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Kalphite King


The Kalphite King (KK) is a powerful kalphite found within the Exiled Kalphite Hive just north of Menaphos. KK can use all three attack styles, but he will only use one style at a time with a set attack rotation for each style. At any time throughout the fight, KK can randomly change attack style, starting a new attack rotation.

KK is a significant step up in difficulty in comparison to other mid-tier bosses, requiring close tracking of auto attacks and specs, and the use of specific abilites at certain times to dodge one-hit mechanics.

Being on a Kalphite slayer task is recommended while fighting Kalphite King, as you gain the benefits of the Slayer Helm slayerhelm, Genocidal genocidal perk, and TMW tmwbody set effect.


Attack Rotation
⬥ Ranged Phase: 2 Autos → Stun → 2 Autos → Green → 2 Autos → Dig → Repeat ⬥ Melee Phase: 2 Autos → Push → 2 Autos → Charge → 2 Autos → Green → Repeat ⬥ Mage Phase: 4 Autos → Dig → 2 Autos → Charge → Repeat ​
Greens (Beetlejuice)
⬥ Kalphite King stuns and binds the tank for 8 seconds, leaving them unable to do anything. He then deals a melee attack that can hit up to 32k damage. Greens only happen during ranged and melee phase. Example     • Ranged phase: the Green can be skipped via stunning KK at the right time.     • Melee phase: you cannot skip the Green, instead you must utilise the Bladed Dive technique discussed later. ​
Green Shield (random)
⬥ Kalphite King heals 75% of all damage dealt by players. Example
Red Shield (random)
⬥ Kalphite King heals 100% of all damage dealt to players. Example
⬥ Kalphite King becomes unattackable and digs under the ground for 10 seconds, it then appears under the player it last targeted, dealing up to 5k damage if not avoided. Digs only happen on ranged and magic phase. Example
⬥ Kalphite King becomes unattackable and charges towards a wall, players who fail to avoid the space between the charging boss and wall will be hit up to 4k damage. Charges only happen on melee and magic phase. Example
⬥ Kalphite King spawns minions when it reaches 195k (1 wave) and 65k HP (2 waves). All players within a 3 tile radius of KK will be stunned for one second before the minions appear. Minions spawning will also cause KK to skip whatever attack he would have done next, including special attacks. Example

Kalphite King Attack Pattern

Player Stun Timings

Stunning KK at the right time is essential, allowing you skip certain mechanics that either waste time (charge & dig) or result in a death/failed kill (Green).

Ranged Phase: Skips Green

2 Autos → Stun → 2 Autos → Your Stun → 2 Autos → Dig → Repeat

Melee Phase: Skips Charge

2 Autos → Push → 2 Autos → Your Stun → 2 Autos → Green → Repeat

Mage Phase: Skips Dig

4 Autos → Your Stun → 2 Autos → Charge → Repeat

Step-by-step Bladed Dive Guide

Don’t bd during ranged phase. Always skip green with a stun. If you use destroy remember to cancel after 1 GCD.

⬥ Melee charge happens or is skipped.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• If learning, not skipping charge is recommended so you can learn how to get an accurate count on attacks.

⬥ Count 2 KK autos.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Equip shield or defender if you are learning. Can be done after bd when more experienced.

⬥ Freedom freedom

⬥ Let the boss green you

⬥ Queue bd and aim away from walls and minions

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Never bd through KK

⬥ Look at the stun timer

⬥ As the timer drops from 4 to 3 seconds, click the Bladed Dive spot

⬥ Quickly equip shield or defender if not already equipped

devo, res or disrupt (Only res or disrupt if there are no minions)

Note: If you get greened solo, you can spam Freedom freedom and a teleport to avoid death.

Strategies and Tips


⬥ Anticipate anti before and Berserk zerk at the start of every kill.

⬥ Never stun outside of proper stun timings.

⬥ Stay close to the tank during digs but not in the surface radius.

⬥ Run with the boss during charges.

⬥ Anticipate anti or Freedom freedom at the start of Ranged range and Magic Magic phases, use the other defensive when your first runs out.

⬥ Don’t stand directly between KK and a wall during melee or mage phase or you will be hit up to 5k.

Melee Form Attack

⬥ Use Freedom freedom on melee phase only after you receive both bleeds. If you freedom a Dismember dismember before you get Slaughtered slaughter be prepared to take hefty damage, especially if you get pushed.

Ranged Form range

⬥ The amount of times you get hit by the standard attack while the Incendiary Shot icon incend is on your buff bar is the amount of times you will be hit by the Incendiary Shot incend.

