Sanctum of Rebirth Hard Mode - Solo Necromancy 
The Sanctum of Rebirth is a boss dungeon set in the Underworld. Formerly owned by Amascut, three soul devourer bosses can be fought after completion of the Soul Searching quest.
⬥ This is an advanced guide and assumes a deep understanding of the boss's rotations and mechanics for the Hard Mode version of the Sanctum of Rebirth, found in #Sanctum HM Mechanics.
⬥ Only in Hard Mode is the Shard of Genesis Essence dropped, which upgrades Tier 95 weapons to Tier 100.
Note: the rotations in this guide are still being optimised, so you may need to improvise.
Presets and Relics
⬥ /
are not needed for the t95 rotations.
Vermyx, Brood Mother
Vermyx's Attack Rotation
⬥ Vermyx uses both Melee and Ranged
auto-attacks, while Coilspawns only attack with Ranged
• Auto-attacks cause 2% armour break per successful hit.
⬥ Every auto-attack Vermyx's adrenaline bar fills by 50%, starting a new mechanic when full.
Phase 1
3 autos → Moonstone Shards → 2 autos → Wyrmfire + 2 autos → repeat
Phase 2
3 autos → Moonstone shards → 2 autos → Soul Bomb → 1 auto + bomb hit (in that order) → 1 auto → Wyrmfire → 8 autos + Scarab Healer → Moonstone Shards
Phase 3
3 autos → Scarab Healer (+ autos continue) → 3 autos → Moonstone shards → 2 autos → Soul Bomb → 1 auto + bomb hit (in that order) → 1 auto → Wyrmfire → 7 autos + Scarab Healer → Wyrmfire
T95/100 Rotation
⬥ This rotation seeks to consistently hit around ~1:30 kill times.
⬥ Sometimes you may not be able to build off of Coilspawns due to the limited range of Necromancy
⬥ You can flank by standing right next to Vermyx's head.
⬥ Stay in the center after to not get attacked by Coilspawns from multiple sides, may stand on the green lines during phases 2 and 3 for a similar result.
Note: with T100, use before
Phase 1
→ go to Coilspawn
→ go to Vermyx
Note: after position yourself so that both western Coilspawns have a chance to hit you.
Phase 2
→ go to Coilspawn
→ go to Vermyx
Note: abilities after depend on
and Vermyx's LP, depending on damage and
you can skip
Phase 3
→ improv
Kezalam, the Wanderer
Kezalam's Attack Rotation
⬥ Kezalam uses both Magic and Melee
⬥ Can be stunned (delays rotation).
⬥ Every auto-attack gives it 25% adrenaline, at 100% it uses its next mechanic. Adrenaline carries over between phases.
• Kezalam starts at 100% adrenaline.
⬥ For phase 2 and 3, the first mechanic is determined by the last mechanic of the previous phase.
Phase 1
SB-Scattered → Moonstone Prison + Soul Bomb → SB-Targeted → SB-Scattered → Unstable Scarabs → SB-Targeted → repeat
Phase 2
Kill Moonstone Obelisk → SB-Line → SB-Targeted → Unstable Scarabs → SB-Line → SB-Targeted → Moonstone Prison + Soul Bomb → repeat
Phase 3
Kill Moonstone Obelisk → Moonstone Prison + Soul Bomb → SB-Line → SB-Scattered → Moonstone Prison + Soul Bomb → SB-Line → SB-Targeted → repeat
T95 Rotation
⬥ This rotation seeks to consistently hit around ~2:24 kill times.
⬥ May instead deal with prison this way:
• Be MD+1 when prisoned → break free → +
(remaining souls) →
(back in prison) →
⬩ An example of this is shown here.
⬥ Do not scarabs if you want it to be off CD for Nakatra.
Phase 1
(evade bomb) →
Moonstone Obelisk 1
Phase 2
Moonstone Obelisk 2
Phase 3
→ improv
T100 Rotation
⬥ This rotation seeks to consistently hit around ~2:10 kill times.
