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Sanctum of Rebirth Hard Mode - Solo Magic magic


⬥ This is an advanced guide and assumes a deep understanding of the boss's rotations and mechanics for the Hard Mode version of the Sanctum of Rebirth, found in #Sanctum HM Mechanics.

⬥ Only in Hard Mode is the Shard of Genesis Essence shardofgenesisessence dropped, which upgrades Tier 95 weapons to Tier 100.

⬥ 4TAA is used throughout this guide. icebarrage ability is assumed to cast the icebarrage with 2h but the ability with DW.

⬥ This guide is a compilation of transcribed Sanctum of Rebirth boss kills. In them, improvisation was heavily utilized. Improvisation when attempting to perform these rotations should be expected.

⬥ No autocast spells are listed in this guide. It is assumed players attempting to perform these rotations will swap between incitefear and exsanguinate effectively.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Checklist and Unlocks
powderofpenance Powder of Penance activated at bank ⬥ darkness Darkness activated before fight begins ⬥ kalgscroll Kal'gerion spec active before fight begins, autofire set to 1 ⬥ limitless Limitless Sigil unlocked ⬥ graspingpouch Pouches with runes for smokecloud, sbslunars, disrupt, veng, incitefear and exsanguinatepernixsquiver Quiver with hydrixbakrieof EoFs with ibansstaff, gstaff, obliteration, swh ⬥ Bonfire + thermal spa HP boosts are active

Vermyx, Brood Mother


⬥ Start with anima core of Sliske animahelmsliske equipped.


At War's Retreat dummy: stall roarofawakening spec

Phase 1

dive + (tc) + (r) roarofawakening spec + corruptblastgsunshine + adrenrenewal + smokecloudgconctsunamihydrixbakri gricoomnifsoa specgconcdbreath

Phase 2

Left Coilspawn

Target left Coilspawn + corruptblast → equip noxscythe + meteorstrikecombantihydrixbakri gricopiercing + return to Vermyx


(tc) + 3t detosmoketendrilswmgconcomnicorruptblastcomb

Phase 3

Right Coilspawn

Target right Coilspawn + corruptblasthydrixbakri incendgricopiercingcorruptblastcombnatcorruptblast → return to Vermyx

Note: build with bleeds as available, otherwise, build with basics


gconccombmagmatempestmetaicebarrage gconcroarofawakening specomnifsoa specgconctsunamiwmibansstaff eofspec

Kezalam, the Wanderer


⬥ Start with anima core of Sliske animahelmsliske equipped.

⬥ Utilize inquisitorstaff as 2h weapon against Kezalam


At War's Retreat dummy: stall roarofawakening spec

Phase 1

dive + (tc) + (r) roarofawakening spec + corruptblastgsunshine + adrenrenewal + smokecloudgconctsunamihydrixbakri gricoomnifsoa specgconcwmfreedom + vulnbomb beneath player → (tc) Moonstone Prison + icebarrage gstaff eofspec → target Kezalam + gconcibansstaff eofspec → 3t asphyxgconcobliteration eofspec

Phase 2

Moonstone Obelisk 1

Target Moonstone Obelisk + dbreathicebarrage gconcsmoketendrilswm


Target Kezalam + omni → equip elitetectmask + gconcdbreathroarofawakening specicebarrage gconccorruptblasticebarrage combgconcdbreathdivertnaticebarrage gconccombicebarrage corruptblastmagmatempestgsunshine + equip animahelmsliske + icebarragegconctsunamihydrixbakri gricoomnifsoa specgconc → → obliteration eofspec

Phase 3

Moonstone Obelisk 2

Target Moonstone Obelisk + wmicebarrage gconc → 3t asphyxgstaff eofspec


Target Kezalam + icebarrage gconcibansstaff eofspecsmoketendrilsgconcibansstaff eofspecdbreathicebarrage omnigconc + equip elitetectmask; → gchainroarofawakening specicebarrage wrackandruin

Nakatra, Devourer Eternal


At War's Retreat dummy: stall swh

Phase 1

vulnbomb + dive + (tc) + (r) swh + corruptblastgsunshine + adrenrenewal + smokecloudgconctsunamihydrixbakri gricoomnifsoa specgconcwmdevoicebarrage gconc → 3t asphyxroarofawakening specicebarrage gconcibansstaff eofspec

Phase 2

icebarrage smoketendrilsgconcgstaff eofspecicebarrage wmgconcomnicorruptblastreflectdivert + equip elitetectmask + channellerring + icebarragegconcgstaff eofspecicebarrage gstaff eofspecgconcwrackandruinicebarrage combgconccorruptblastgsunshine + equip animahelmsliskeicebarrage gconcdbreathicebarrage tsunamihydrixbakri gricofsoa specgconcgstaff eofspec → target Healing Corrupted Scarab + icebarrage (3t) asphyx → target remaining scarab + deep

Phase 3


gconcomniwm + wait 1t + dive + surge + (tc) → icebarrage roarofawakening specinquisitorstaff gconcsmoketendrilsgstaff


roarofawakening gconc → 3t asphyxgstaff eofspechydrixbakri grico

Phase 4

Shadowsands Feline Akhs

divert + dive + release Soul Storm → (tc) gchaincombdbreath + equip noxscythemeteorstrikehydrixbakri grico

Note: May have to target Shadowsands Gorilla and stay longer in realm to build depending on adrenaline.


(tc) + smokecloud + natgconccorruptblastmagmatempestmetaicebarrage gconcomnifsoa specroarofawakening specroarofawakening specgconctsunamiwmreflectdiverticebarrage ibansstaff eofspecibansstaff eofspecibansstaff eofspec

Example Kills

Vermyx magic

Kezalam magic

Nakatra magic

Vermyx Content Provided by: @Unknown user

Kezalam Content Provided by: @Unknown user

Nakatra Content Provided by: @Unknown user

Formatting Maintained by: @duckywucky_rs