⬥ If you get a stun with the Incendiary Shot incend after green, don’t freedom. Either wait until the stun clears and GBarge gbarge to KK when he surfaces or GBarge gbarge to minions to clear and then Bladed Dive bd back to KK.

Magic Form Magic

⬥ Use Devotion devo during the first 4 autos of this phase so you can continue to attack the boss without moving.

⬥ Anticipate anti during charge.

⬥ Resonance res the blue ball.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Usually happens the attack after charge if you forget how to count.

What you must avoid


⬥ Never use Smoke Tendrils Smoke_Tendrils, Unload unload, or Frenzy frenzy.

⬥ Attack minions at a time where the Kalphite King is still attackable.

⬥ Never stun outside of proper stun timings. If you do you could cause:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Early greens.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Early charges.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Early digs.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Skipped attacks.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• A sped-up attack rotation.

⬥ Never stun during a Green. If you do you could cause:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Multiple greens.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Early digs.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Multiple digs.

⬥ Never Destroy destroy for longer than 1 GCD or stun immediately after a dig or charge. If you do you could cause:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Early greens.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Multiple greens.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Early digs.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Infinite digs.

Ranged Form range

⬥ Never use Berserk zerk during the middle of a ranged phase rotation. Wait for the cycle to reset after dig.

Magic Form Magic

⬥ Never use Berserk zerk during mage phase unless the boss spawns in form.


Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Solo Necromancy Rotation


⬥ Your conjures are very strong especially conjureghost with commandghost, this makes reaverpouch a very strong familiar choice

⬥ If armabook doesn't proc then you need to end with necroauto


threadsoffate + surgemobile east → (tc) + soulsaptouchofdeath + surgemobile + divemobile to hole

In the fight:

conjurezombieconjureghostconjureskeletoncommandghostlifetransferinvokedeathsplitsoulanticlearheadedvulnbomb + (tc) + deathskullsingen + bloat + adrenrenewaltouchofdeathcommandskeletonomniguard specnecroautovolleyofsoulsdeathguard90 eofspec


Preset and relics

Preset Suggestions

General Information

⬥ When executed properly, one can expect all kills being ~15 seconds or less.

⬥ There are 2 roles: the instance host (base) and the DPSer.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The base should have Incite on at all times.

⬥ Base should use a Blood Nihil bloodnihil and Erethdor's Grimoire grim

⬥ Melee DPS should use a Blood Nihil bloodnihil and Erethdor's Grimoire grim or Scripture of Ful scriptureofful

⬥ Necro DPS should use an Ice Nihil icenihil and Erethdor's Grimoire grim or Scripture of Ful scriptureofful

⬥ Ranged DPS should use a Shadow Nihil shadownihil or Ripper demon ripperpouch and Erethdor's Grimoire grim or Scripture of Ful scriptureofful

⬥ Both players being on a Kalphite slayer task with slayerhelm on Anachronia helmet stand is HIGHLY recommended for this method.

⬥ You may want to spread out from your partner on mage spawns to avoid getting KO'd by AoE damage or close to the end of ranged spawns to avoid getting KO'd by incend

⬥ It is assumed that warsretreatteleport is used between kills to bank, reset cooldowns, and reach full adrenaline.


Designate one person to pre-vuln vulnbomb


Start with desertamulet4 + Incite

Prefight: zerk 4-7 seconds after host joins instance + adrenrenewal (the timing is very lenient for this rotation)

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc keris gbarge (as GCD comes up after)→ antichaosroarmwspear + ingen walked slaughterkeris bleed assaultoverpowerdragonclaw eofspecpunishlimitless gflurry → improvise

Melee DPS:

Start with desertamulet4

Prefight: zerk 4-7 seconds after host joins instance + adrenrenewal (the timing is very lenient for this rotation)

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc keris gbarge (as GCD comes up after) → chaosroarmwspear + ingen bloodtendrilskeris bleed assaultoverpowerdragonclaw eofspecpunishlimitless gflurry → improvise

Necro DPS:

Prefight: Enter Instance → conjurearmy immediately → splitsoulcommandghostinvokedeathcommandskeleton (skip if slow to enter)

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc (as GCD comes up after) deathskulls + adrenrenewalbloatomniguard specnecroautotouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspec → improvise

Ranged DPS:

Prefight: gricocaroming a minion outside and join instance → immediately gdeathsswift + adrenrenewal → ECB eofpink 2-4 gcds before spawn

ch4 anti as KalphiteKing fin appears → tc + gricocaroming (as GCD comes up after) → limitless rapidingen SGB eofbluemds → improvise

Example Kills