Mage-Ranged Base
DISCLAIMER: This is a very advanced rotation and we do not advise attempting it unless you have an exceptional grasp of basing already
Presets and Relics
→ to indicate start → → → → → → → → → → → → → →
• Start fight 1t after
• Defensive use in builds should include an auto for adren gain via Invigorating_ _
Phase 1
+ → → (7t) →
Note: at 2.2m HP
Phase 2
→ → → → → → → → →
Phase 3
→ → → → → → → / → improvise if not phased
⬥ Click 2t after tendril
⬥ If procs , swap to until casting _
→ → → → → → → →
Note: if needed, otherwise use after
(Pillar) → (target pillar) → → → → → (7t) → → → → improvise if needed
Formatting Maintained by: @swimmingfish