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Note: Use the Table of Contents present at the bottom of the channel, or in the pinned comments, to quickly navigate through this channel and find the information you are looking for.

Some general notes:

⬥ The game runs on an internal tick system: 1t (tick) = 0.6s (seconds).

⬥ The minimum time between abilities is called the global cooldown: 1 gcd = 3t = 1.8s.

⬥ Auto attacks will only give adrenaline if they hit (splash = no adrenaline gain).

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Debuff spells like Vuln Vuln or Enfeeble Enfeeble or Smoke Cloud smokecloud do not give adrenaline.

⬥ Some useful sheets and resources are given below.

Ability Damage Maths
To calculate your ability hit damage in detail, click here. This is affected by factors such as your gear and other boosts.
Ability Hit Timings
To see detailed breakdowns on ability hit timings, click here. This refers to when hitsplats appear on your target.
Auto-attack Adren Gain
To see adrenaline gained with different auto attacks, click here.

Note: If you have any difficulties in using the tools or understanding what the information means, you can always ask in #pvm-help.

Melee melee

This section covers auto attacks, basics, thresholds, ultimate abilities and special attacks for Melee.


Default Melee Auto melee
⬥ Cooldown: Based on Weapon Speed     • Fastest: 4t (2.4s)     • Fast: 5t (3.0s)     • Average: 6t (3.6s)


Chaos Roar chaosroar
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ Unlocked using a Chaos Roar ability codex chaosroarcodex ⬥ Doubles the base damage of the next melee ability cast within 7.2s     • So, it doubles all hits of bleeds (e.g. slaughter) and multi-hit attacks (e.g. cane)     • Channels have multiple casts, so only doubles the first cast (e.g assault hit 1)

Dismember dismember
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ It is a Bleed:     • Not affected by precise or eruptive     • Hits every 2t (1.2s), for a total of 5 times ⬥ Can be extended:     • Strength skillcape strcape passive adds 3 hits     • Masterwork Spear of Annihilation mwspear adds 2 hits ⬥ It is affected by lunging     • Max hit increases by 20% per lunging rank

Backhand backhand
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with Kick kick ⬥ Stuns for 2t (1.2s) ⬥ It is affected by flankicon     • Increases Max by 40% per flankicon rank     • Increases Minimum by 8% per flankicon Rank     • No longer stuns or binds

Kick kick
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with Backhand backhand ⬥ Stuns for 2t (1.2s) ⬥ Causes Knockback:     • Pushes 1x1 targets back 1 tile

Barge barge
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ It is a Mobility ability:     • Will move you to Melee Distance ⬥ It is affected by Mobile mob     • Reduces cooldown to 17t (10.2s)     • Removes adrenaline gain ⬥ Binds for 11t (6.6s) ⬥ It clears Binds

Greater Barge gbarge
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ All normal barge things apply ⬥ It has additional effects:     • Every tick (0.6s) since the player stopped attacking their target, gbarge gains +7% to its max range and +5% to its min, capping at 10t (6s) for a total of 100% and 20%. Damage range go from 75%-95% to 125%-165%     • After 8t (4.8s) pass since you stopped attacking, when you gbarge, if you cast flurry / gflurry / destroy / assault / frenzy within 10t (6s), it will convert the first one done into a damage over time ⬥ For details on how to use it, use !gbarge

Bladed Dive bd
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ It is a Mobility ability:     • If you use it on a tile, it will bd you to that tile     • If you use it on a target it will bd you some point at Melee Distance of the target (the movement is accounted 1t later than had you clicked a tile) ⬥ It is affected by Mobile mob     • Reduces cooldown to 17t (10.2s)     • Removes adrenaline gain ⬥ It is an AoE:     • Hits 3x3 around where you land if used on a target     • This becomes 5x5 with Laceration Halberd bd ⬥ If you use it on a target and it dies within 10t (6s), the cooldown ends

Cleave cleave
⬥ Cooldown: 12t (7.2s) ⬥ It is an AoE

Decimate deci
⬥ Cooldown: 12t (7.2s) ⬥ It does more damage against Shielded targets:     • It goes from a 110%-130% to 140%-160% ability

Sever sever
⬥ Cooldown: 9t (5.4s) ⬥ It reduces target's damage by 10% for 8t (4.8s)

Fury fury
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Next melee attack has +25% increased crit chance

Greater Fury gfury
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Next non-bleed melee hit within 15s is guaranteed to crit     • Only affects first hit of a combo ability     • Is applied only to 1 target in AoE     • Bleeds do not consume buff

Havoc havoc
⬥ Cooldown: 17t (10.2s) ⬥ Affected by Gloves of Passage Glovesofpassage, details in #armour-and-weapons

Smash smash
⬥ Cooldown: 17t (10.2s) ⬥ Affected by Gloves of Passage Glovesofpassage, details in #armour-and-weapons

Slice slice
⬥ Cooldown: 5t (3s) ⬥ Damage boosted on stun/bound targets:     • Becomes a 133%-161% basic ⬥ Affected by energising:     • Gain (energising Rank * 0.6) more adrenaline     • Damage range is now 0.8 * original damage range

Punish punish
⬥ Cooldown: 40t (24s) ⬥ Damage boosted when target is <50% health     • Becomes a 187.5%-237.5% basic


Slaughter slaughter
⬥ Cooldown: 50t (30s) ⬥ It is a Bleed:     • Not affected by precise or eruptive     • Hits every 2t (1.2s), for a total of 5 times ⬥ Triples damage when walked ⬥ Masterwork Spear of Annihilation mwspear adds 2 hits

Blood Tendrils bloodtendrils
⬥ Cooldown: 75t (45s) ⬥ It is a Bleed:     • Not affected by precise or eruptive     • Hits every 2t (1.2s), for a total of 5 times ⬥ Masterwork Spear of Annihilation mwspear adds 2 hits

