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Parts of this guide are outdated after the release of
Know of a newer preset, method or rotation? Share it in #suggestions to help keep this guide up-to-date!
Dragonkin Laboratory (Magic Advanced)
General Notes
⬥ It's recommended to set your anti-spam delay for your to 1 via the Lectern at Anachronia
⬥ You can or
a tick before each gate unlocks to save a tick on every entry
⬥ Luck of the Dwarves will not improve the number of energies dropped, nor the drop rate for any codex
⬥ and
can be juggled continuously through the run to maximise dps but master speed runs can be attained purely camping
⬥ When using defensive 2H autos are assumed, as per #Magic DPM Advice
⬥ The AoE centre of large mobs such as the dragons is the south-west tile - this is important when choosing which dragon to
⬥ Celestial dragons should be stunned to prevent healing either using auto or stuns such as
⬥ For a detailed description of each mob in the dungeon, please reference #ed2-basic
⬥ You should be using a dragon cluster slayer task to maximise DPS
⬥ Due to RNG, you may find that there are low-health stragglers, even if rotations are followed precisely - simply finish these with strong fillers (gconc/dbreath/wm)
⬥ should be camped except for
(use dual-wield) and
(which sometimes requires
, as called out in rotations)
Presets and Relics
4 Laboratory Slimes
down stairs (west) → tc
→ (tc) far-east slime +
→ (
3 Red Dragons
south/west (stand at bottom of stairs hugging the east wall to lure and place your sun) → target south Red Dragon +
→ target northern dragon +
up stairs +
to gate
⬥ location:
4 Red Dragons
south → target middle dragon + walk north-west back into your
→ target north dragon +
→ target west dragon + auto → target dragon by gate +
to gate
Note: do not stand behind the pillar when using as your line of sight will be blocked and one of them will not be hit.
4 Lava Golems
to end of bridge +
the middle golem →
→ clear 2 golems nearest gate with
2 Laboratory Slimes 1 Celestial Dragon
to dragon/gate → walk to corner + (tc) dragon +
floor in between dragon and slimes →
→ (tc) rear slime +
3 Celestial Dragons
to far west +
→ (tc) south dragon +
→ autocast
→ (tc) north dragon +
→ (tc) middle dragon +
1 Celestial Dragon
diagonally across stairs +
south + (tc) dragon next to gate +
→ walk back into
1 Celestial Dragon
+ (tc) closest dragon →
+ autocast
Astellarn, the First Celestial
Example Rotation
Note: walk out of black wyrmhole where required
→ (tc) pulsar +
→ fillers
Post-Astellarn to pre-Verak Lith
2 Celestial Dragons
still active)
into room → autocast
in between dragons → (tc) middle dragon +
→ (tc) front dragon +
→ (tc) middle dragon + run to gate +
→ run down stairs
2 Lava Strykewyrms
diagonally across room to wyrms → (tc) auto →
(3t) →
+ autocast
→ s
→ fillers
Note: use after they die to get to the next gate.
4 Black Dragons
to black dragons → (tc) rear dragon +
near to gate + (tc) rear dragon
→ s
6 Black Dragons
to opposite side of dragon cluster →
→ walk in middle of cluster/2 dragons by gate +
→ (tc) gate dragon +
→ (tc) opposite side dragon +
→ (tc) gate dragon +
4 Lava Strykewyrms
+ (tc) middle wyrm +
in middle + (tc) wyrm closest to gate →
→ (tc) wyrm with highest LP +
→ (tc) wyrm with highest LP +
4 Black Dragons
run to middle of room + (tc) dragon + →
(3t) →
→ (tc) rear dragon +
→ run towards gate + (tc) gate dragon +
→ (tc) rear dragon +
→ fillers
Verak Lith
Example Rotation
Note: tank bombs during fight to avoid dps loss
to Verak
(x2 on same tick) →
+ auto →
→ autocast
→ (tc) spire +
→ (tc) boss + auto →
→ (tc) spire +
+ autocast
→ auto →
across bridge → chest (teleport) → option 4
Post-Verak Lith to pre-Black Stone Dragons
3 Dragonstone dragons 1 Onyx dragon
to the 4
across bridge to middle of far cluster → (tc) closest +
→ (tc) middle dragonstone +
+ autocast
middle of cluster → (tc) rear dragon +
→ (tc) side dragon +
→ auto +
2 Dragonstone dragons
up stairs +
into attack range → (tc) dragon next to gate +
(3t) →
+ run to gate →
1 Hydrix dragon
→ (tc) 2nd hydrix +
(x2 on same tick) + walk dragon into them →
to steps
Note: if off cooldown, use +
to reach the final gate.
2 Dragonstone dragons
Note: aim to finish room on 100% adren with 6+ stacks and 5+
up steps → (tc) dragonstone dragon on opposite side to the boss gate +
→ autocast
Black Stone Dragon
Note: this is not a flight-skip rotation, and puts at sub-200k LP before flight
Phase 1 (opening rotation)
autocast +
→ camp
Phase 2 (hands)
ground by hand 1 → (tc) hand 1 +
→ (tc) hand 2 +
to middle of hand 2 & 3 →
→ (tc) hand 3 +
+ autocast
→ (tc) hand 4 +
+ run over hand and deploy
(x2 on same tick) →
→ walk to
spot for next phase +
Phase 3 (pre-flight)
→ (if any hands left, fillers to clear) → (tc)
+ autocast
Phase 4 (during flight)
Build to 100% adren then
Ensure has
On last 2-3 flights, use →
→ build adren
Phase 5 (post-flight)
→ →
Example Runs
All example runs are done off task.
⬥ After FSOA nerf
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIMnCcHdn_4 11:58
⬥ Before FSOA nerf
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xef5Zv9kClI 13:40 [No FSOA ]
• https://youtu.be/dyg74ucD5nc 12:45
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v4IuE4lj1A 10:19 [Flightskip]