The Barrows Brothers are mainly camped by high-level players in an effort to obtain the Graverobber title. The brothers are relatively weak, with the exception of Linza.
⬥ Morytania legs 3 or higher, provide various benefits such as increasing the loot obtained.
The Fight
Order the Brothers Should be Killed
Linza → Ahrim → Verac → Akrisae → Torag → Karil → Guthan → Dharok
General Strategy
⬥ If any brother is in the tunnels instead of their crypt you can use on the loot chest for the same function.
• This is ideal as killing a brother while doing tunnels interrupts movement.
⬥ Tunnel doors are 2 tiles wide, click to open the door directly in front of you to avoid wasting a tick walking to the other door.
⬥ It is recommended to be on an Undead slayer task to benefit from the slayer helmet and Guardhouse boosts.
⬥ You can pre-vuln by using on the ground after clicking the sarcophagus.
⬥ Bringing a spade and using it to dig in order to enter the mounds is quicker.
⬥ Good movement can improve the efficiency of your runs, below are some examples starting at Dharok's crypt:
• Guthan last
• Akrisae last
• Karil last
• Torag last
• Diagonal Surge inside tunnels.
⬥ Using High Contrast Mode lets you see which door is clickable when in the tunnels.
• Right-click the World Map to toggle it on.
Preset and Relics
⬥ Start with and
• If stacks are needed, you can
in tunnels.
• stacks are optional.
⬩ In tunnels you can a monster spawn after
to generate stacks.
⬥ is used when moving between brothers.
⬥ If too quick, you may ~1-2 rooms before the puzzle door.
Example Kills
Melee and Magic
Preset and Relics
⬥ Can downgrade gear, but you may need to use extra abilities.
⬥ If you're ever lacking adrenaline, you can
• If any brother is still alive, finish with
⬥ If you have spare adrenaline, you can
• Which barrage is used with and
doesn't matter.
⬥ In the tunnels build to 100% adrenaline, and 5 stacks of Incite Fear
Example Kills