Dragonkin Laboratory (Ranged Advanced)
The second Elite Dungeon, the Dragonkin Laboratory, is a relatively straightforward encounter. The encounter is useful for anyone wanting to learn how to deal with large mobs as well as bosses and combines aspects of single target and AoE damage.
The three bosses of the Laboratory drop the Greater Flurry, Greater Fury and Greater Barge codices in the order that they appear.
Each solo run of ED2 is worth 12,334,330 in uniques.
General Notes
⬥ It's recommended to set your anti-spam delay for your to 1 via the Lectern at Anachronia.
⬥ You can or
a tick before each gate unlocks to save a tick on every entry.
⬥ Luck of the Dwarves will not improve the number of energies dropped, nor the drop rate for any codex.
⬥ The guide assumes knowledge of bosses and ranged rotations. Visit #ED2 Basic Guide or #Ranged DPM Advice as needed.
• Visit #mechanics and look at NPC Center and Coordinate to understand using on Dragons.
Presets and Relics
Astellarn, the First Celestial
The first encounter of the Laboratory, this fight heavily utilises punishing area-of-effect mechanics but is still very straightforward and easy to master with some practice. Additionally, she drops the
Example Rotation
Start of fight: →
to prephase
After Pulsar spawn: /
→ equip
+ build to 100% and 5
stacks on Pulsar and Astellarn →
→ equip
→ get 3+
stacks with basics →
when neutron star spawns → lure star into black hole →
if needed →
diagonally to the next room
Note: 1st
must be cast when Astellarn is >200k HP so you may need to cancel
Example kill (Astellarn):
Verak Lith
The second encounter of the Laboratory. Verak Lith's attack rotation is predictable, but deals consistent moderately high damage. Therefore, it is recommended to learn the mechanics properly to avoid any unnecessary deaths. Additionally, he drops the
He always melees the player when in melee distance and always uses mage otherwise. The auto attacks hit quite hard with the mage ones being desynced visually, so it is important to not mess up too many prayer flicks here.
Example Rotation
into md of Verak → (tc) +
→ equip
+ place
for Spire →
on Spire → finish off Spire with basics then use basics on Verak to 100% and 5
stacks →
→ equip
the Spire → kill Spire with basics →
→ finish off with basics →
back towards the bridge
Note: Save for bomb, if following the rotation above you will use it right before the first
Note: flick properly is very important in the execution of this rotation. Ensure you have enough food
as you will take notable damage even if
flicking properly and using
on pillars
Example kill (Verak Lith):
Black Stone Dragon
The final boss of the Dragonkin Laboratory. She is the main source of the dungeon's primary unique: Draconic Energies , which are used to make the Mage T92 Elite Tectonic set
and also drops the
This fight consists of simple mechanics but can be very punishing if mistakes are made. It is also one of the few bosses to auto attack in all three combat styles, with melee hitting especially hard, so it is possible to die just from auto attacks if the player can't out heal with , is low on food, and/or can't prayer flick the fight.
Example Rotation:
Phase 1
+ pre-place
at South Black Hands →
→ build with basics until hands spawn
Note: Make sure
is cast before
reaches 520k to pre-phase.
Phase 2: Black Hands
⬥ Hand 1:
Equip +
→ finish off 1st hands with basics
Note: This hand should be damaged by pre-placed
⬥ Hand 2:
→ finish off with basics
⬥ Hand 3:
→ equip
→ build to 100% and 5
stacks with basics and
→ finish off 3rd hands
⬥ Hand 4:
Place →
→ basics to finish off
Post-hands BSD
→ finish off with basics/
Phase 3: Flight
Build to 100% with basics → +
during flight → build to 4
stacks →
to proc
during 5th flight →
→ build to 100% →
after 6th flight and
next to
Post-Flight BSD
→ finish off with
depending on adren and
The AoE centre of large mobs such as the dragons and lava strykewyrms is the south-west tile. This is important when choosing which mob to . Use
on Celestial dragons when their HP falls below ~28k immediately to prevent healing. Otherwise, use
as they begin to heal. Note that
only prevents on the healing on the main target Celestial, other hit Celestials that are not the main target will still heal. You can also use
opportunistically for
4 Laboratory Slimes
Equip +
diagonally towards slimes → tag slime with
and move towards center of 3 slimes →
→ stall
on a slime from far cluster and run back into nearby slimes→ (tc) close slime +
→ equip
and target far away slime
into next room
Note: After releasing
so your next auto isn’t
⬥ Non-chincend method:
Tag a Slime with →
while luring the slimes together to use
→ good basics to clear the Slimes.
