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Raksha range


This is an advanced guide to solo Raksha, and assumes a strong underlying knowledge of all Raksha mechanics and Ranged range mechanics such as wensporing.

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions

⬥ The rotation requires ammo swapping wenarrow / deathsporearrows / fularrow

⬥ Mage DW are used for gconc and tsunami

⬥ Cast veng as frequently as possible.


This rotation seeks to hit sub 1:15 but this can vary based on crits.

At warsretreatteleport:

veng + stall tsunami

Inside instance:

r tsunami + natgconcwenarrow gricomds + d/a dummy → 2t surge + gdeathsswiftfreedomecb eofspec

Note: surge + gdeathsswift must be done same tick to prevent issues in phase timing. If P3 is not phasing, this is likely the cause.

Phase 1

(tc) + smokecloud + wenarrow gricorapidbolg spec + adrenrenewaldbow eofspecwenarrow dbow eofspec deathsporearrows

Phase 2

wenarrow grico deathsporearrowsfularrow shadowtendwenarrow mdsdeathsporearrows incendecb eofspecfularrow dbow eofspecwenarrow gricorapid

Phase 3

dbow eofspecsgb eofspecdbow eofspecgrico + equip roarofawakening + odetodeceit

Phase 4

gconcingen + tsunamiwenarrow piercing deathsporearrowsbolg specpiercingwenarrow grico deathsporearrowspiercinggdeathsswiftfularrow ecb eofspecrapidwenarrow dbow eofspecsgb eofspecdbow eofspecfularrow gricowenarrow dbow eofspec → Improvise

Note: You can optionally wenarrow dbow eofspec fularrow all of the dbow eofspec in P4 to increase perfectequilibrium proc damage.

Video Example

Solo Raksha - Multiple Grandmaster timers range

Content Provided by: @peterkirk

Formatting Maintained by: @neonx222