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Corporeal Beast


The Corporeal Beast is a boss unlocked from completing the Summer's End quest. Summoning familiars cannot be used at this boss, however a legendary pet can be used here.


Auto Attacks
⬥ Only uses magic attacks if you are outside of melee distance. ⬥ Uses magic and melee attacks if you are in melee distance.     • Protection prayers only partially reduce damage rather than halve it     • Magic attacks will do an AOE splash on their target in a 3x3 square. ​
⬥ Occasionally, a dark core will spawn and jump towards its target. ⬥ The core will do constant typeless damage while nearby.     • Damage will stop when you step more than 1 square away.     • Will heal the boss unless it is killed or you step away from it. ​


Any weapon that isn't a Spear will deal half damage, so Melee is the recommended style that should be used at this boss.

It Is recommended to teleport out warsretreatteleport after every kill to reset Abilities, Health and Prayer.

AFK Methods

⬥ AFK methods can be found in #AFK Corporeal Beast

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Melee Rotation


limitless Recommended

dragonclaweof Recommended

In The Fight:

elderovlsalvesurgezerk + adrenrenewal → (tc) + chaosroaroverpowerdragonclaweofspeclimitlesscane

T90 Necro Rotation


weppoisonkwuarmsticks Used To Increase Poison Damage

grim Can Be Used In Place Of scriptureofful

enhancedexcalibur Used To Despawn Conjures

invokelordofbones Used For Better Hit Chance


At Wars obtain 1 residualsoul + 4 necrosis + conjurearmysurge + bd To Portal → elderovlsalve + commandghost → Enter

In The Fight:

surge + lifetransferinvokelordofbones → ‎ ‎livingdeath + adrenrenewalinvokedeathsplitsoulcommandskeleton → (tc) + deathskullsbloattouchofdeathsoulsapfingerofdeathnecroautosoulsapvolleyofsoulsfingerofdeath → Improvise

T95-T100 Necro Rotation


scriptureofful Can Be Used In Place Of grim

enhancedexcalibur Used To Despawn Conjures

invokelordofbones Used For Better Hit Chance


At Wars obtain 5 residualsoul + 8 necrosis + conjurearmysurge + bd To Portal → elderovlsalve + commandghost → Enter

In The Fight:

surgeinvokelordofbonessplitsoulinvokedeathcommandskeleton → (tc) + deathskullsvolleyofsoulsdeathguard90eofspecomniguardspec → Improvise

Example Kills

Example Kills