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Duo Kalphite King


This guide assumes you are already familiar with the basic mechanics of Kalphite King, which can be found in #Stuns & Mechanics Overview

Being on a Kalphite slayer task slayer is recommended as you gain the benefits of the Slayer Helm slayerhelm and Genocidal genocidal

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions

General Information

⬥ When executed properly, one can expect all kills being ~15 seconds or less.

⬥ There are 2 roles: the instance host (base) and the DPSer.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The base should have Incite on at all times.

⬥ Base should use a Blood Nihil bloodnihil and Erethdor's Grimoire grim

⬥ Melee DPS should use a Blood Nihil bloodnihil and Erethdor's Grimoire grim or Scripture of Ful scriptureofful

⬥ Necro DPS should use an Ice Nihil icenihil and Erethdor's Grimoire grim or Scripture of Ful scriptureofful

⬥ Ranged DPS should use a Shadow Nihil shadownihil or Ripper demon ripperpouch and Erethdor's Grimoire grim or Scripture of Ful scriptureofful

⬥ Both players being on a Kalphite slayer task with slayerhelm on Anachronia helmet stand is HIGHLY recommended for this method.

⬥ You may want to spread out from your partner on mage spawns to avoid getting KO'd by AoE damage or close to the end of ranged spawns to avoid getting KO'd by incend

⬥ It is assumed that warsretreatteleport is used between kills to bank, reset cooldowns, and reach full adrenaline.


Designate one person to pre-vuln vulnbomb


Start with desertamulet4 + Incite

Prefight: zerk 4-7 seconds after host joins instance + adrenrenewal (the timing is very lenient for this rotation)

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc keris gbarge (as GCD comes up after)→ antichaosroarmwspear + ingen walked slaughterkeris bleed assaultoverpowerdragonclaw eofspecpunishlimitless gflurry → improvise

Melee DPS:

Start with desertamulet4

Prefight: zerk 4-7 seconds after host joins instance + adrenrenewal (the timing is very lenient for this rotation)

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc keris gbarge (as GCD comes up after) → chaosroarmwspear + ingen bloodtendrilskeris bleed assaultoverpowerdragonclaw eofspecpunishlimitless gflurry → improvise

Necro DPS:

Prefight: Enter Instance → conjurearmy immediately → splitsoulcommandghostinvokedeathcommandskeleton (skip if slow to enter)

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc (as GCD comes up after) deathskulls + adrenrenewalbloatomniguard specnecroautotouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspec → improvise

Ranged DPS:

Prefight: gricocaroming a minion outside and join instance → immediately gdeathsswift + adrenrenewalecb eofspec 2-4 gcds before spawn

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc + gricocaroming (as GCD comes up after) → limitless rapidingen sgb eofspecmds → improvise

Example Kills