The Magister
The Magister is a boss residing at the very end of the Sophanem Slayer Dungeon. The fight requires 115 Slayer (boostable) and a Key to the Crossing for each kill attempt. He is primarily killed for his Phylactery
drops, used to create the T92 melee Khopeshes of Tumeken and Elidinis
, with vital sparks
and Gloves of Passage
being other sought-after drops.
It is highly recommended to have at least T90 weapons and to be on a Berserker aura, as his defence is high. Being on a Soul Devourer task will boost Tuska's Wrath damage to the boss, however the Slayer Helm
and Genocidal
perk effects do not work.
Presets and Relics
Melee Strategy
⬥ Avoid using high damaging abilities like Tuska's Wrath , Wild Magic
, Snap Shot
etc. while the boss is slightly above 150k, 100k, and 50k hp as he will absorb any extra damage dealt to reach those exact numbers.
• Damage is counted towards progressing phases before truncation.
⬥ Magister's phasing is based on him attempting to auto attack or taking a hit of damage within attack range (which is instead mitigated), as such, if you are outside of his attack range, he will not phase.
• This only really applies to ranged weapons at 9 tiles when he is bound.
• This also implies that he will sometimes phase a few ticks after reaching his HP threshold instead of instantly, meaning you should be wary about using strong abilities around his HP thresholds, lest they get mitigated.
⬥ For corruption stacks, the speed of the last 50k doesn't matter as much on the first kill, do not burst through it. This will allow you to have higher corruption stacks for the 2nd and 3rd kill, as such you'll be doing more damage overall.
• Don't sandbag the speed of the kill. You want to kill him at pace to hit 16-20% corruption by the end of the first kill.
⬥ If you're getting fast kills, don't pick up your drop after the kill, pick it up during your next one or once every 2-3 kills in a set.
Low Effort Magic Strategy
A full guide on how to AFK Magister is available in #Low Effort Magister.
Tip: Protecting Your Familiar
The Unstable Mixture special attack can damage your familiar.
⬥ Use one of the following techniques to avoid your familiar being killed:
• Kick the Unstable Mixture back at the Magister
• Pray at War's Altar in War's Retreat between trips to restore your familiar's hitpoints.
⬥ How many times can my familiar take damage before dying?
• 5 Mixtures hitting your Blood Reaver will kill it
• 6 Mixtures hitting your Ripper Demon will kill it
• 10 Mixtures hitting your
will kill it
Formatting Maintained by: @neonx222