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Arch-Glacor: Hard Mode (Ranged)


This guide assumes strong underlying knowledge of all information presented in #arch-glacor-basic.

The Arch-Glacor is not affected by Slayer tasks in hard mode.

Presets and Relics

General strategy

⬥ Rotations for Arch-Glacor are not strict, as per the random nature of the boss's mechanics. For more information on general ranged rotations see #Ranged DPM Advice.

⬥ In general, aim to deathsswift as often as possible, while avoiding wasting it due to mechanic interruptions.

⬥ During deathsswift, aim to use 2x sgb eofspec and 2x rapid. Line up strong abilities with perfectequilibrium.

⬥ If bringing deathsporearrows, gain 5 stacks with rapid/grico/basics and use deathsporearrows incend before every deathsswift.

⬥ Optionally preincend. For more information see !preincend.

⬥ Always have darkness active (especially for higher enrages)

⬥ Penance Powder powderofpenance, Kwuarm Incense Sticks kwuarmsticks, Lantadyme Incense Sticks lantasticks, and Spirit Weed Incense Sticks spiritsticks should be used before the fight.

⬥ Sections below detail enrage specific strategies and ways to deal with mechanics.

⬥ Enrage brackets suggested in this guide are recommendations. Feel free to use different strategies earlier/later.

Low Enrage (0% - 1500%)


⬥ For low enrage (0% - 1500%) use ful arrow build.

⬥ Use ecb eofspec if you have excess adrenaline without sacrificing your rotation.

Dealing with mechanics

⬥ Frost Cannon - antideflectmage reflect/vitality (if b2b) → soulsplit divert.

⬥ Exposed Core (Arms) - use strong abilities like grico/snap/shadowtend/bolg spec/zammybow eofspec while aligning perfectequilibrium stacks. Use (limitless) deflectmage devo if arms take too long.

⬥ Glacyte Minions (with omniguard + soulboundlantern switch) - invokedeaththreadsoffatesoulsapvolleyofsouls.

⬥ Glacyte Minions (with range) - corruptshot/frag bolstering → equip mechchin + snipesnapzammybow eofspec → finish off bolstering.

Medium Enrage (1500% - 3000%)


⬥ For medium enrage (1500% - 3000%) use poison build. For more information see !bik and !poison.

⬥ Use ecb eofspec if you have adrenaline and health to spare.

⬥ Set reaverscroll autofire to 1-5 and ensure Prism of Restoration prismofrestoration is used to keep your Blood Reaver alive.

⬥ Prioritise grico/rapid/snap using them off cd to build bikarrow stacks and proccing poison.

⬥ Once your first deathsswift rotation is complete, prioritise bleeds (corruptshot/frag/abyssalscourge dismember) even during deathsswift.

⬥ Swap to fularrow after full stacks are reached, ensuring to swap back to bikarrow every <30s to maintain stacks.

Dealing with mechanics

⬥ Frost Cannon - antideflectmage reflect/vitality (if b2b) → soulsplit divert/res.

⬥ Flurry - use divert/res/reflect/debil/vitality if needed.

⬥ Exposed Core (Arms) >2500% - ecb eofspec → (tc) gricorapid → finish with snap/shadowtend/bolg spec/snipe/grico/basics while aligning perfectequilibrium. Use (limitless) deflectmage devo if needed.

⬥ Glacyte Minions >2500% - adrenrenewal + build to 100% → meteorstrikegricodecimation eofspecpiercing/zammybow eofspec until decimation eofspec runs out → kill bolstering.

High Enrage (3000% - 4000%)


⬥ For high enrage (3000% - 4000%) use poison build with crit buffs. Follow strategies listed in Medium Enrage section.

⬥ Only use ecb eofspec during arms mechanic.

tsunami/devo/cade are reserved for arms mechanic. Do not use these if there is a possibility they won't be available during arms.

meteorstrike/deadshot are reserved for minions mechanic. Do not use these if there is a possibility they won't be available during minions.

adrenrenewal should be used as an emergency if you enter arms/minions special with low adrenaline.

Dealing with mechanics

⬥ Frost Cannon - antideflectmage reflect/debil/vitalitysoulsplit divert/res.

⬥ Flurry - use divert/res/reflect/debil/vitality if needed.

Exposed Core (Arms)

⬥ Use adrenrenewal if entering with low adren.

⬥ Use safe ending if you were late to the rotation, didn't do enough damage or have minions active that may stun you.

⬥ If rapid is on long cooldown you'll have to improvise and use safe ending.

⬥ Use bikarrow with grico since it will refresh stacks on AG.

⬥ Replace one of zammybow eofspec with bolg spec if bolg passive is not active.

⬥ After clearing arms build to deathsporearrows incenddeathsswift.

⬥ For B2B arms follow safe ending with cade. During incend + deathsswift it's possible to clear B2B arms without devo/cade (see example vod).

gconctsunamiecb eofspec → (tc) + bikarrow grico → (limitless if needed) fularrow rapidzammybow eofspeczammybow eofspecbikarrow grico

Fast ending:

deflectmage fularrow zammybow eofspecdevo → improvise with snap/zammybow eofspec/bolg spec/snipe whilst lining up perfectequilibrium until 30k → invokedeathtouchofdeath/fingerofdeath

Safe ending:

fularrow cade → improvise with snap/zammybow eofspec/bolg spec/snipe whilst lining up perfectequilibriumbikarrow grico → improvise until cade is about to end → deflectmage devo → improvise until 30k → invokedeathtouchofdeath/fingerofdeath

Glacyte Minions

⬥ Use adrenrenewal if entering with low adren.

⬥ Don't forget to attack AG with bikarrow to refresh stacks as many times as needed during the spec.

⬥ Equip fularrow for minions.

⬥ If you have deathsswift active replace first piercing with bindingshot and run inside deathsswift.

debil/reflect → build to 100% while luring bolstering → meteorstrikegricodecimation eofspecpiercingdeadshot → spam zammybow eofspec or piercing (if <36%) until decimation eofspec runs out

(if minions have high hp):

bikarrow mds AG to refresh stacks → decimation eofspecpiercing → spam zammybow eofspec or piercing (if <36%) until decimation eofspec runs out

(if minions have low hp):

bikarrow mds AG to refresh stacks → invokedeaththreadsoffatesoulsapvolleyofsoulsbloat

Finish off bolstering with tuskas + perfectequilibrium and strong abilities. When bolstering is <30k finish off with invokedeath

Example Kills






Content Provided by: @hightdetal

Formatting Maintained by: @hightdetal