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Solo Kalphite King


This guide assumes you are already familiar with the basic mechanics of Kalphite King, which can be found in #Stuns & Mechanics Overview

Being on a Kalphite slayer task slayer is recommended as you gain the benefits of the Slayer Helm slayerhelm and Genocidal genocidal

This guide assumes no Green Shields happen, it's recommended to teleport out if one happens early into the fight

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Slayer Task Rotation


ripperpouch Set the Autofire rate to 1

lifetransfer Is only used if running berserkersfury

darkness Is only used if not running berserkersfury

zorgothsring Is used to possibly obtain extra residualsoul

deathguard90 eofspec Skips Green/Dig/Charge

enhancedexcalibur Is used to despawn conjures after every kill


At Wars obtain 5 residualsoul + 8 necrosis + conjurearmysurge + bd To Portal → elderovlsalve + weppoison + commandghost Enter Instance

In the fight:

surgelifetransfersplitsoulinvokedeathcommandskeletonanticlearheaded → (tc) + vulnbomb + deathskullsbloatvolleyofsoulssoulsaptouchofdeathnecroautosoulsapdeathguard90 eofspecomniguard specsoulsapvolleyofsouls → Improvise

No Slayer Task Rotation


ripperpouch Set the Autofire rate to 1

invokelordofbones Is used for better hit chance

lifetransfer Is only used if running berserkersfury

darkness Is only used if not running berserkersfury

zorgothsring Is used to possibly obtain extra residualsoul

deathguard90 eofspec Skips Green/Dig/Charge

enhancedexcalibur Is used to despawn conjures after every kill


At Wars obtain 5 residualsoul + 8 necrosis + conjurearmysurge + bd To Portal → elderovlsalve + weppoison + commandghost Enter Instance

In the fight:

surge + lifetransferinvokelordofbonessplitsoulinvokedeathcommandskeletonanticlearheaded → (tc) + vulnbomb + deathskullsbloatvolleyofsoulssoulsaptouchofdeathnecroautosoulsapdeathguard90 eofspecomniguard specsoulsapvolleyofsoulsnecroauto → Improvise

Example Kills

Example Kills