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Note: Use the Table of Contents present at the bottom of the channel, or in the pinned comments, to quickly navigate through this channel and find the information you are looking for.

Some general notes:

⬥ The game runs on an internal tick system: 1t (tick) = 0.6s (seconds).

⬥ The minimum time between abilities is called the global cooldown: 1 gcd = 3t = 1.8s.

⬥ Auto attacks will only give adrenaline if they hit (splash = no adrenaline gain).

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Debuff spells like Vuln Vuln or Enfeeble Enfeeble or Smoke Cloud smokecloud do not given adrenaline.

⬥ Some useful sheets and resources are given below.

Ability Damage Maths
To calculate your ability hit damage in detail, click here. This is affected by factors such as your gear and other boosts.
Ability Hit Timings
To see detailed breakdowns on ability hit timings, click here. This refers to when hitsplats appear on your target.
Auto-attack Adren Gain
To see adrenaline gained with different auto attacks, click here.

Note: If you have any difficulties in using the tools or understanding what the information means, you can always ask in #pvm-help.

Ranged range

This section covers auto attacks and spells, basics, thresholds, ultimate abilities and special attacks for Ranged.


Default Ranged Auto range
⬥ Cooldown: Based on Weapon Speed     • Fastest: 4t (2.4s)     • Fast: 5t (3.0s)     • Average: 6t (3.6s)


Fragmentation Shot frag
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ It is a Bleed:     • Not affected by precise or eruptive     • Hits every 2t (1.2s), for a total of 5 times ⬥ Doubles damage of each hit when walked ⬥ It is affected by lunging:     • Max increases by 20% per lunging rank     • Walking bleed only causes it to increase by 50% damage

Corruption Shot corruptshot
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ It is a DoT:     • Not affected by precise or eruptive     • Hits every 2t (1.2s), for a total of 5 times ⬥ It is an AoE:     • Spreads to targets within 2 tiles each hit

Binding Shot bindingshot
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with demoralise ⬥ Stuns for 2t (1.2s) and Binds for 16t (9.6s) ⬥ It is affected by flankicon     • Increases Max by 40% per flankicon rank     • Increases Minimum by 8% per flankicon Rank     • No longer stuns or binds

Demoralise demoralise
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with bindingshot ⬥ Stuns for 2t (1.2s) and Binds for 16t (9.6s) ⬥ It causes Knockback:     • Pushes 1x1 targets back 1 tile

Escape escape
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ It is a Mobility ability:     • For range: moves you back (weapon attack range - 1) tiles     • For non-range: moves you back 7 tiles ⬥ It is affected by Mobile mob     • Reduces cooldown to 17t (10.2s)     • Removes adrenaline gain ⬥ Can be upgraded with a Double Escape codex: escapecodex     • Gives you a second escape on its own 34t (17t mob) internal cooldown that is used after the first

Snipe snipe
⬥ Cooldown: 17t (10.2s) ⬥ It is a channeled ability ⬥ It is affected by Nightmare Gauntlets NMG, details in #armour-and-weapons

Dazing Shot dazing
⬥ Cooldown: 9t (5.4s) ⬥ Target suffers a 10% accuracy decrease on their next attack

Greater Dazing Shot mds
⬥ Cooldown: 9t (5.4s) ⬥ All normal dazing shot things apply ⬥ Applies the Puncture effect:     • +1 Puncture stack count (caps at 10 stacks) on successful hits     • Deal Puncture Stack * (8-10%) bleed damage over its full duration     • Refreshes timer before clearing Puncture stacks to 9s even on splashes     • Bleed start from the beginning again at its current Puncture stacks

Needle Strike needle
⬥ Cooldown: 9t (5.4s) ⬥ The damage of the next ability done on the main target is increased by 7%.     • Damage done within two ticks is boosted, meaning both Snap Shot snap hits are boosted, all of Greater Ricochet grico is boosted, two hits of Rapid Fire rapid are boosted, etc.

Ricochet ricochet
⬥ Cooldown: 17t (10.2s) ⬥ It is an AoE:     • Hits within a 5 square radius from SW tile of initial target     • Hits 3 targets, inclusive of main     • Does not hit things on initial target's SW tile ⬥ It is affected by Caroming caroming4     • Ricochet hits Caroming rank more targets ⬥ Not affected by Chinchompas mechchin

Greater Ricochet grico
⬥ Cooldown: 17t (10.2s) ⬥ All normal ricochet things apply ⬥ It has an additional effect: ⬥ Any non-primary ricochet hit that does not hit an additional target will instead hit the primary target. The first two additional hits deal 30-40% ability damage; any further additional hits provided by the Caroming perk caroming4 deal 10-15% ability damage

