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Advanced Raksha range


This is an advanced range guide to Grandmaster role (sub 1:15) solo Raksha, which assumes a strong underlying knowledge of all Raksha mechanics.

General Notes

⬥ As this rotation uses tsunami and incend, adrenaline can be unreliable, and may require improvisation throughout.

⬥ With proper execution, you can expect basically every kill to be <1:20, numerous <1:15 kills every hour, and consistent poolskips.

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions

⬥ Rotation requires wenarrow, deathsporearrows, and fularrow ammo swapping.

⬥ Wand+orb for gconc and tsunami

⬥ Runes to smokecloud and veng when off cd.



s tsunami


r tsunami + wenarrow gricomds + d/a dummy → 2t surge + gdeathsswift + adrenrenewalantiecb eofspec

Phase 1

tc + smokecloud + wenarrow gricorapidbolg specsnapdbow eofspec

⬥ If you placed dummy near Raksha, this needs to be backwards target cycle.

Phase 2

wenarrow grico deathsporearrowsfularrow shadowtendwenarrow mdsdeathsporearrows incendecb eofspecfularrow dbow eofspecwenarrow gricorapid

Phase 3

snapsgb eofspecdbow eofspecgrico

Phase 4

wenarrow corruptshotingen + roarofawakening spec (replace with dbreath if low adren) → gconctsunamiwenarrow grico deathsporearrowspiercingmds → (fill with piercing/bolg spec/basics if not 5 deathsporearrows) deathsporearrows gdeathsswiftecb eofspec

If tailswipe not soon:

wenarrow rapidzammybow eofspecsgb eofspecdbow eofspeclimitless + fularrow snapshadowtend


fularrow bolg specgrico → (move out of tail swipe) → wenarrow rapiddbow eofspecsgb eofspecdbow eofspeclimitless + fularrow snap

Video Example

Solo Raksha ranged example