Temple of Aminishi (Hybrid)
Presets and Relics
Preset Notes
⬥ The Player Owned Farm buff No Fear from the Corbicula Rex increases Meteor Strike crit chance.
Dungeon Walkthrough
Note: Camp throughout the dungeon unless otherwise specified.
4 Elite Sotapannas
next to the mobs → (tc) +
9 Elite Sotapannas
east →
Auto +
→ Finish survivors with mage
3 Elite Sakadagami
middle Sakadagami →
+ walk west →
→ Improvise for survivors
4 Elite Sakadagami + 1 Elite Sotapanna
+ walk north →
3 Elite Sakadagami
→ Improvise for survivors
3 Elite Sakadagami
→ (tc)
Sanctum Guardian
→ (tc)
(3t) →
(3t) →
→ Improvise
Post Sanctum to Pre Masuta
2 Cloaked Zealots
to the 2 Cloaked Zealots →
3 Cloaked Zealots
1 Cloaked Zealot
3 Cloaked Zealots
• →
up the stairs to the middle of the 6 Zealots. Example
6 Cloaked Zealots
2 Elite Sakadagami
4 Renegade Menaphite Soldier + 2 Eastern Mercenary
to aggro 2 Mercenaries under stairs →
→ r
→ Improvise
4 Cloaked Zealots
Masuta the Ascended
→ (tc)
(3t) →
→ Improvise and lure Masuta south by going to the barrier
• Near end of phase → Build to sun →
→ Improvise with strong abilities
Post Masuta to pre-Seiryu
→ targetless
→ target set of 3 pylons north of bank chest →
→ (tc)
Seiryu the Azure Serpent
→ Improvise (
before climbing)
Crystal 1
→ (tc)
Crystal 2
Crystal 3
→ Improvise