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Temple of Aminishi (Hybrid)

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Preset Notes

⬥ The Player Owned Farm buff No Fear from the Corbicula Rex increases Meteor Strike crit chance.

Dungeon Walkthrough


Note: Camp exsanguinate throughout the dungeon unless otherwise specified.

4 Elite Sotapannas

surgemobile + bdmobile next to the mobs → (tc) + corruptblastgchaincaromingbloodbarrage wm

9 Elite Sotapannas

accel + surgemobile + bdmobile east → noxscythe Auto + cleavegfurymeteorstrikedragon2hsword eofspec → Finish survivors with mage

3 Elite Sakadagami

vulnbomb + corruptblast middle Sakadagami → gchain + walk west → bloodbarrage wm → Improvise for survivors

4 Elite Sakadagami + 1 Elite Sotapanna

antiincitefear gchaincaroming + walk north → omnicorruptblastgconcasphyxtsunami

3 Elite Sakadagami

Lure Sakadagami

gchaindetobloodbarrage deto dbreath → Improvise for survivors

3 Elite Sakadagami

canequakecleavemeteorstrike → (tc) grico

Sanctum Guardian

gsunshine adrenrenewal → (tc) smokecloud vulnbomb gconcdbreathbloodbarrage fsoa specgconcincitefear wmbloodbarrage asphyx (3t) → gconcgstaff eofspecbloodbarrage omnigconcsmoketendrilsgconctsunamidetobloodbarrage deto wmasphyx (3t) → gconcgstaff eofspec → Improvise

Post Sanctum to Pre Masuta

2 Cloaked Zealots

surgemobilesurgemobile + bdmobile to the 2 Cloaked Zealots → corruptblastdbreathgconc

3 Cloaked Zealots


1 Cloaked Zealot

bloodbarrage gconcgstaff eofspec

3 Cloaked Zealots

incitefear gchaincaromingdbreathcorruptblastgconc

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• surgemobilebdmobile up the stairs to the middle of the 6 Zealots. Example

6 Cloaked Zealots

gchaincaromingdetobloodbarrage deto tsunamidbreath

2 Elite Sakadagami


4 Renegade Menaphite Soldier + 2 Eastern Mercenary

surge to aggro 2 Mercenaries under stairscorruptblastnoxscythe s meteorstrike → r meteorstrike + dragon2hsword eofspeccleave → Improvise

4 Cloaked Zealots

gchaincaromingdetobloodbarrage deto dbreathgconc

Masuta the Ascended

gsunshine adrenrenewal → (tc) smokecloud vulnbomb gconcincitefear dbreathbloodbarrage fsoa specgconcwmdevoasphyx (3t) → gconcdbreathbloodbarrage omnigconcsmoketendrilstsunamidbreath → Improvise and lure Masuta south by going to the barrier

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Near end of phase nat → Build to sun → gsunshine → Improvise with strong abilities

Post Masuta to pre-Seiryu

surgemobilebdmobile → targetless devo → target set of 3 pylons north of bank chest → corruptblastgchainmeteorstrike → (tc) grico

Seiryu the Azure Serpent

(tc) smokecloud vulnbomb tuskasgsunshine adrenrenewalbloodbarrage gconcdbreathbloodbarrage fsoa specincitefear gconcwmsmoketendrilsgconcomnitsunamiimpactflankbloodbarrage gconcdbreathbloodbarrage asphyxgconcwm → Improvise (grico + kalgscroll before climbing)

Crystal 1

terramaul zerk → (tc) vulnbomb gbargedommine + gricoassaultoverpowercanepunishcleavedeci

Crystal 2

gfurymeteorstrikechaosroardragonclaw eofspecgricogconcdbreathwrackandruingsunshinegconcwrackfsoa spec

Crystal 3

wmgconcasphyxsmoketendrilsgconcomni → Improvise

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