff eofspec + surgedbreath

Font 2

dbreathresgchainfreedomprepicebarrage + tsunami

stall omni → release omni + gconc OR stall wm + omnigstaff eofspecgrico + dive + surge

Font 3


Phase 5

Note: for more information on timing & moving efficiently throughout P5, read: #P5 Movement & Timing

Note:its important to go into p5 with no wand stacks to ensure the spec doesnt insta proc so you get hits after meta

smokecloud + fsoa specroarofawakening specdivertreflectmetagconcomni + divewmibansstaff eofspec

(if redgolem then reflect after anti)

Example Kills