⬥ May instead deal with prison this way:
• Be MD+1 when prisoned → break free → +
(remaining souls) →
(back in prison) →
⬩ An example of this is shown here.
⬥ Do not scarabs if you want it to be off CD for Nakatra.
Phase 1
(evade bomb) →
(into prison) →
⬥ Depending on LP may add more abilities before such as
⬥ Allow to phase Kezalam, and use
while running to the Obelisk.*
Moonstone Obelisk 1
→ improv
Note: use as soon as pillar is dead.
Phase 2
Moonstone Obelisk 2
→ improvise
⬥ Allow and conjures to phase Kezalam, and position yourself as shown here.
• Move out of bounce range of Kezalam once she's phased.
• Only possible if all moonstones are dead (e.g., damage during
Phase 3
→ improv
Nakatra, Devourer Eternal
Nakatra Rotation
⬥ Nakatra switches between Magic and Ranged
auto-attacks after each set.
• Each auto-attack gives 33% adrenaline.
⬥ Nakatra uses a mechanic every time her adrenaline bar is full.
• In phase 3, mechanics are mostly time-based.
Note: Hard Mode starts at 200 corruptive stacks, which increase her auto-attack damage.
Phase 1
Nakatra says I am afraid this is where your story ends.
2 autos → Soulfire Wave → 3
autos → Obliterate → 3
autos → Soulfire Wave → 3
autos → Soulfire Wave + Summon Scarabs → 1
auto → Soulfire Wave → 3
autos → repeat
Phase 2
Nakatra says The sanctum is mine to control.
2 Tiles → 3 autos → Obliterate → Soulfire Wave → 3 autos → 2 Sanctum Hieroglyphs → 3 autos → Soulfire Wave + Summon Scarabs → 3 autos → 2 Sanctum Hieroglyphs → repeat
Phase 3
Nakatra says The Sanctum will protect me while I only grow stronger.
Summon Nefthys + Soulfire Crosswave → Soulfire Wave → Soulfire Crosswave → Soulfire Wave → Heal Nefthys → repeat
Phase 4
After the last Nefthys dies, Nakatra shouts Suffer the full power of the Sanctum!
Shadowsands → 3 autos + Sanctum Shockwave → Obliterate → 3 Sanctum Hieroglyphs → Soulfire Wave → 3 Sanctum Hieroglyphs → repeat
T95 Rotation
⬥ This rotation seeks to consistently hit under ~3:00 kill times.
⬥ In order to survive Obliterate without you must be 12k LP before
and have
• This may be achieved via or
• For Obliterate only for hit 3.
• Make sure is active.
(while banking) →
Phase 1
→ improv
Phase 2
→ improv
Note: if scarabs spawn you may or
Phase 3
Nefthys 1
Nefthys 2
Phase 4
→ improv
⬥ Use abilities as phase 4 begins, can use phase counter as a visual.
⬥ May fit in 4 abilities if using 1 tick before phase 4 begins.
• Use wave positions as a visual cue, shown here.*
→ (tc) feline akh +
→ improv
⬥ Try to group felines and gorillas so that →
gives 3
⬥ Build to full off gorilla if needed.*
→ improv
Note: use when it becomes available.
T100 Rotation
⬥ This rotation seeks to consistently hit under ~2:45 kill times.
⬥ In order to survive Obliterate without you must be 12k LP before
and have
• This may be achieved via or
• Make sure is active.
Phase 1
→ improv
Phase 2
⬥ For Obliterate pray for hits 2 and 3.
⬥ → (equip)
+ (equip)
→ (equip)
• Use command !0tick
for more info.
⬥ After stand in both Soulfire Waves for extra damage, ~4k damage taken with
Phase 3
Nefthys 1
(to Nefthys 2)
Nefthys 2
⬥ is done later due to the timing for
⬥ Stand MD and tank Wave with *
Phase 4
→ (tc) feline akh 1 →
→ (tc) feline akh 2 →
Note: build to full off gorilla if needed.
→ improv
Note: for Obliterate pray for hit 3.
Example Kills
⬥ Vermyx
Content Provided by: @vex92
Formatting Maintained by: @Unknown user