Kerapac, the Bound - Solo Ranged
This guide assumes you are already familiar with the basic mechanics of Kerapac which can be seen here #kerapac-hm-basic and own BIS gear in Ranged.
It is highly recommended to have a Nodon dragonkin slayer task as the helmet boost does work. You may also use the Premier Artefact to have a 10% chance to not decrease the slayer task count with each kill.
This strategy aims to keep HP below max from P1 to P3 to continually heal with and , thus maximising hitsplats with passive to maximise damage which has excellent synergy with
Presets and Relics
⬥ Use + with + autofire set to 0.
⬥ Rotations assume slayer task and on anachronia stand.
⬥ Do not and on the same tick.
• Only after seeing the icon on buff bar (at least 1t apart).
⬥ Manually spam whenever you need health.
⬥ Have active for a smoother P4.
⬥ For equip back immediately after casting .
⬥ / means equip for a tick and switch back to immediately.
• Flicking / manipulates charging timer to benefit from and whilst still getting increased duration.
⬥ Drink 1 before the fight and sip throughout to keep your hp below max.
⬥ If you get jumps SW for placement during P3. If you jump skip lure Kerapac SW before P3.
⬥ stall at and bring the stall into instance whilst using / / .
Phase 1
(tc) + r + + → → → → → (if ≥63% / otherwise) → (wait 1t) + / → → + (→ / if <50%) → ( / 1t before end) → → → → →
If not phased: → → → improvise if you got 2+ jumps
Prephase: → →
Phase 2
→ + → → (wait 1t) + / → → → + → → → → → → → → → → → → → → →
Phase 3
→ → → (wait 1t) + / → → + (→ if <15%) → + ( / 1t before end) → → → → → → → improvise
Phase 4
⬥ Keep high hp by spamming food and throughout P4.
⬥ After 2 clones are dead swap to and only flick if you're careful.
⬥ Equip if getting to dangerously low HP.
⬥ South and west echoes
→ (tc) + → → (tc) + → → (tc) + → → improvise with / / basics → NE when both echoes are dead
⬥ North echo and Kerapac
target + → (tc) + build to 100% → → → + improvise with / / / basics until cd → → (→ ) → (tc) + + → → + → → + → → improvise
Example Kills
⬥ 2:18 (slightly different rotations)
Content Provided by: @hightdetal
Formatting Maintained by: @hightdetal