Note: Slimes cannot multiply while stunned or bound.
3 Red Dragons
the dragon downstairs → equip
the northern dragon →
→ finish off remaining dragons with basics.
4 Red Dragons
Target NE dragon + equip +
→ equip
and finish off the remaining dragons with
and strong basics
Note: If NE and NW dragons aren’t next to each other, try targeting NW dragon to hit it alongside SW .
Example Section (7 Red Dragons):
4 Lava Golems
into a cluster of golems +
Note: Drink if low adren so you have close to 100% entering into next room
Example Section (4 Lava Golems):
2 Laboratory Slimes 1 Celestial Dragon
into the corner behind celestial →
+ target slime +
and run away a few squares → s
→ run in release with
→ equip
+ target celestial +
→ finish off celestial with basics if needed
⬥ Non-chincend method:
Diagonally +
towards the next barrier and run around to behind the celestial dragon to stack the slimes behind it. Stun the celestial then target a stacked slime for a
. Clean up the remaining slimes with further stuns until the barrier opens.
3 Celestial Dragons
to the western wall →
two celestials + throw a
between then +
→ finish off the 2 celestials with basics → equip
the 3rd celestial → finish it off with basics
Example Section (3 Celestial Dragons):
1 Celestial Dragon
towards celestial → throw a
→ kill it with
and strong basics
1 Celestial Dragon
Run md of dragon and place 2 → throw a
→ finish off with basics
Example Section (2 Celestials):
Post-Astellarn to pre-Verak Lith
2 Celestial Dragons
Throw a between the 2 celestials. Use
and target Eastern celestial +
with basics in between to kill the 2 celestials.
After celestials are dead run towards the gate and +
towards strykewyrms.
Note: if celestials aren't lined up for chinning, improvise and single target them with and use
on one of them.
2 Lava Strykewyrms
equip + target eastern strykewyrm +
Example Section (2 Celestial Dragons + 2 Lava Strykes):
4 Black Dragons
Drink →
(refer to video below)
Target eastern dragon of the two western dragons with use
if available →
→ finish off with basics
Target eastern dragon of the two eastern dragons with + drink
→ strong basics/
to finish them off →
towards the next room
Example Section (4 Black Dragons):
6 Black Dragons
Target closest dragon with → basics until 2 black dragons are stacked →
+ run past the dragons →
→ basics to finish them off
to the dragons near the gate and target the northern one with
→ basics until dead
Run back to remaining 2 dragons and target northern one with →
→ basics until dead
Note: Use whenever it comes off cooldown.
Example Section (6 Black Dragons):
4 Lava Strykewyrms
Equip +
diagonally towards strykewyrms → use basics on strykewyrm near eastern wall and build to 100% and 5
north + place
near a strykewyrm and target another one while building to 100% and ds stacks →
→ equip
→ finish off closest strykewyrms with basics and
Target a strykewyrm near gate and kill it with
and strong basics
Example Section (4 Lava Strykes):
4 Black Dragons
Equip and target middle black dragon →
→ equip
and kill north dragon with basics/
+ run towards the gate → kill last dragon with
towards the bank and load preset → drink
diagonally across the bridge and run down the bridge
Example Section (4 Black Dragons):
Post-Verak Lith to pre-Black Stone Dragons
3 Dragonstone dragons 1 Onyx dragon
across the bridge → Teleport option 4 →
→ equip
→ target south dragon →
(if you have good adren) → build to 100% and 5
stacks →
→ equip
and target NE dragon →
→ basics/thresholds to finish off the dragons
Note: If your aren't hitting all 4 dragons use
on the remaining dragon.
Example Section (3 Dragonstone + 1 Onyx dragons):
2 Dragonstone dragons
diagonally towards gemstone dragons → equip
→ basics/
to finish off the dragons.
1 Hydrix dragon
Drink +
towards hydrix dragon →
→ basics until 3+
stacks →
diagonally towards gate
2 Dragonstone dragons
Equip + target eastern gemstone dragon →
to regain adren
Note: If dragons aren't chinnable run back south to lure west gemstone next to east one.
Note: You want to enter with 100% so use a few basics on the gemstones if gate is open and you have <100%.
Example Section (4 Dragonstone + 1 Hydrix dragons)
Example Runs
All example runs are done off task.
https://youtu.be/AjuBCnsnDLY 12:43 [Pre-Grico Nerf] [Pre-GWD3]
https://youtu.be/6_w5uIemVxQ 11:57 BIS