Piercing Shot piercing
⬥ Cooldown: 5t (3s) ⬥ Fires 2 hits ⬥ Damage boosted on stun/bound targets:     • Becomes a 75-85% per hit basic ⬥ Affected by energising     • Gain (energising Rank * 0.6) more adrenaline     • Damage range is now 0.8 * original damage range


Snap Shot snap
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s)

Shadow Tendrils shadowtend
⬥ Cooldown: 75t (45s) ⬥ Calculates damage on activation ⬥ Deals self-damage to the player

Rapid Fire rapid
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ Binds for 10t (6s) ⬥ Channelled ability ⬥ Affected by Fleeting Boots fleetingboots     • Lets you move while channeling rapid     • Increases hitchance of rapid by 10%

Bombardment bombard
⬥ Cooldown: 50t (30s) ⬥ It is an AoE:     • 3x3 with target's true centre (SW tile) as centre ⬥ Not affected by Chinchompas mechchin

Salt the Wound stw
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ It is an AoE:     • 3x3 with player as centre ⬥ It is affected by Puncture:     • Increases Max by 18% per Puncture stack     • Increases Minimum by 3.6% per Puncture rank     • This means at 10 stacks stw's damage range is 73.6%-368% ⬥ It affects Puncture:     • Refreshes the timer before clearing Puncture stacks to 9s     • Bleed starts from the beginning again at its current Puncture stacks

Tight Bindings tight
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with rout ⬥ Stuns for 6t (3.6s) and Binds for 16t (9.6s) ⬥ It is affected by flankicon     • Increases Max by 40% per flankicon rank     • Increases Minimum by 8% per flankicon rank     • No longer stuns or binds

Rout rout
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ It shares cooldown with tight ⬥ Stuns for 6t (3.6s) ⬥ It causes Knockback     • Pushes 1x1 targets back 1 tile

Special Attacks

Dark Bow dbow
⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 65% (58.5% with rov)

Seren Godbow sgb
⬥ Cooldown: 50t (30s) ⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 30% (27% with rov) ⬥ To see how use the special attack, use !sgb in #bot-commands

Eldritch Crossbow ecb
⬥ Special Attack: Split Soul ⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 25% (22.5% with rov)     • Lasts 25t (t0-t24)     • Anything soulsplit would have healed whilst spec is active instead deals Blight damage equal to 4 * soulsplit heal amount     • To get the Split Soul damage both the soulsplit heal and the hit of the ability must occur within the duration of the special     • Special attack is lost if main hand weapon is switched while active     • Blight damage is affected a second time by Vulnerability Vuln, X Slayer sigils demonslayer dragonslayer undeadslayer, the NopeNopeNope PoF perk, and X Slayer perks undeadslayerperk demonslayerperk dragonslayerperk

Bow of the Last Guardian bolg
⬥ Special Attack: Balance by Force ⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 30% (27% with rov)     • Lasts 50t (t0-t49)     • While active, the number of stacks needed to trigger the passive effect is lowered to 4     • If 3 or more perfectequilibrium stacks when used the passive effect will trigger     • For more info on how to use the special attack, use !bolg in #bot-commands


Death's Swiftness deathsswift
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ It is an on cast buff ⬥ Increases damage by 50% from t0→t51 (52t/31.2s duration); buff starts t1 ⬥ It has a 7x7 buff radius ⬥ It does not incur the auto cooldown ⬥ Planted Feet pf increases duration to t0→t64 (65t/39s)

Greater Death's Swiftness gdeathsswift
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ Duration becomes t0→t64 (65t/39s duration); buff starts t1     • Using pf does not extend this further ⬥ gdeathsswift retains the DoT effect of deathsswift     • Using pf will cancel this

Incendiary Shot incend
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ It is an AoE:     • 3x3 with target's true centre (SW tile) as centre ⬥ It provides an Critical Adrenaline buff:     • For the next 30s, range critical hits give 8% adrenaline     • This buff is applied on hit of the ability

Deadshot deadshot
⬥ Cooldown: 50t (30s) ⬥ It is mostly a Bleed:     • It does 6 hits, 5 of which are a bleed which means:     • Not affected by precise or eruptive     • Hits 5 times total, once every 2t (1.2s) ⬥ Affected by the Igneous Kal-Xil igneouskalxil or the Igneous Kal-Zuk igneouskalzuk     • Ability damage is increased.     • The total number of bleed hits increases to 7, from 5     • Adrenaline cost reduced to 60%.

Unload unload
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ Channelled ability

range Ranged Ability Index range
⬥ Click the links to quickly navigate to that ability's information. ⬥ General notes can be found in the introduction here.
Auto and Basics (1/2)
Auto and Basics (2/2)