Assault assault
⬥ Cooldown: 50t (30s) ⬥ Channelled ability

Destroy destroy
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with Hurricane cane ⬥ Stuns for 6t (3.6s) ⬥ Channelled ability

Hurricane cane
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with Destroy destroy ⬥ It is an AoE:     • 3x3 with player as centre     • 5x5 with player as centre with Halberd-type weapon

Flurry flurry
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ It is an AoE:     • 3x3 with player as centre ⬥ Channelled Ability

Greater Flurry gflurry
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ All normal flurry things apply ⬥ Hits reduce zerk cooldown by 2t/hit (1.2s/hit) for up to an 8t (4.8s)

Forceful Backhand fbackhand
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with Stomp stomp ⬥ Stuns for 6t (3.6s) ⬥ It is affected by flankicon     • Increases Max by 40% per flankicon rank     • Increases Minimum by 8% per flankicon rank     • No longer stuns or binds

Stomp stomp
⬥ Cooldown: 25t (15s) ⬥ Shares cooldown with Forceful Backhand fbackhand ⬥ Stuns for 6t (3.6s) ⬥ It causes Knockback     • Pushes 1x1 targets back 1 tile

Quake quake
⬥ Cooldown: 34t (20.4s) ⬥ Applies a defence and affinity debuff:     • +2 affinity     • Reduces Defence level by 5% of base if level is >90% of base ⬥ It is an AoE:     • 3x3 with player as centre     • 5x5 with player as centre with Halberd-type weapon

Special Attacks

Ek-Zekkil zekkil
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 50% (45% with rov) ⬥ Does not benefit from the special attack accuracy buff ⬥ Non-bleed hit followed by a 6-hit bleed     • Each hit deals a multiplicative 5% increase in damage from the previous ⬥ Masterwork Spear of Annihilation mwspear adds 3 hits. Requires zekkil eofdismember, bloodtendrils, slaughter, massacre, comb, frag, deadshot and abyssalscourge's parasite bleed extend the zekkil spec bleed by 1 hit each, capping at 5 extensions

Zaros Godsword zgs
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 50% (45% with rov) ⬥ On cast buff ⬥ 7x7 area (enemy you cast spec on takes damage every 3t (1.8s) while in it) ⬥ Increases damage by 25% from t0→34t (35t/21s duration)     • Buff starts t1 for autos, t2 for everything ⬥ Does not incur the auto cooldown, but will still attempt to force an auto ⬥ Can take weapon off and retain spec effect

Dragon Battleaxe DBA
⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 100% (90% with rov) ⬥ Drains 10% (rounded down) of your Attack, range, Magic, and Defence levels and gain a Strength level boost of 10 + 1 level for every 4 drained from your other stats ⬥ Boosts damage by 1.2 (stacks with zgs for a 1.25 * 1.2 = 1.5 boost), or 1.1 when using zerk, making it a 2 * 1.1 = 2.2 boost ⬥ Multiplicative 10% reduction to hitchance debuff ⬥ These effects lasts 1 minute ⬥ Can take weapon off and retain spec effect

Dragon Dagger dragondagger
⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 25% (22.5% with rov)

Dragon Halberd dragonhalberd
⬥ Cooldown: 12t (7.2s) ⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 30% (27% with rov) ⬥ It is an AoE

Dragon Claws dragonclaw
⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 50% (45% with rov)

Statius's Warhammer swh
⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 35% (31.5% with rov) ⬥ Applies an affinity and Defence reduction:     • +5 affinity     • Reduces Defence level by 30% of base

Vesta Longsword vls
⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 25% (22.5% with rov)

Granite Maul gmaul
⬥ Adrenaline Cost: 50% (45% with rov) ⬥ Can be used during the GCD


Berserk zerk
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ It is an on cast buff ⬥ It increases damage by 100% from t0→t33 (34t/20.4s duration) ⬥ Wearing 3+ pieces of Vestments vestmentsofhavoctop extends the duration from t0→t33 (34t/20.4s) to t0→t43 (44t/26.6s) ⬥ It increases damage taken by 50% ⬥ Does not incur the auto cooldown

Meteor Strike meteorstrike
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ It is an AoE:     • 3x3 with player as centre     • 5x5 with player as centre with Halberd-type weapon ⬥ Provides a Critical Adrenaline buff:     • For the next 30s, melee critical hits give 8% adrenaline     • This buff is applied on release of the ability

Pulverise pulverise
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ Reduces damage dealt by target by 25% ⬥ If target dies to pulverise you gain 50% adrenaline

Overpower overpower
⬥ Cooldown: 50t (30s) ⬥ Affected by the Igneous Kal-Ket igneouskalket and the Igneous Kal-Zuk igneouskalzuk:     • Adrenaline cost reduced to 60%     • The ability has two hits.

Massacre massacre
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ It is mostly a Bleed:     • It does 6 hits, 5 of which are a bleed which means:     • Not affected by precise or eruptive     • Hits 5 times total, once every 2t (1.2s) ⬥ Masterwork Spear of Annihilation mwspear adds 2 hits

Frenzy frenzy
⬥ Cooldown: 100t (60s) ⬥ Channelled ability

Balanced Strike balancedstrike
⬥ Cooldown: 200t (120s) ⬥ Compares player and targets current HP percentage; Higher of the two takes damage based on that difference, and lower is healed for half of that. For details read wiki

melee Melee Ability Index melee
⬥ Click the links to quickly navigate to that ability's information. ⬥ General notes can be found in the introduction here.
Auto and Basics (1/3)
Auto and Basics (2/3)
CleaveDecimateSeverFuryG. FuryHavocSmash
Auto and Basics (3/3)