Kerapac, the Bound (Hard Mode) - Solo Mage Melee Ranged Tribrid

⬥ This guide assumes you are already familiar with the basic mechanics of Hard Mode Kerapac which can be seen here #kerapac-hm-basic and own BIS gear for Magic, Melee and Ranged.
⬥ It is highly recommended having a Nodon dragonkin slayer task as the
helmet boost does work. You may also use the Premier Artefact
to have a 10% chance to not decrease the slayer task count with each kill.
⬥ Tribrid strategies at Kerapac can result in fast kills and are able to circumvent cooldown issues that generally affect style-camp rotations.
⬥Players can expect to achieve consistent, sub-2:00 kills
⬥ It is highly recommended to have applied to
as clone rotation relies on it.
Presets and Relics
→ stall
→ go in instance
and drop
→ (tc) + r
+ equip
+ (wait 1t) +
→ stall
Phase 1
(tc) + r
+ bleed
→ (4t)
+ equip
Phase 2
+ walk under →
+ target
→ stall
→ r
Note: If lacking adrenaline for , use
Phase 3
+ equip
+ (wait 1t) →
→ s
Phase 4
Clone 1
r +
+ equip
Note: Equip around this point for safety
Clone 2
+ (wait 2t) +
to undamaged echo →
Clone 3
Example Kills
Content Provided by: @Unknown user and @rocket_cars
Formatting Maintained by: @duckywucky_rs